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Politics & Government - 12 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2006-10-12 06:49:05 · 11 answers · asked by abc123 1 in Military

Men who open doors for women
Women who intend to get married and have children
Women who where dresses, especially pink ones
Mentioning race in any context
Ann Coulter
Country Music
Mentioning Religion in any context
People who use the word “sin” and not “f***”
Men who where cowboy hats and/or boots
Carl Rove
Tax cuts
Rush Limbaugh
Personal Accountability
The 2nd Amendment
Competition in Education
George W. Bush

2006-10-12 06:47:30 · 20 answers · asked by Fork Canada 3 in Politics

I totally understand that illegal immigration is a crime and shouldnt be allowed but when people think about this they think Mexicans, Here in NY there are illegals from Europe, asia everywhere and people dont mind them as much as they mind Mexicans, so because they are white and pretty is ok for them not to be legal? When they see a mexican or someone that looks mexican they assume the person is illegal its just sad, Alot of mexicans that qualify for benefits dont get them because they are too scare of being cought and deported and dont even get medical help when they need it, They are not the only criminals, some americans make it easy on them selling them social securities and giving them jobs off the books and renting them houses to live, I see more news of African Americans commiting crimes than immigrants but yet they have more of a problem with mexicans, I dont judge anybody because Im not perfect and Im not better than anybody else, so i dont get why people do this so much

2006-10-12 06:45:53 · 19 answers · asked by audrey 3 in Immigration

There are "askers" on here that cannot break out of the political/government questions. That is, the limit of their mental capacity is almost exclusively this due to some type of obsessive compulsion on their part. All one has to do is click on the "askers" avatar, click on questions asked/answered to see the variety in their mental strength. Furthermore, some are so mentally incapacitatied that their avatar or screen name is political.

Lack of intellect?
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
Forgot to take their medications?
Attempting to make up for social inadequacies?
Incapable of processing personal emotions effectively?

What do you think their problem is, and do you think they will ever be able to expand their gandra? Are they simply incapable of delivering anything beyond low-brow political commentary and assaults?

Bottom line, assaulting others on this or any other board only strengthens your opponent's resolve.Try respecful intellectual pursuasion folks

2006-10-12 06:45:26 · 18 answers · asked by Robert 5 in Other - Politics & Government

Do you think that if they change the law that requires crimes against children - FROM DOWNLOADING CHILD PORN TO RAPING A CHILD (all the same in my mind) - to mean life in prison without parole or the death sentence that all sex offenders on the registry should be “grandfathered” into that law. ALL sex offenders that are listed on the registry should have to go back to prison for the rest of their lives. NO EXCEPTIONS… If you ever committed a sex offense crime “NO MATTER WHAT IT WAS”, you should be forced to go back to prison for the rest of your natural life.

2006-10-12 06:44:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Come on libs. Don't ask me to prove that these protests in San Francisco are compiled of liberals. That's like asking someone to proof that fish live in water.

2006-10-12 06:43:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My passport contains my visa stamp. I just received notification that my conditions have been removed from greencard and I need to go to immigration offices with letter and passport to get unconditional green card. However, I need to renew passport first and when I went to do this I could not find anywhere.
So, now I need to renew a missing passport which contained my documentation of legal status. I do have photocopies of my visa info but want to know the best way to proceed.
Any help would be much appreciated.

2006-10-12 06:42:22 · 1 answers · asked by Will N 1 in Immigration

Woodrow Wilson - World War I
Franklin Roosevelt - World War II
Harry Truman - Korean War & Vietnam
Lyndon Johnson - escalated Vietnam War

2006-10-12 06:42:13 · 8 answers · asked by Just a guy 2 in Politics

2006-10-12 06:40:37 · 16 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

2006-10-12 06:40:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

1. There is a distinct singular American culture - rugged individualism and self-reliance - which made America great.
2. The vast majority of the rich in this country did not inherit their
wealth; they earned it. They are the country's achievers, producers, and job creators.
3. No nation has ever taxed itself into prosperity.
4. Evidence refutes liberalism.
5. There is no such thing as a New Democrat.
6. The Earth's eco-system is not fragile.
7. Character matters; leadership decends from character.
8. The most beautiful thing about a tree is what you do with it after you cut it down.
9. Ronald Reagan was the greatest president of the twentieth century.
10. The 1980s was not a decade of greed but a decade of prosperity; it was the longest period of peacetime growth in American history.
11. Abstinence prevents sexually transmitted disease and pregnancy -every time it's tried.
12. Condoms only work during the school year.

2006-10-12 06:39:47 · 4 answers · asked by Fork Canada 3 in Politics

Will the liberals break out their 70s placards of global cooling and start protesting against the damage of the greenhouse and our freezing to death?

2006-10-12 06:37:31 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

A friend of mine has an aunt, now 61 years old. she has just announced that she won't be driving anymore.
But. She also announced that she had been driving around since she was 28 years old and during all that time, she hadn't had a valid drivers license. She said she would buy insurance for all of the cars she owned over the years at registration time, but would let it lapse as soon as she got an id card. She never had an accident (THANK GOD!) and she was only stopped twice over all of these years but managed to talk her way out of tickets. My friend did not believe her but had someone she knew in Motor Vehicle check the name. No record of any license! This woman claims that insurance premiums were too high, that she never had enough money, and that she had to take care of my friend's four cousins on her own. She never took an kind of state or federal aid. . (She had a number of jobs, all low-paying.,)

But I ask you.
Is this womnan lucky, or what?

2006-10-12 06:35:32 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Remember, blame America for all of your problems! America never has done anything right. If liberals hate America, who the hell is keeping them from moving to Iran or France?

2006-10-12 06:32:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I would like to know how long we are going to put up with this lack of leadership from our goverment and I mean Both Democrats,Republicans and the Congress seems no one can agree on how to do anything to improve our situation in the world and at home personally I am sick of this it makes me Ill to know the all the beaureacrats have done is leave us flat to gain advantage for themselves and improve there own situation as long as there insulated its ok. Wrong people we need to start getting fighting mad about this inept governing or we will be Mexico in 30 years total laugh totally broke totally screwed.

2006-10-12 06:31:40 · 13 answers · asked by Giv-Me-An-Sir 2 in Civic Participation

is there any law that covers shopsteward discrimation, or any law that gives shop steward protection, that makes them any different from from trade union protection i have won my case, against my empolyer, i want to know whatmonies i mite be able to fight for,

2006-10-12 06:31:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

why doesn't the green party ever win?

2006-10-12 06:30:45 · 11 answers · asked by Mary Jane 1 in Elections

I am taking paralegal classes, one of my questions is if the police have a search warrent for a suspects hard drive, sould he be compelled (made to) qive them the key (password) to unlock the information. Do not take into consideration that they will eventually get it anyway. My answer was no he does not have to give it up. I based that on reasoning that if he did that it would be self incriminating, and I think that you don't have to do anything that is self criminating. The rest of the class disagrees with me, and the teacher hasn't weighed in yet. Thanks in advance!

2006-10-12 06:29:52 · 16 answers · asked by Flower Girl 6 in Law & Ethics

PAHRUMP, Nev. -- Nevada's banking community is worrying that a proposed local law in Nye County's largest community would make it illegal for illegal immigrants to open accounts or cash checks.

"How do I do business in Pahrump with an ordinance like this?" Bill Martin, president of Nevada State Bank, said of the proposed "English Language and Patriot Reaffirmation Ordinance."

The law would prohibit accepting foreign identification, offering housing, or loaning or giving money to undocumented immigrants in this fast-growing town 60 miles west of Las Vegas. It would make English the official language and prohibit flying a foreign flag by itself.

Officials said the identification provision could stop the town's banks from accepting as identification a card that since 2002 has issued by the Mexican Consulate in Las Vegas."

So.... how do foriegners open accounts? How does this work w/ ATMs? I use those in Mexico...

I'm against illegal immigration, but see issues. U?

2006-10-12 06:29:44 · 15 answers · asked by DAR 7 in Immigration

Well done for daring to publish the article today. Though never having been a big fan of Mr Jack Straw, I must applaud him for his comments that represent the vast majority of his constituents. The backlash from this will be huge. I, as many others feel personal insulted when I see a Muslim women veiled in the way that they are. It is in insult to MY way of life, MY country, MY traditions, MY religion and most of all to members of MY family who died to keep this country free from, fanatical, ill-informed, indoctrinated, misguided and brain-washed individuals, who also happened to dress in black.
If I decided to become a devout Christian and decided to walk around Blackburn in a peaked hat with 2 slits for eyes, as they do in Seville, Spain during semana santa, I would be arrested, for racism.
Why are these people here? Is it for the warm inviting climate? Or the welcoming bars or the great and many varied ways we can prepare pork or maybe or scantly clad females and open mindedness of the locals. Maybe not. So why do you come to a country where everything you resent is forefront? Or maybe WE have got it all wrong. If you want to be a topless model, choose Tehran to launch your career, thinking of opening a surfing school?..... has to be the Dead Sea, watch wild wilder beast roaming the plains?.. has to be Iceland. These people chose to live here. By doing so they wanted to live our lifestyle. They have blatantly failed to do that. They have insulted it and disrespected it. In doing so they have also jeopardized the reputation and integrity of the majority of Muslims who can live within the community, practise their religion and mutually share their culture to the benefit of all. We refuse to accept the KKK way of dressing, why should we accept theirs.
If this is such a respectfull and caring religion the first thing you would do is respect the environment you live in and consider the feelings of those around you. Many will cry but we are British, we have British passports, but as the old saying goes....if a dog is born in a stable does it become a horse.?.....yes.. but only when it starts behaving like a horse. if not, well............
Loose the veil or try the USA where no veils are EVER EVER visible. Wonder why

2006-10-12 06:26:06 · 34 answers · asked by CATWEAZLE242 2 in Immigration

A.before the president appoint them.
B.after the president appoints them.
C.after they serve for a year
D.both A and C.

2006-10-12 06:25:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I am SO FURIOUS!!! I just found out a sex offender works at a local McDonalds that I patronize. He is listed on the sex offender registry – he downloaded child pornography. He doesn’t work at the counter, but he is able to look at children over the counter. He flips burgers. This guy in my mind is just as sick as someone who rapes and murders children. This guy has no right to breath the same air as me or my children. I KNOW for a fact he is raping children in his mind. The sad part is, he looks like your next-door neighbor. He feigns being helpful to everybody all the time doing nice things for the customers. His record says he did this crime over 10 years ago, but it is a fact the once a pedo ALWAYS a pedo. AND – him downloading child porn is just a springboard for him to murder a child.

He has already proven he can’t be normal like me.

2006-10-12 06:24:09 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2006-10-12 06:24:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

1. Elements inside the US govt. were the masterminds behind 9/11 (http://www.loosechange911.com ALSO If you can prove IT WAS NOT an Inside Job...Jimmy Walker will pay YOU 100k Bucks!!)
2. The Bush administration is systematically deconstructing the US Consitition
3. They purposely lied about WMD's in Iraq
4. Are trying to create a North American Union (Mexico &Canada to merge with the USA)
5. Bush signed the REAL ID act. ( http://www.nonationalid.com )
6. They invaded Iraq for ulterior motives
7. They condone torture, and Congress has just voted to allow them to do it
8. They are for allowing Illegal Aliens into the country (to erode, Bankrupt the middle class?)
9. Bush is a memeber of Skull and Bones, a secret Yale University Cult.
10. Under new laws Bush will have the power to allow the torture of children, some of them sexually ( http://mathaba.net/0_index.shtml?x=504353 http://www.infowars.com/articles/ps/terror_laws_bush_given_authority_sexually_torture_us_kids.htm )

2006-10-12 06:23:04 · 10 answers · asked by www.prisonplanet.com 1 in Government

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