How long is it going to take Advantage to kill the fleas on my dog, and then how long does it take after that for his major flea allergic reaction to die down after he's not recieving flea bites? Also, does it just kill the adults, or the larva, pupa, and eggs too? I read that it kills them when they bite... But I can't have my dog get bitten at all or he'll break into reaction again. There's is no way to completely kill the fleas in the invironment, because he goes on walks and such, but is there something that completely discourages them from even jumping on him, or does Advantage do that too? He can't take any baths, because it will get rid of the oils in his skin which he really really needs atm, and I can't use harsh chemicals(such as bombing) because there are two toddlers in the house,along with pocket pets that I can't really remove from the household. I'm just really also looking for any other products(besides spot-ons) that've worked miracles for people.
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