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Pets - 27 November 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

With a lot of difficulity, it goes outside than comes in and does its business at the back door grrrrr. It just had its injections so in 10 days i can take it out for walks so i am hoping this will be my answer. At the moment i have put paper down at the back door but now the dog as started to tear it up and put some in her basket why??? Her basket has a soft cushion puppy. The basket is next to the radiator. Why is it ripping paper up for?

2007-11-27 04:32:02 · 5 answers · asked by sexiebum 5 in Dogs

He was born on Sept. 25, 2007. Maltese dogs are Italian, that's why we chose "Joey" for his first name. Hope there are some good ideas out there! Thank you in advance.

2007-11-27 04:25:04 · 7 answers · asked by Ms. G. 5 in Dogs

Hi does anyone knoe where in the UK you can buy captive bred bangai cardinals, as I have read that they are threatened in the wild?

2007-11-27 04:15:28 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

a dog trainer came over yesterday, and spend 3 1/2 hours here. shes with the nationwide dog training company called barkbusters, she charges $500, and when she came over yesterday, thats all she was worried about first was the money. she wouldnt say anything about the training until we had the money situation figured out first. then we talked for like 2 hours and 45 minutes. and everything that she was saying I ALREADY KNEW! then the last 45 minutes she told me how to train the dog, by if he scratches the door, throw a chain at the door and growl "bah" at him, and then tell him to sit, we did the same thing for when he would bark when someone came in, and when he steals food off of the table we would do it too, throwing chain at floor say bah. well then she said then next time she comes will be december 13. so i was sitting down looking over the papers and the training chart that i have to do til next time she comes, and ididnt see the aggression issue on there at all, then i relized

2007-11-27 04:15:05 · 36 answers · asked by KIM-dobie owner 2 in Dogs

Every show I went to I got last place with my yearling colt because he was the shortest. I know I asked the stewards and they said that is their best guess. There were several that were almost 16 hands! His dam is 15.3 and his sire is 15.2 so he has some height in his blood. He will be 2 in March and right now he is about 14.1. So my question is what do the people that show in halter give their horses to get them that tall so fast? I heard probios will, but I've been giving him that for over six months and haven't seen much change.

2007-11-27 04:13:58 · 13 answers · asked by Toni 2 in Horses

My sister thinks that happened to one of her goldfish. If it were possible can you take fish to the vet? What could the vet have done realistically?

2007-11-27 04:11:58 · 17 answers · asked by doglover 5 in Fish

My little Chi is aggresive when I try to dress her for warmth, in WI. She growls real bad, and bites and snips. I keep trying to be very gentle, and distract her with things. I want her to not mind getting dressed. So I try alittle each day. I know she is young, 11 weeks old. But I heard to start young, so they get used to it. I was going to try and give her small pieces of a healthy treat to try and get it to be a good experience, which I want it to be. Do you think that is good to try? And if anyone else who was in this boat, what were your good working tactics? I really would like to find a good way.

2007-11-27 04:06:18 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

can run the faster and what speed can it run for and how long could it keep that speed up please

2007-11-27 04:00:19 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

2007-11-27 03:55:42 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

The terms reinforcement and punishment get thrown around a lot here, and they way in which they're used makes me think that most people don't understand them. Who can give good definitions of these terms, in the context of learning theory, since when you're training a dog, you're using one form of learning or another. What are your definitions?

2007-11-27 03:52:09 · 17 answers · asked by drb 5 in Dogs

i read this on a snapple lid and i dont think its true cuz my fish never cough does anyone know?

2007-11-27 03:51:39 · 17 answers · asked by amberhittle09 1 in Fish

i already know the answer but i just want to see how many other people do.

2007-11-27 03:47:04 · 14 answers · asked by Hersheyluva 4 in Horses

I bought a flea killer called Zodiac Spot in the directions it said to move the cats fur and put the entire contents of the little bottle in the one spot and through the movement of the cat and the fur the flea killer would distribute evenly but I have found that after 13 hours his fur is still oily by his neck and it really doesnt seem to have distributed. I know typically you move the med from the neck down the back and it dries in.. I did the same with my dog and his fur is clean an dry but his flea killer was a different brand? Anyone have a similiar experience? I need to know if I should let it go a couple days or if I should bath him and try another brand?

2007-11-27 03:43:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

Here's the situation. 2.5 gallon heated and filtered tank. Currently is cycling. Added the water 2 days ago, added seeded gravel from my healthy current tank to boost cycling.

I want to have a betta, and a couple of shrimps, but someone mentioned to me I could get perhaps 3 white cloud minnows to keep in there as well - these would be added in a couple of days time to help the cycling and then kept afterwards to house with the betta which will be added at the end of cycling.

Is this possible? Is that okay for that size tank? It has only 2 very small plastic plants so it's not chock full of ornaments.

It will be cleaned regularly and as I said it does have a heater and a filter.

Any other species apart from white cloud minnows? Alternatively, any other fish that can be kept singly in that tank that are hardy and can be kept with bettas?

Sorry if this question is confusing!

2007-11-27 03:40:04 · 8 answers · asked by pinhead_hey 3 in Fish

out of cold and tropical fish which would you say are the easyer to look after

2007-11-27 03:39:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

My Ph has gotten higher but Ammonia and nitite are 0. What causes this and should I worry about it? It is about 8.2.

2007-11-27 03:37:06 · 8 answers · asked by Serena01 3 in Fish

How fast do Black Ghost Knifes (BGK) grow? I got one yesterday and it's about 3 or 4 inches long. I have it in a 55 gallon aquarium.

2007-11-27 03:35:42 · 3 answers · asked by Due May 17, 2009! 2 in Fish

This is the best picture i could get without my fish trying to get their photo taken. There was this horrible huge stringy thing, over a meter long wrapped around ornaments in my fish tank. Some of the worm like thing is pink and the rest is clear like a transparent tube. As i said it was huge, i cleared it out and the next day there was a new one attached to the filter (picture below) I have a feeling it's coming from my leopard plec. It doesn't look anything like fish waste and i've never seen waste as long as this was. If anyone knows what this is or sounds like please let me know. Thank you very much :)


2007-11-27 03:31:00 · 13 answers · asked by Crazy Diamond 6 in Fish

i have 2 little turtles..but they wont eat..how come?

2007-11-27 03:25:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Reptiles

One of my cats went missing 18 months ago. She's just turned up!!

My husband was complaining saying some cat was trying to get in the house. When i had a look it was ours! Can't believe she's come back after all this time. She just walked in as though she's never been away - although she was a bit miffed when she realised her bed had gone from her normal spot!!
Very strange.

2007-11-27 03:14:20 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

Yes, I understand most people wont look at their German Shepards as itty bitty babies...but as I was watching the Dog Whisperer, I find he tries to make the owners look dumb for loving their dog in a child-like fashion. I think most mature adults know their dog is not a human baby, but I really dont see anything wrong with dressing a dog up, or picking him up and giving him kisses. All of which Cesar Millan frowns upon. Its almost like he wants you to treat your dog like a roommate. Whats the fun in that? I think SOME people do get dogs for help with an emotional void. Why not shower the dog with affection? Even if it IS in a doggy stroller? lol Just a thought for today.

-Mommy of a loveable 4 mo old Shih Tzu

2007-11-27 03:13:30 · 38 answers · asked by chocolate_krys2000 4 in Dogs


meows?? some of their meows has different meanings?

2007-11-27 02:59:00 · 5 answers · asked by recnamorcen_enajazzir06 1 in Cats

i just put my two turtles in the tub with really warm water to swim around..but as soon as i put them in..they were swimming in circles in one spot..are they happy? or is the water just too hot? can anybody give me any info please? thanks.

2007-11-27 02:57:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Reptiles

2007-11-27 02:56:09 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I've heard the average gestation for dogs is about 63 days. Does this vary depending on the breed - for instance, do miniature and small breeds whelp sooner?

2007-11-27 02:46:03 · 8 answers · asked by Veritas 7 in Dogs

I know what he is i just want to see if you can figure him out!!!
pic 1
picture 2
pic 3

2007-11-27 02:42:10 · 21 answers · asked by Megan M 3 in Dogs

If your favorite dog has just passed away, make sure you remember him by putting a tribute on the internet. Please, if you have your dogs picture, and a little poem for him/her, send them to dog_focus_uk@yahoo.co.uk and i shall put the tributes on my website: dog-focus-uk.piczo.com
There isn't a page for this yet, but if there is enough interest, i shall do so...
Thankyou, and sorry for your loss...

2007-11-27 02:33:45 · 10 answers · asked by Dog-focus-uk website 1 in Dogs

2007-11-27 02:28:18 · 39 answers · asked by b c 1 in Other - Pets

I have a jack russell/lhasa apso mix. I have treated her with frontline and I don't think she has anymore fleas. My house gets really dry and I am pretty sure that is the problem. Anyone have any ideas how to fix it? I don't think they make lotions or such for dogs, do they?

2007-11-27 02:25:32 · 13 answers · asked by lahag69 1 in Dogs

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