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Politics & Government - 30 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

is this true? Twelve a day,approximately

2006-11-30 08:00:14 · 14 answers · asked by getnabargain 2 in Immigration

Ok my mom sent me to the poultry place to buy chicken and as i left my building and was walking down the block there was a gang of 10 black thuggy looking boys and one of the called me a sexy little slu*t.
When I came back from the store, I took another way but saw them in front of my building. As I got closer, they sarted fanning their selves with their shirts...I'm scared..
I'm 14, 5'3'
they look about 17 to 21

2006-11-30 07:56:13 · 25 answers · asked by Julia M 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Gordon Brown's son has been diagnosed with the condition. An issue that affects many ordinary people is now being personally experienced by a man who has the power and influence to do something about it. Do you think he will?

2006-11-30 07:55:20 · 9 answers · asked by Mark J 2 in Politics

When strangers (or anyone for that matter) thanks you for your service, do you:

A) Get annoyed because you just want to be left alone?
B) Get annoyed or feel uncomfortable because you don't do what you do for appreciation?
C) Get annoyed because it's a cliche statement that doesn't have any real meaning (you suspect)?
D) Appreciate it but don't need it?
E) Appreciate it and wish it happened more often?

You can pick more than one.

Also, if you are a military spouse, and someone thanks YOU, how do YOU feel about it? Do you think it's weird, or warranted and appreciated?

2006-11-30 07:55:03 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2006-11-30 07:52:33 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

A property developer recently dug up, for connection to services, a private road which runs outside a friends house. The private road does not belong to the property develope or the friend. The developer has reinstated the part of the road which was dug up to highway standards but the friend doesn't like the fact that the road is now different colours and wants the property developer to retarmac the whole road. is this what should be expected of the property developer.

2006-11-30 07:51:52 · 8 answers · asked by Lily 2 in Law & Ethics

i am looking to find a list that shows names so i can see what his rank/position he was and to see what medal he was awarded.

2006-11-30 07:49:39 · 1 answers · asked by sativa22f 1 in Military

The great Stephen Colbert!
If anyone watched the Colbert report last night you would've heard him talking about that factory getting busted with tons of illegal immigrants, then they replaced those illegals with homeless people and prisoners. So if we were to send the illegal immigrants to prison for being illegal we can then just turn around and hire them legally for the same price... Right?

I mean if we send them back to Mexico, the Mexican government is just going to let them out to come back to America, and where is the AMERICAN JUSTICE in that?

2006-11-30 07:49:35 · 22 answers · asked by NONAME 1 in Immigration

"The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it." (Article One, section nine of the U.S. Constitution).
The Military Commissions Act of 2006 allows the government to hold all suspicious non-citizens and citizens found in the United States indefinitely. Habeas Corpus, innocent until proven guilty, is shattered with the Un-American MCA passed by our devisive congress and endorsed by our president.
Amendment 4 of the Constitution was violated according to a high court in Detroit, Michigan. Bush's NSA warrantless wire-tapping program is considered an unlawful search and seizure and a terrible violation of privacy. Not to mention the NSA violates FISA standards.
And don't let me even get started on Bush's record with international law...
But I suppose all of this doesn't matter to some people, right?

2006-11-30 07:49:07 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Who do you think will be the frontrunner from either (or neither) party for the 2008 presidential election? I'm just curious as to what other critically-thinking, news-savy, average-joe voters like myself are thinking.

2006-11-30 07:46:56 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections


And she swears at decent people who know what they're saying, unlike this moron. She must have an illegal friend.

2006-11-30 07:46:39 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

After invasion of Iraq the only thing american troops did was protecting oil wells and its ministry.

2006-11-30 07:40:06 · 23 answers · asked by Dollar! 1 in Military

2006-11-30 07:39:25 · 7 answers · asked by Element 115 2 in Military

Illegals should get the hell out. ANYONE WHO SUPPORTS ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IS AN ILLEGAL OR KNOWS ONE. I AM NOT SAYING LEGAL MEXICANS SHOULD LEAVE. I am getting tired of them and I think we should blast a couple if they try to cross the border illegally. Nobody likes them, and they have no life.

2006-11-30 07:37:58 · 30 answers · asked by The Last Patriot 1 in Immigration

Can your employer legally change your job responsibilities, reduce your salary, and/or assign you to a different department? Why or why not?

2006-11-30 07:35:50 · 12 answers · asked by shusha 1 in Law & Ethics

LBJ was corrupt and blew it in Vietnam. Nixon was paranoid and blew it with his lying. Ford was ok but was defeated by an idiot named Jimmy Carter who gave away the Panama Canal and the Iran hostage scenario. Reagan was ok but almost spend us into bankruptcy. Bush I was a wimp and reptilian blue blood. Clinton was a pervert/womanizer. And now the idiot mamma's boy Bush II. Good grief people can't we nominate a man with smarts, common sense and INTEGRITY???????

2006-11-30 07:35:22 · 19 answers · asked by Guadalupe Joe 2 in Politics

Concerning Illegal Immigration...how these organizations work, are they racist or legitimate?

2006-11-30 07:31:03 · 3 answers · asked by Sassy 3 in Immigration

I'm 21 years old and I thinking about enlisting in the Navy, and I wanted to know if there are any people out there that's in the Navy and if there's anything (bad or good) that you can share about you experience. I would appreciate it.

2006-11-30 07:30:29 · 8 answers · asked by Supa_Sexy1 2 in Military

it's obvious to blame the obvious, the media were blameing saddam hussian beofre the iraq war for terrorist attacks and for making w.m.d's, well that media hype has gone down the toilet since.if russia wanted to kill this spy they could have done it ages ago, even hired someone in the u.k to do it, and plus they wouldn't use radiation ,a simple bullet would be enough, as u can see radiation has left a trail in so many places so russian agents would not be that silly.anyway the truth is some other forghin power or powers is behind this killing to discredit russia, since russia is pulling it's weight around,so it looks like the public have been brain washed allready into thinking russia is behnd all this. what do ppl think?

2006-11-30 07:26:34 · 22 answers · asked by w.m.d's_bro 3 in Other - Politics & Government

my son was lets just say he was hurt by a female cousin. she is in counseling as a sex offender. does this mean that she is being charged for the crime she committed against my son she is 12 and my son is 8. do you think that her parents should be responsible for my sons counseling bills that have occured because of what she did. i am petitoning the court to make her publicly apolgize to my son for what she did.C.P.S is sending the case to the grand jury is this a sign that she will be prosecuted?

2006-11-30 07:25:28 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Here is a link to a great website that Military and non should view to see some photos of our heros. It takes a few minutes to load but its worth it.


Thank a Vet for our great American way when you see one!

2006-11-30 07:24:08 · 5 answers · asked by Dog Lover 7 in Military

When so it freakin cold! Seattle, where I live, the other day set the state record for most rainfall in the month of november. Lynnwood, WA where my parents live, was the coldest they felt in 20 years at 13 degrees F!
Al Gore's tactic, of making americans feel like they are the worst people on the face of the earth, also suggested that we would have more violent hurricanes after Katrina... The hurricane season came and gone without stirring a neighborhood.
Liberal lies I tell you.

2006-11-30 07:24:00 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

the term around not having any idea of what it means? since it's meaning has serious consequences.

2006-11-30 07:23:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

when i was paid my wages on the 28th of november, no overtime which i had worked was paid to me and i was told i would have to wait until the 28th of december.how do i go about the formal grievance procedure

2006-11-30 07:22:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I was booked in Bond Street, near Ealing Broadway. My ticket ran out at 17.17 and was booked at 17.18.

2006-11-30 07:19:53 · 15 answers · asked by Yucca 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

A coup d’État (pronounced /ku de'ta/) is the sudden overthrow of a government through unconstitutional means by a part of the state establishment — mostly replacing just the high-level figures. It may or may not be violent in nature. It is different from a revolution, which is staged by a larger group and radically changes the political system. In Haiti, it was a very violent moment. The recent one was in February 2004.

2006-11-30 07:15:50 · 2 answers · asked by fsalomon06 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Was A.Halmilton a federalist or a demo-republican?

2006-11-30 07:15:37 · 3 answers · asked by bethkakid777 2 in Politics

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