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Politics & Government - 6 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I am 16 and was involved in a minor hit and run. at the time i did not have my license. But i got it recently. Will my license be revoked? Or yet suspended and for how long? And a city council and a cop is coming with me for support. Will that matter at all?

2006-11-06 19:09:14 · 3 answers · asked by LiveandLearn 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Heres mine:
House Dems gain 34 new house: 236 Dems to 198 Reps
Sanate EVEN
Govenors Dems +2

2006-11-06 19:04:09 · 9 answers · asked by dharmabear 3 in Elections

I was just thinking, congress has hundreds of members and the supreme court has 9 justices. So why is there just one president? Is it so things will get done faster? Is it relic from monarchy?

2006-11-06 19:04:01 · 2 answers · asked by Subconsciousless 7 in Government

We are in desperate need of oversight in this country. Make sure your Dem pals and moderate Republicans send a message to DC. We will no longer stand for the lies and down right lack of concern for the middle class.

2006-11-06 19:03:05 · 7 answers · asked by 2ndst 1 in Elections

Without Government we wouldn't need to pay taxes, wade through mountains of red tape to get anything done, have to carry Id papers or be arrested, get harassed by police if we become a threat to their power, have a rich elite who steal nearly all of the wealth and fat lawyers helping greedy judges pretend there is a workable justice system at our expense. We didn't always have these parasites telling us what to do. People managed perfectly well without cameras on ever street corner and wasteful politicians wasting hard earned tax dollars. I think the best thing that could happen is for all politicians, public service people and the rest of the blood sucking vampire bureaucracy was rounded up and placed in an open field so they could be strafed by the airforce. Governments took control over our lives and told us what was best for us but none of us were born with a choice. We'll be better off after we get rid of the criminals. The only good politician is a dead one. Governments are evil.

2006-11-06 19:01:31 · 15 answers · asked by jeeperscreepersthree 1 in Government

and if someone there in my voting district can't guarantee that my vote will be counted FAIRLY amd SQUAREly, I'm going to insist on a paper ballot ----or I won't vote at all.

2006-11-06 18:59:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

The U.S. Census Bureau says 20 million single women did not vote in the 2004 election.

Even if you're not single, VOTE! Don't waste it!

2006-11-06 18:57:50 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

And if so, do you think the government will be caught fixing the election, since many organisations will be armed with video cameras?

What's your thoughts and opinions of camera crews guarding the election?


2006-11-06 18:53:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Why so...

2006-11-06 18:49:53 · 13 answers · asked by MaSTeR 3 in Elections

I have a misdameaner case for a Suspended License, they will probably just give me a fine, but the bad ting is the Court Date is only a Month away from being shipped to bootccamp. so will i be disqualified if i plead Guilty and just take the fine or will i be okay as long as i pay the fine on time.

2006-11-06 18:48:53 · 10 answers · asked by King_Taiq da 3rd 2 in Military

The Republicans will retain the Senate. The Democrats may or may not win the House. But, even if they do, they will never enjoy 'party line voting', because more than 30 of the dems expected to win, are not card carrying members of the Democratic Party. They ran as Democrats for convenience purposes only. That's the REAL surprise that nobody saw coming.

Or, Did you see that coming? Feel free to elaborate.

2006-11-06 18:47:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

will i fall off the earth if i sail too far into the horizon? :(

2006-11-06 18:45:40 · 15 answers · asked by . 2 in Immigration

2006-11-06 18:43:54 · 8 answers · asked by Ren 1 in Immigration


If so, why?

2006-11-06 18:41:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

traffic discovery in california who do you send the copy too? Da's office , cop,court ???who

2006-11-06 18:39:45 · 1 answers · asked by 06tiburon 1 in Law & Ethics

Seriously, looking for opinions.

Is it military service maybe?

Maybe obeying our laws?

Voting regularly?

Standing with our government maybe?

Is it being a faithful Christian?

Seriously, just thinking about comparisons between opinions of the past versus now and would like honest ideas on what you believe makes you a good American.

2006-11-06 18:39:01 · 15 answers · asked by BeachBum 7 in Politics

It has been open season on Christian for a long time now and i am wondering why it is that people who advocate tolerance and acceptance of other religions can not also show tolerance and acceptance of Conservative Christians.

So why do you hate us so? Why is it OK with dems/libs to get Black churches and Black Preachers to do their bidding for them but not OK for us to do the same thing? What is it about the term "double standard" dems/libs don't understand?

2006-11-06 18:39:00 · 21 answers · asked by barrettins 3 in Politics


This speaks to me...but not what most people get. If you watch this film clip it seems as if this movie Obsession is seriously edited and geared towards people who want an even bigger reason to to justify having gone to war with Iraq...because they are Muslim. This is turning it into a religious war. Another person responded to a question very poignantly by stating if a Jehovas Witness's (christian) declared holy war against all Muslims then the people who follow the religion can claim that all Christians are terrorists. The movie is seemingly trying to portray and to give us a reason to believe that this war in Iraq is "ok" and we "should" be there.Does anyone else get that or do we all flat out believe what we see on t.v. if it is in a documentary format that contains some 'shock and awe' footage? We need to wake up and remember our own history...remember what we did when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor to the Japanese Americans...?

2006-11-06 18:34:27 · 6 answers · asked by Jessy 5 in Other - Politics & Government

I want to write to our soliders in Iraq. Where do I send them? What address do I use? Can any of them receive emails from the states?

Have any of you written to soliders that you personally don't know? What type of things do you talk about?

2006-11-06 18:34:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military


This might be a dumb question and it's definately kind of late, but here goes. My wife & I moved a few months ago and I'm pretty sure we were registered to vote, but not positive. (We voted last time) If I have to, I'll go back to where I voted last time, (it's only 45 minutes away), but I'm not sure I can, & I don't know if we needed to reregister. How can I find out on line? Thanks in advance.

2006-11-06 18:33:12 · 9 answers · asked by Old Cripple 3 in Civic Participation

The house is a forgone conclusion, the GOP will lose at least 15 seats there. The senate is the only question mark.

2006-11-06 18:28:33 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

if a person claims he was hit by a car, and doesn't press charges immediatly, how long does he have till he can no longer press charges?

2006-11-06 18:28:21 · 4 answers · asked by philips 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I need to know who to vote for and I think we need unity in our country. To do this we need tolerance. So, are democrats more tolerant of Republicans, or are Republicans more tolerant of Democrats? Why?

2006-11-06 18:18:12 · 6 answers · asked by Jace 4 in Elections

marriage initiative is a closet homosexual? The vice Presidents daughter is gay? Foley is a pedophile! Do the religious right feel used?

2006-11-06 18:18:12 · 13 answers · asked by Rick 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Don't get me wrong, I'm a moderate... I agree with Republicans on some issues and Democrats on others. I notice that there's a lot of polical jabber here... how many people who are complaining about Republicans and claiming victory for the Democrats will actually vote? And how many of those who don't vote will be complaining about the outcome after tomorrow?

2006-11-06 18:17:34 · 7 answers · asked by Zloar 4 in Elections

help me develope an thesis... ideas...theory....questions...promblem

do not forget i need to compare and contrast one another...

2006-11-06 18:14:11 · 7 answers · asked by Curious 2 in Government

To all my fellow Marines...happy early bday...SEMPER FI

2006-11-06 18:12:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

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