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Fish - September 2006

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i had my tank for a while and everytime i would get fishes they would die so i ened up getting tw goldfish hoping that would be easier to take care of but today i just saw some white dots on them i knw its a dieases. is there a way to cure it i cant see another one of my fishes die again !

2006-09-20 19:09:51 · 14 answers · asked by smilingirl 2

2006-09-20 19:00:16 · 12 answers · asked by lampayan_nhs 1

I bought a used 10 gallon tank and it only has 1 bulb (theres room for another) and I think it is 15 watt. I already have a heater preset to 76-80 degrees, should be 78 exactly. Will the light bulb harm my fish? how long should I leave it on?
I also have another 10 gallon tank that has a UV/Florescent light bulb, will that harm my male guppy? They also have a heater at 78.

2006-09-20 18:48:09 · 5 answers · asked by grs 1

My female just had about 30 babies and I was curious if there is a way to tell what the gender is when they're still very young? Or do I have to wait till they start getting color?

2006-09-20 18:41:13 · 6 answers · asked by REbecca 2

I have central american convict cichlids and would like to add other fish with colour what kinds can i add

2006-09-20 18:16:16 · 10 answers · asked by fishface1 1

I see web-sites recommend Saki-Hikari products, but they are on the pricey side. I also saw something on economical side called Azoo Koi Growth Plus Koi Food. Deos anyone have any experince with any koi growth and color products?

2006-09-20 17:57:03 · 0 answers · asked by Anonymous


my fish dying molly and swordfish and am keeping buying but enough i got sponge filter i wash it second day from changing water changing 20% of water weeklyand tank monthly thermometr at 28 degree so water warm .feeding once a day soooooooo please help because i love this hoppy but fish dying keep me so sad and i dont want to give uuuuuuup

2006-09-20 17:56:01 · 11 answers · asked by salma2224047 1

i have a 20 galons aquarium and all my fishis are dead, including the plecus and that one is really hard to dye. there was some little warms in the bottom and yesterday i cleaned the whole aquarium, the plecus dye last night and the last one is dying right now , whats wrong, do i need to put some extra medicine or something, some of them hade some bubbles in the body and the last two a kind of extra skyn or something like that, like jelly

2006-09-20 17:08:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I purchased a fake coral for $49 at Petco. It was a beautiful orange coral color.

About 6 months later it is black and looks terrible.

How can I remove the black while not poisoning the fish water?

I think I read somewhere to use clorox but I just can't .... it seems too poisonous.

I have a fresh water tank with chiclids.

Thank you!

2006-09-20 16:55:55 · 14 answers · asked by Genie♥Angel 5

what kind of pet fish can you have that don't need a filter. In other words, just plain water?

2006-09-20 16:27:34 · 23 answers · asked by hersheybar99 1

my goldfishes won't live long I keep the tank clean, put the conditioner in the water keep the temperature is they just like feeding fish and don't have a long life span. what am I doing wrong? ive seen big goldfish that stay in dirty cloudy water that lives longer.

2006-09-20 16:27:11 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son received a tadpole from his kindergarden class at the end of last school year and we put "Taddie" in a little tank and fed him what was recommended on the instructions. So I changed his water as specified and fed him and all that, but he never changed into a frog, I mean he never even developed legs, and then he just died. So what happened to Taddie?

2006-09-20 15:58:46 · 6 answers · asked by rufnready 3

I have a tank that comes with a light bulb. (dont know what kind but it can hold 2 mini light bulbs and it only holds one.) I think it might be a 15 watt light bulb.
I also have another 10 gallon tank with a florescent/UV lighth bulb, can I use that? (limited in cash)
Is it okay if I keep only 2 females in a 10 gallon tank with a separator for the fry?
Is it okay if I keep 3 males and an algae eater in another 10 gallon fish? ( I read that they like to be in communities?)

2006-09-20 15:38:57 · 5 answers · asked by grs 1

I want to buy guppies and have limited money. I bought everything except Air pumps, I read online somewhere that you don't need them. Also do I need to buy a vaccum to clean the gravel? I don't have too much gravel, probably about 1/2 cup a gravel. (i will clean the tank every week).
Should I buy an algae eater in the tank to help keep it cleaner?
I am only buying 2 females in 1 ten gallon tank, and im buying 3 males for another 10 gallon tank. (I plan on breeding them)
oh, the most important question i have is, What kind of lighting do I need??? I have a UV/Florescent light bulb, will that work? I also am going to use a 15 watt light bulb that came with the fish tank? Will it harm them??? Thanks.

2006-09-20 15:36:42 · 5 answers · asked by grs 1

I have a 55 gallon tank of fresh water community fish .. but I also like the semi-aggressive and aggressive fish as well. Are there any specific positives or negatives about switching from one to the other ? Such as .. semi-aggressives are harder to take care of because .. (?) etc.. Or it really doesn't matter which you go with as far as care and tending to the fish and tank ? ::::::::::::::::::::::

2006-09-20 15:28:26 · 3 answers · asked by tysavage2001 6

they just sit up top between the filter and the heater. they are alive because I can try to nudge them away, but they just run right back, they're not doing their job in my tank and I'm mad. I turned up the water temp, but they just like it right there and they dont come out. There is a coral substrate, and several live rocks to for them to live on . Its 55 gallons, I have two damsels, a royal gramma, and a goby, plus a sea star, and some snails. what can I do to make the little punks go live on the bottom ??

2006-09-20 15:26:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have two female mollies one male,one sword tail male and female,in 20 gal tall tank,

2006-09-20 13:12:54 · 8 answers · asked by nirro187 1

I have 2 10 gallon tanks and plan to put 2 females in one 10 gallon and plan to put 3 males in another 10 gallon. I asked the people at petsmart and they said 24 hours, but I've read that it should be at least a month? I bought a bacteria supplement and something else to help start up the tank, so how long should I keep it running until I get the fish?

2006-09-20 12:43:09 · 11 answers · asked by grs 1

i got 4 small common goldfish at walmart and a pet carrier to put them in it has some hols at the top too and the next day they all died so i got some new ones and one of them died i give them 2 pelets 3 time a day am i over feeding them or are they not getting enough of air what should i do to keep them from dying or what am i doing wrong plz help me or is it the way walmart takes care of them should i go some place else and get them plz help

2006-09-20 12:20:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

complete novice starting with a big tank

2006-09-20 12:16:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have two goldfish. I suspect they may be of either sex, but I'm not totally sure. Please help me out.

2006-09-20 11:56:19 · 9 answers · asked by recoil609 1

I went to Wal-Mart to check out the fish there, and I noticed some cute little pink fish they had there. There was also blue fish which looked like the smae kind of specie. They weren't Neon Tetras, they were more rounder, about maybe 1.5 inch??? I'm guessing. Does anybody know what kind of fish these are???

2006-09-20 11:29:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My Blood Parrot fish has white cotton on some of the body. I tried Penicillin already, Medicine for ick, I also tried Furasone green and none work. Can someone has similar kind of prblem? I have 13 Parrot fish and three died already. I have them for 6 years already. Any suggestions will be appreciate

2006-09-20 10:43:52 · 5 answers · asked by SNOWMAN 2

ok i bought this fish for my cousin who is three and he kida fed it to his dog wil the dog die or sumthing

2006-09-20 10:28:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi, um my fishes...well. At first I thought it looked like white spot, but there are LOADS of tiny white/blue spots, on all of them (i've got boys and girls.) And its depressing Simon. What can I do? I've moved them out of their bio orb just for the mo. Oh and thx for ur answers to my last question. My fishes say 'THANKS' (Simon, Lois, and George.) X

2006-09-20 09:47:06 · 6 answers · asked by Loz_182 1

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