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Politics & Government - 22 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

and supposedly believe in the Golden Rule, actually backstab, play politics, judge, gossip, and screw over their neighbors worse than anyone else? Then they often knowingly twist and distort the truth to make themselves look righteous?

I am drawing this from a 36 year period living in the bible belt.

2006-10-22 03:54:57 · 7 answers · asked by Karasu 1 in Law & Ethics

2006-10-22 03:49:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Because Diebold et al owns the voting apparatus, and they have pledged to deliver the vote to the Repulsicans, there is no way to determine how we actually voted. "Stealing Democracy: Vote by Vote" is a great documentary that shows how the voters in Ohio voted for Kerry, but upon review, the machine showed they had 'voted' for Bush and they were unable to change it. etc, etc, etc.
Democratic registrations in New MExico were thrown into the garbage, collected by Republicans and never delivered to voting HQ. So they go to vote and they're 'not registered'. PRecincts with predominantly Dem voters had only 3 voting machines when they used to have 10 BEFORE a tremendous uptick in the no. of voters. 3 Ohio precincts registered over 10,000 votes when they together didn't have but about 3000. But the bought media doesn't report it. Don't believe ABC, NBC, CBS: they lie by omission.

2006-10-22 03:49:05 · 13 answers · asked by Alice B 1 in Elections

2006-10-22 03:48:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-10-22 03:48:31 · 6 answers · asked by ? 2 in Elections

My Messy Room

My messy room,
What shall I do.
You are so messy,
And you need a cleaning too.
I want to pick you up,
But you are too messy,
even for me.
So I think I will be lazy
And just sit around too.

2006-10-22 03:46:34 · 12 answers · asked by Tina Louise Smith 1 in Immigration

And we accept Euros and American Express, How come 90% of English cities refuse to accept Scottish Currency, Some say because Scottish currency is easily Faked but in the past 10 years, 97% of English notes have been found to be Forged?

2006-10-22 03:46:13 · 19 answers · asked by shiloh6662001 3 in Government

Is there a meal size limit or a meal budget you have to follow? Are you given whatever you want or limited to the local area?

Anyone a correction officer? Can you answer this?

2006-10-22 03:45:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Do you support immigration enforcement enough to join the Border Patrol?

2006-10-22 03:45:18 · 23 answers · asked by gokart121 6 in Immigration

Beauty of The Sea

Sitting alone on the beach watching
the tide go out, the water is captivating.
Like liquid glass that reaches far
out into the horizon, it takes my worries
away. Seeing the dolphins playing
under the sun, I watch in awe at the
beauty that has become my sanctuary.
Almost surreal, this time...as if I have
been dropped into a picture on the wall.
Waves crashing all around me, soothing all
fear. I hear a seagull in the distance.A
lonely cry, looking for a friend and I
marvel at the miracle of this place.
If there is a God, He is out in the
roaring of this all powerful thing, in
the beauty and absolute magic of the sea,
where my heart is restored.

2006-10-22 03:43:16 · 13 answers · asked by Tina Louise Smith 1 in Immigration

In a little more than two weeks, when the Democrats take back America, will all that hot air be released from the Republican stuffed shirts?

Or will they complain when they are not allowed to steal the food out of little children's mouths so they can give it to rich greedy corporations like Halliburton, Mobil/Exxon, and Raytheon?

2006-10-22 03:39:57 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I met my wife on the internet, & she lives in Colombia so I went there & we got married over there just over a yr ago; so what forms do I need to fill out to get her over here, & how long will take ?

2006-10-22 03:38:44 · 12 answers · asked by vingalsbe68 1 in Immigration

ive noticed they rised after bush failure in middle east!! or maybe they just hate ppl for no reason!!

2006-10-22 03:31:18 · 32 answers · asked by GIRL HUNTER 2 in Politics

Or is it the homeowner of the house its used in, who is responsible for content viewed

2006-10-22 03:30:36 · 13 answers · asked by leon 1 in Law & Ethics


Where are all of the clowns? Where are the rainbows from my childhood? The darkness has enveloped me once again, who knows from whence it came, but they are there in the darkness with me. I can hear their evil laughter, the fear they are trying to make me feel. The brightness from years before is only a faded memory, some little girl that was running through the flowers with her father chasing closely behind, so many, many years before. Now, there are only pills and doctors saying they have the panacea, the cure, but where is it? I am dying, just like the flowers that have faded in the field so long ago.

2006-10-22 03:30:27 · 6 answers · asked by Tina Louise Smith 1 in Immigration

well i got my skol assienment nd i need ur opinions on dat questions so give ya girl some help...

2006-10-22 03:29:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Since two days I read the questions and the answers here on yahoo clever America. My english isn't so good, and I often search for words. But I see there are discussions about the abilities of your President. I know, the USA has a lot of different countries and different people and of course different opinions.
I don't like to have prejudice and therefore I want to read your opinion. Please tell me, why do you think, he is a good or a bad president.
I think, he is not the best one of all your presidents. Since the last 50 years for me it was John F. Kennedy.

2006-10-22 03:23:11 · 15 answers · asked by ninotschka 4 in Other - Politics & Government

I drive through many states on a weekly basis because of work. I also carry a Beretta PX4 with me as protection,which is an awessome gun in my opinion. I always try to stay as law biding as possible, however, this one has me snagged.Can anyone help?

2006-10-22 03:21:50 · 15 answers · asked by Biscuit 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I mean honestly what is wrong with what seems like most people on this board and in America? We are fighting people that would kill any of us because we are AMERICANS. There absolutely no morale in this country and it is an absolute disgrace. All people do in this country is rely on the bogus liberal media who twists things arounfd to make Republicans look like fools when in fact they are actually doing something about the people who are killing all the Iraqis and OUR TROOPS. No but we are suppose to pull out of Iraq right now and abandon what we started nearly 4 years ago because we are losing 100 people a week. Are you kidding me? Look at any other major wars, in some of them we lost 10 times more in one week then in this entire war. All any of you have to do is look back at 9/11, do you remember how horrible that was? Thats what we are fighting for, because if we werent fighting over there wed be fighting over here with attacks on our soil everyday. Would you like that?

2006-10-22 03:19:51 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

...history indeed tells us what the Western offensive should do in Iraq - but who's big enough to withdraw. The refusal of Bush and Blair has made them a laughing stock in both the countries they are head of. Toppling Saddam was one thing, but that was only half the job done. Will we end up leaving Iraq with heads held high, or defeated solodiers who, just like the early seventies return to their mother country with scorn and hate?

2006-10-22 03:19:46 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Am i right in assuming that the EU removed the death penalty for treason in the united Kingdom. But no one was told.

2006-10-22 03:16:54 · 24 answers · asked by jj26 5 in Law & Ethics

Please don't reply if you have no idea what you're talking about because that doesn't help me at all when little kids say "no! Not til you're 18 because you're parents say so" or something like that.
K thanks =]

2006-10-22 03:13:27 · 6 answers · asked by Krispy Kreme 1 in Law & Ethics

Dont allow this peoples in your country because they distorts poilitics ideas. They do not respect anything.

"If god does not exist, everything if possible". Senator Sibá Machado of Party of Workes (Partido dos Trabalhadores, PT)

God help us

2006-10-22 03:12:42 · 4 answers · asked by O Grande Coisa 4 in Politics

I have a chronic illness and it really helps me with the symtoms. However, in order to get any kind of relief I would have to break the law.

2006-10-22 03:10:04 · 18 answers · asked by Ocean Wanderer 1 in Law & Ethics

He knows damn well he can't "win" in Iraq now. It's like fighting an earthquake. The vast majority of Iraqis and now americans are against it. Bush is in a lose lose position. Is he finally doing the right thing?

Should the New York Times go on the highest terror alert?

2006-10-22 03:09:52 · 12 answers · asked by notme 5 in Politics

I'm writing a book about a woman who kills her husband when he was beating on her (she stabs him with a kitchen knife). I don't know what procedures the police would take in a situation like that. I want my book to be as accurate as possible. Keep in mind that she stabbed him in self-defense.

2006-10-22 03:06:06 · 5 answers · asked by Jamie 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

also there are several of my neighbours are termimally ill .It is a intrusion it worse than loud music and very frighting with all the worry of bombs going off .

2006-10-22 03:04:36 · 35 answers · asked by brainof britain 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I was just watching a program produced from a local freedom center. That's a museum that is dedicated to telling the story of slavery in America. They focus on the undergroud railroad etc. They fail to mention the lives these slaves had prior to entering American. The vast majority were already slaves in Africa and many were sold by other Africans to European slave traders. The fact is their lives improved a great deal by coming to America..that was one lucky ticket. Looking at the condition of Africa today with the corruption it is no wonder why we don't see a massive exodus or even a tribble to return to the land of stavation and murderous war Lords. When my ancestors came to America they endured great hardships and discrimination that they over came with hard work and sheer determination to succeed. No one held a protest march, No one demanded special employment laws...they walked forward, men led their families, mothers loved their children.

Where am I wrong? (DETAILS)

2006-10-22 03:01:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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