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[Selected]: All categories Pets Reptiles

2007-12-15 10:52:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a corn snake and i am feeding it frozen mice at the moment and i just want to know if it is illegal to feed snake live mice in the uk

2007-12-15 10:40:32 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

do they even make sounds? how do they communicate?

2007-12-15 09:53:19 · 4 answers · asked by lily 1

We have limited space and don't want a turtle bigger then 6 inches.

2007-12-15 07:53:57 · 6 answers · asked by TurtleLoverr 3

hi, i have a 8ft reticulated female python.

shes really cage aggressive, but once out of her cage, shes a sweet heart!
she will sit on my sholders for 2+ hours when i play video games.

but this snake (and my other redtail boa (2+ft) seems to want to bite my girlfriend?

she thinks that it can "sence" that shes scared of them, but i think its her perfume!

i dont wear anything when just around the house, and might spray a tiny bit of body spray on when i go to work.

but she wears lotions, perfume, expensive shampoo etc etc.

so im thinking thats it!

you guys have any info to help?

2007-12-15 05:36:14 · 4 answers · asked by suitandtie187 1

2007-12-15 03:56:57 · 6 answers · asked by john j 1

He has only lost 2 small fingers, 1 looks as though its starting to grow back. They first turned black then gray and then fell off. It looks like the long back ones are starting to turn black, but then again it might just be me. Is this normal or should i really have him looked at. Iv had him a little under a year. please help.

2007-12-14 15:46:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

walks around in the tank with eyes closed

2007-12-14 14:02:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous


can a eel eat a snake?

2007-12-14 13:11:13 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

i want to get a snake but im not sure what kind so could you please tell me some information about king Snakes

2007-12-14 10:27:37 · 6 answers · asked by Amanda 3

I have a cooter and I'm pretty sure it's a male. If I take it out of the water, something extends and starts oozing clear slimy stuff and one time I saw it squirt. I'm not kidding. I can't find any pics online to describe it so I was wondering if anyone could describe it so I can know for sure. Thanks!

2007-12-13 15:57:10 · 2 answers · asked by Y!A P0int5 Wh0r3 5

I have a Betta at the moment, and waiting for it to pass on (Had it for a good 6 months), Once he's gone, I'm thinking of buying an Axolotl or two. I live in Australia, and I was wondering if you need any licences, or things like that. I was also wondering, How big should the tank be?
I know you have to feed them raw meat, but which meat?
Thank you.

2007-12-13 15:40:13 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

my lepeard gecko is about 9 months old and he eats only 2 crickets a week and it doesn't seem 2 like meal worms its tail is vary skinny plz help he looks fine my tank is fairly clean and the temperature is about 27*C plz help

2007-12-13 13:26:15 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-12-13 12:34:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-13 09:50:49 · 4 answers · asked by MR T 1

Should I put a basking light on one end and then use a sunlight bulb toward the middle or should i put that bulb on the opposite end of the basking light...both of the bulbs provide heat....please throw some ideas at me I am def. open to ideas...Thanks for all your ideas

2007-12-13 09:44:34 · 3 answers · asked by tm6678 1

I have a Russian tortoise. From the research that I have done I know that he needs a great variety in his diet and as little store bought vegetables as possible. However I try to get him to eat many things but he'll just eat romaine lettuce. He eats around everything else. If i give him other stuff and no romaine, he won't eat at all

2007-12-13 09:41:06 · 3 answers · asked by Dan J 1

its beed likt that for a while but when i shake the container it moves again and sits back up but i want to know if its dying or sleeping or sick i am worried about him

2007-12-12 22:55:28 · 6 answers · asked by Apollo49 3

I have a Brazilian Rainbow Boa, lately he hasn't been eating. I feed him about once a week.

I tried to feed him last week on Saturday but he wouldn't eat. I was thinking it was nothing because he was shedding.

Then this morning I found all of his shed skin. Then I tried to feed him again and he wouldn't eat.

Now he hasn't eaten in 12 days. I have had him since September 20, of this year, so almost 3 months. He has always had frozen food, except when we first fed him, but the other times he always eats. He has one fuzzy.

I know snakes can go without eating, but it just makes me nervous and on edge when he doesn't eat.

2007-12-12 15:20:02 · 6 answers · asked by *Krstl* 2

for some reason my savannah monitor stopped eating. He is a foot long so he isn't to old, i know his last feeding which was a week and a half ago was quite big.. He had a medium sized mouse, 2 nightcrawlers and i think some ground chicken (maybe the day before). Its not like him to stop eating he used to love eating. I've tried eveything roaches, crickets, pinkies, mice. He just wont have a go at it. I'm worried cause he is losing a bit of weight, he is still quite active but i want him to start eating... I moved him out ofthe room i kept him in but still it shouldn't be any different... Can i try appetite stimulatators.... help i ordered 50 hoppers just for him and have no idea what to do with them if he continues with his hunger strike. He is drinking well, and walking around alot. What did i do wrong... he is in a 45 gallon tub with repti-bark substrate, a large water bowl, hide, a food dish, heater (150w). Please help.

2007-12-12 15:04:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a red eared slider and shes laying at the bottom of her tank with her eyes closed and her legs sticking out. she wont move when i poke her or anything. her skin [not shell] has gotten a little bit pink. is she dead or hibernating. and if shes dead then how did she die? does pink mean she froze, starved, had a disease.. whatever?

2007-12-12 14:23:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have 2 ball pythons. One is about 1 1/2 yrs old and soaks all the time. It only comes out of the bath to eat and then goes right back in. The other one is about 8 months old and it has only been in the water one time that I have seen. I even check on my snakes at night and the big one is ALWAYS soaking. Is this a sign that something may be wrong with my snake or
is this typically normal of ball pythons. I have onlyhad my snakes for about 5 months so I am still new at this and I am trying to give them the best care possible. **The big one has not shed at all since I've had it, is this a problem? Thanks in advance for your help. And to those who want to be smart and tell me to call a vet, save it.

2007-12-12 13:56:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i want to no becouse it will be realy cool to feed them live ones

2007-12-12 12:43:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well..my gecko died a few years ago. And for about 3 months, i noticed a large growth on his eye. He was in healthy conditions and he lived alone. He didnt even hit a year old before he passed. He completely stopped eating once the growth grew. Does anyone know what may have happened to him??

2007-12-12 10:19:54 · 4 answers · asked by One in A Million. =] 3


I am very scared. This snake has been at my front door twice now. We have a pond in our back yard and I think it may be a water moccasin. Any advice on what it is/how to get it to go away would be great.

2007-12-12 06:17:52 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-12 04:05:56 · 18 answers · asked by Grandma 1

While I was waiting to fall asleep a few nights ago, I got to thinking about why people get pets. The next day I formalized it after writing in my Livejournal, and came up with four reasons:
1. Actually petting them, such as most cats (not hairless ones), some dogs, hamsters, mice, chinchillas, etc
2. Playing with them, such as dogs, cats, and ferrets
3. Admiring their beauty, such as with fish, birds, and some especially beautiful cats and dogs
4. Because they're rare, like buying hairless cats, rare breeds of dogs, spiders, and other unusual pets

However, turtles don't seem to fit in with any of those. You can't pet them, can't play with them, they're common and cheap, and pretty ugly. By my four reasons, it would seem no one would ever buy a turtle. But people do, and I'm not quite sure why.

So, why would anyone buy a turtle?
(also, in the same line, turtle owners out there, what posessed you to buy your turtle?)

2007-12-12 03:49:08 · 8 answers · asked by kvn8907 3

he is really little (thiswide) (----------------------------)he is either a red eared or a yellow bellied slider.(i dont know) i got him small feeder fish..(.guess he couldnt catch them) i give him shredded lettuce and Carrots( i think he has eaten a little lettuce) and i got him turtle pellets. he has a uv light that gives off heat, a dry spot and a wet spot, and so i don't know....=)

2007-12-12 02:42:12 · 12 answers · asked by Ashley 2