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Politics & Government - 30 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Because they would always abort, just as they sunk themselves in the mission?

2006-11-30 09:30:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

even the land lord sell the land to Mr X, and Mr X sell it to Mr y did the covenant attach the land to Mr y

2006-11-30 09:29:57 · 3 answers · asked by king1986 2 in Law & Ethics

through his intrepidness, would you vote for him if he were to run for office, his platform of course being "The Truth"?

2006-11-30 09:28:17 · 10 answers · asked by why? 1 in Other - Politics & Government

I own a small workshop. Last Monday, I had to leave early and only the workers were at the workshop. They are 2 workers ,and very honest. I trust them very much.
They sold things with the amount of 250 pounds on Monday. When the time came to close up, one of them put the money in the drawer of the desk , and they closed the doors and left.
The next morning, I came and asked for the money, it was gone. They looked for it every where , but they couldn't find it.There was no sign for any break in or anything.As I said , they didn't steal it. But what I think has happened is that they left the place for 3 or 4 minutes, which they often do, and someone got the money from the drawer.I decided to split the amount. I would pay 100. The one who had the money would pay 100. The other one would pay 50.But this last one refused . So I said o.k but I told him that if he ever leaves the place again, I would fire him. He got so upset and left. U think I was right or wrong ?wt should I have done ?

2006-11-30 09:27:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

It is not patriotism to do such a thing.

2006-11-30 09:26:31 · 10 answers · asked by someguy00 1 in Other - Politics & Government

After asking many questions on this site, many people respond with: Drugs are illegal, therefore they are bad. If they are bad, people who do them are bad. Hence, lets put drug users in jail with the rest of the bad people.

If you oppose drug use simply because it is "illegal" then you support slavery. After all, failing to return a runaway slave in early America was illegal. If you were alive during alcohol prohibition, would you stop drinking because it's illegal?
Anyone who says that drugs are bad and has no justification or facts to back it up, and just exclaims that they are illegal should go back to school. Learn to THINK.

Or people will say that drugs are bad for you, so they should be illegal. So to these people, stop watching TV, driving cars, drinking booze, and eating any food other than rice and beans. Or you are a hypocrite.

Or you might say they're addictive, and drug laws stop addiction. Wrong. Try imposing your morality on Muslims, they'll kill you.

2006-11-30 09:25:20 · 5 answers · asked by Chris K 1 in Law & Ethics

has shamu went bonkers, after attacking her trainer , maybe a lydown on the couch, we could explore her issues,

2006-11-30 09:25:16 · 8 answers · asked by pat o 2 in Politics

2006-11-30 09:24:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Public servents on the national level swear an oath of office to uphold the Constitution Of The United States, The Bible is the most frequent book used but the Torah has been used and 4 previous office holders have not used any book, The conservative blogosphere is lit up in rage with one blogger stating the Bible is the ONLY book this Country cares about? Does this represent your view? In my opinion it's a just another way to inflame and continue to drive wedges between Americans, it's not like He's using the Constutution to swear oath to the Koran, it's the opposite, and I always thought Religious FREEDOM was a tenent this Country was founded on, so I'm really asking who's religious freedom matters everyone's or a select "chosen" groups?

2006-11-30 09:24:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

How do you feel about this issue?
If you knew that your child couldn't go to school because there was no room in the classroom or you couldn't afford health care because the prices are to high or that you couldn't get welfare to feed you children.THAT IS BECAUSE THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT'S ARE USING ALL OUR PROGRAMS.Not enuff money for the American people....



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2006-11-30 09:23:37 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

So, in their opinion, Iraq is some fully-restored happy land devoid of violence and bursting with tranquility and democracy?

2006-11-30 09:23:29 · 28 answers · asked by someguy00 1 in Other - Politics & Government

What's your opinion on this? No smoking in bars, retaurants etc, you can't put your cig out outside or you risk a £50 fine for littering!!! Please, tell me? is this BIG BROTHER WATCHING YOU or what??? Sorry to the non-smoking community, but I smoke and what happened to freedom of choice!!?? xx

2006-11-30 09:22:50 · 18 answers · asked by RUTH M 3 in Law & Ethics

rather than having to go fight in Vietnam?

2006-11-30 09:20:20 · 11 answers · asked by dodgerman57 1 in Politics

Why is it that when states are faced with budget shortages, or severe weather as is the case today in some parts of the country, they close down "nonessential state offices". Ummmm, if they are non-essential, why do they exist in the first place? Why not close them permanently ?

2006-11-30 09:19:53 · 6 answers · asked by loving father 5 in Other - Politics & Government

A tale of winners and losers certainly - Working men's bars shutting down but benefiting some chains that are not 'wet' led .

2006-11-30 09:17:55 · 3 answers · asked by LongJohns 7 in Politics

With higher taxes under Socialism like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi suggest would that mean that there would be a "glass ceiling" and no reason for ambition and hrad work?

2006-11-30 09:17:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

My name is Derrick Deen and I am planning on running for a position for an organization called Washington DECA. This club has over ten thousand students in our state and the primary focuses of DECA are marketing and leadership. The office I plan on running for is a very important position and is run like a real election. If you could help me come up with a slogan I would greatly appreciate it.

2006-11-30 09:16:55 · 5 answers · asked by Derrick Deen 1 in Elections

Could it be that the liberal once again are full of fecal matter? Could a liberal explain without getting this question deleted?

2006-11-30 09:16:39 · 10 answers · asked by ? 4 in Politics

2006-11-30 09:16:27 · 3 answers · asked by bussiness_hotshot 1 in Military

2006-11-30 09:13:00 · 22 answers · asked by Tofu Jesus 5 in Politics

...............are good at killing unarmed people, but when people take up arms and start fighting back they complain.

2006-11-30 09:12:59 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

He (he is a Peruvian native by the way) married his second wife (she is also peruvian) in Peru two months before the judge finalized our (I'm American) divorce here in the U.S. He is now seeking a divorce from her, however, I am curious if he can invalidate the marriage by stating he wasn't divorced before he married her. If he does this, will he be charged with Bigamy? Would it be better just do go through the divorce procedure in Peru and not say anything about the other divorce not being final (he's the only one that knows, she doesn't)?

2006-11-30 09:12:16 · 5 answers · asked by AnswerWhore 1 in Immigration

My grandfather died last year in January and I was named in his will. I (and my sisters) am willed a good amount of money. The executor is my aunt (his daughter) and she tells us that she legally can take up to 21 years to give us our money. She keeps putting us all off when we ask her what is going on with the will. So I have some questions..
1. Can I get a copy of his will and how so?
2. What is Florida law concerning payouts of a will?
3. Does she have a time limit to pay beneficiaries?
4. Can my aunt dis-inheiret us if she wants to?

I have tried to find information on this, but am having a lot of trouble. I don't understand any legal jargon.

Thank you for your help

2006-11-30 09:08:16 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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