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Fish - October 2006

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2006-10-20 06:19:07 · 3 answers · asked by stuart c 1

Im fustrated. I filled my tank after cleaning out from the previous fish who died. I left the tank to sit for a week with no fish. I went to walmart and bought 3 small goldfish and 1 betta. I also got these water tablets for the water quality that is to correct the pH and dechlorinator and water conditioner. These tablets are dropped in water and disolve immediately. I really dont want to just throw it all away but if fish keep going to the big fish bowl in the sky, then so be it. Its cruel what I keep doing to these fish.

2006-10-20 06:07:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's like foamy bubbles. Is there something wrong with the water? or is this normal?

2006-10-20 05:35:17 · 8 answers · asked by lillibellemichele 2

I woke this morning to find my male beta that i've had for 3 years bloody and on the floor. his tank was knocked over and i assumed he was dead. As i started moping up around him i noticed he wasn't in the same position and I touched him and he moved! I returned him to his water, but he's missing some scales and looks badly beaten. Now that he's back in the water i can see his gills moving but that's about it. Every so often he'll swim around. What can I do to help him survive?

2006-10-20 04:55:09 · 8 answers · asked by Jamie G 1

He has lost lots of colour and seems to be moving erraticly. I fink he is dying. Has anyone else had a similar problem or no what the problem could be? Many thanks for your help

2006-10-20 04:47:05 · 29 answers · asked by bhavin29 1

I have a 3 year old betta (Bruiser) that has a growing tumor or something on the tip of his nose. I have another betta (Hogan) in another bowl and I've been noticing that Bruiser's bowl get dirty after just 1 or 2 days, where Hogan's doesn't start to look the least bit dirty until about 4 days. Bruiser doesn't swim much, he just kind of lays on the side of the bowl. He's eating but he seems to have a difficult time swimming up to the top to get his food, so he waits until it falls to the floor of the bowl.
Is there any treatment for his condition (the tumor)?

2006-10-20 03:37:34 · 8 answers · asked by leospets807 1

Aprox. How Long Does It Take For A Male Betta to Start Building A Nest? I admit I am not a very patient person. But I have tried to breed 3 males to 2 females -- so it must be something I am doing. But anyway, I need a time frame, say, 1 hour - 5 days or whatever. I just need to know how long to wait before I know the male WONT build a nest. And why. I've tried everything. I had two vieltail males (One recently died, one left) and one Crowntail male. One blue, and one red female.

I also would like to know how long it takes for a female to get vertical bars, and if the bars show up on dark blue, and red colored females, for I have not seen it on them yet. (Trust me, I have everything they could possibly need and want for breeding, it's just not working! Help!)

2006-10-20 03:22:39 · 5 answers · asked by x00sarin00x 1

I have (sorry if I butcher the spelling on these fish)
1 blue gourami (getting pretty beat up)
2 white mollies (getting nipped)
2 female guppies (the 2 males were killed this week)
1 albino bottom feeder
1 chinese algae eater
1 pleco
1 feeder goldfish (easily the biggest fish in the tank)
4 neon tetras (1 is looking pretty bad)
2 danios
4 cherry barbs

I really don't see much nipping going on when i watch. I feed 2 times a day in this 20gal tank. I'm assuming some of these fish just are not compatible with each other?? Which ones? I have another tank I can use to seperate, what should I do?

2006-10-20 03:12:58 · 11 answers · asked by SAGE 2

2006-10-20 03:01:23 · 3 answers · asked by mark m 1

Once the weather turned cold here in Michigan, I stopped feeding my pond fish. But recently, we have had some warmer days and the fish are active and looking hungry. Should I give in and feed them a little. It's going to be a long winter of hybernation ahead of them.

2006-10-20 02:19:14 · 3 answers · asked by HoneyBunny 7

I bought my 2 goldfish 6 days ago and put them in a bowl of sterilised water and fed them a few flakes of fish food per day and now they are shakey, gasping for breath in the middle of the water, dimples on their skin, flapping their fins but not moving in the water. The water smells very bad and is slightly cloudy.

2006-10-20 02:02:00 · 18 answers · asked by Jacs 1

I just bought a beta fish the other day. I have him seperated in a tank of his own away from my other fish. Today I go to feed him and I see hundreds of little white "worm" looking things. THey are so small that i mistook them for maybe small bits of hair. I looked closer and they are stuck to the glass MOVING. They look like worms. Has anyone ever seen this? What do I do?

2006-10-20 00:55:50 · 2 answers · asked by babyj248 4

I'm looking after a friend's two fish (like goldfish but bigger). My friend said the aquarium light would turn off automatically at night but it didn't and I can't see a timer. I'm going away for a few days -should I leave the light on or off?

2006-10-20 00:25:29 · 12 answers · asked by vicksterl23 1

2006-10-19 22:34:48 · 16 answers · asked by Menahil S 1

I have had my 10g for a few months now and so its over its startup stages, but my filter doesnt seem to be doing its job properly. So basically I need an explanation of the best type of filtration for a 10g with 3goldfish and a live plant, and a breakdown of how it works, how to install it and how to maintain it. PLEASE!

2006-10-19 22:22:49 · 8 answers · asked by waggz86 1

2006-10-19 22:00:52 · 6 answers · asked by Minder Bob 1

do you know of any fish i could rear and eat when it grows bigger? i was thinking of groupers because they're really tasty, but wonder if anyone else knows of better tasting ones?

2006-10-19 21:03:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do I keep the nitrate level low.

2006-10-19 19:46:06 · 3 answers · asked by David G 1

I have nearly 14 goldfishes of size nearly 2 to 4 inches. Can I keep a blood parrot with them?

2006-10-19 19:40:09 · 8 answers · asked by manoj s 1

I just have 2 guppies, male and female. They have so far eaten any fry and seem to be very happy in the 5 gallon tank. But the pond snails are taking over! I've reassembled the cleaned the tank twice, which took care of the larger snails, but now all the babies are out.

2006-10-19 17:31:35 · 10 answers · asked by Mrs. Strain 5

one pet store told me one set of care and feeding instructions, another gave me a differant set.
what is the best food and water conditions for the "long horn cow fish" a type of box fish?

2006-10-19 16:47:39 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know for like dogs they say to keep their food the same, just wondering if this was the same for fish?

2006-10-19 15:55:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

the eyes are getting really big as if they were popping out. What is this caused by and how can i fix it. Is it contagious?

2006-10-19 15:24:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Their funny, everytime i come home from school all the fish would like swim to the top going crazy.

2006-10-19 14:43:21 · 14 answers · asked by JO 3

2006-10-19 13:52:45 · 9 answers · asked by Gigi 3

I know Betas do well. Looking to get 2 fish for the large type bowl.

2006-10-19 13:44:43 · 16 answers · asked by Jeff J 1

My mollie has been getting bigger and bigger over the last two months but she has not had babies. could there be something else with her or does it take that long to have the babies.

2006-10-19 13:44:13 · 4 answers · asked by windy 1

my mollie keeps getting bigger and never has babies.

2006-10-19 13:32:22 · 3 answers · asked by windy 1

I went to check my water in my salt water fish tank and my pink basselet's eyes are popped out!!! He is kinda floating a little bit at the top fighting to stay alive. I know there isnt' anything I can do about this but I think he is going to die. I have an angel fish and a clown fish and a blenny weaver and I don't know if he got in a fight or ran into the glass....ANY IDEAS???

2006-10-19 12:52:17 · 14 answers · asked by Jenna J 2

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