I FINALLY found something that finger-wagging Slick said that made sense, at least inasfar as I can find, and believe me, I do keep track of this rascal.
"The problem with ideology is, if you've got an ideology, you've already got your mind made up. You know all the answers and that makes evidence irrelevant and arguments a waste of time. You tend to govern by assertion and attacks."
Amen! And if that isn't the definition of an arrogant LIBERAL know-it-all, I don't know what is!
Truer to form the other day, he was in Maine trying to whip his..er, I mean..whip up support for that worthless liberal governor they have there, old Whatshisname. He called this guy "progressive" (liberal joke) and "conservative" (biggest side-splitter of all).
I am ready for some changes myself, but the thought of the Clintons, Pelosi, Dean, Kennedy, Boxer, Gore, Kerry, Reid and company in charge makes my skin literally crawl.
We might as well bring in Michael Moore as VP if Hils wins.
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