I think even normal citizens who are even Democrats are getting sick of it. Celebrities, politicians, the media do nothing but sit there and bash our President day in and out. "bush is an idiot" "bush is hitler" "blah blah blah" Its just getting sickening. Nothing intelligent to say, no answers, just Bush bashing. Grow up. If you dont like him fine. But if you dont have anything better or more intelligent to say or something useful then just shut the hell up. Bush has done what he feels is right for our country. To keep us safe and to help spread democracy and the thoughts of freedom around the world. Sure, he hasnt been prefect but last time I checked I think he is human. The funny thing is, most people who bash him really dont have a clue what they are bashing him for. They dont do research or even know really what they are talking about. They are just too easily swayed by negative propaganda of the liberal media or pompus *** actors like Sean Penn or Alec Baldwin or Dix. Chix.
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