lts a shame the numbnets on the right hide behind the their little perches and lambast everone that disagrees with them.With no allowance to respond. An AP AOL poll was released today and asked to name the first villain that came to mind. W Bush, 25%, topped the list far outdistancing Osama Bin Laden, and Saddam Hussein, among many others W tops the list. When President Clinton was inpeached his approval rating was 62%. Keep hiding behind your one way stupidity. My next door neighbor's son was in Afganistan( a noble conflict), and was told not to have any children for at least 2 years. They concieved a child,which was miscaired at 4and a half months."It's that damn **** I was exposed to over their". He understands who the villian is and now admits that everything W touches turns to S****!
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