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Pets - 5 June 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

I bought a ticket and jumped on the West Nile ban wagon years ago whe it was in its "prime" here in Texas. I have 6 horses and I am being told by my farrier that the shot is not 100% fool proof. He says the horse can contract it even after receiving the shot?
I here alot of different stories??? What are your thoughts?

2007-06-05 15:58:29 · 20 answers · asked by hvholli 2 in Horses

Why does my 1 year old cat urinate outside of her litterbox and will she stop if i get her spayed? I don't know what to do, can anyone help me?

2007-06-05 15:54:09 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

Well I got a female to join my male about a few weeks ago and now she is not eating her food, hasn't touched it for the last 2 days, my other one is eating normally, and she is normally a pig she rushes over to her food dish any time I get near it. I dont know if she is about to lay eggs or not, I cant feel them like people say but I dont know what they feel like, she has been digging a bit but they down look like nest that people talk about, but my tortoise tabel I have them in has only about 1 inch deep of bedding, so it isn't going to look exactly like a nest. So First of all, is there other ways to tell if your tortoise is about to lay eggs, and 2 is there any other reasons she could stop eating all of the sudden (oh also, the temps range from 95-70 so it isn't to hot) Also extra info, I bought her in a pet store with one other female and a male. so there is a chance.

2007-06-05 15:50:31 · 3 answers · asked by rick_p_hall 3 in Reptiles

2007-06-05 15:42:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Reptiles

We have a large house with stairs and a pool. We cannot decide on any of these dogs. We want a companion dog that does not need much exercise (a good inside romp). Not much grooming either (how many times a yorkie has to be groomed?)

2007-06-05 15:40:59 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

will it be ok?

2007-06-05 15:33:24 · 7 answers · asked by sarah n 1 in Other - Pets

it is a larger like clear shrimp actually it is see through to it's own insides like its stomach etc. But it has really long arms with pinchers. They called it a freshwater Blue Shrimp. It think going to eat everything in my tank???

2007-06-05 15:24:36 · 4 answers · asked by lyd285 2 in Fish

My Darling little Katie has neon Tettra desies, she shows all of the sighs, she used to be restless in her tank (seperated from the well fish) but now my poor little fish moves around slowly and it looks like it hurts, she looks rely acward when she moves. I thought nature would end it before it got this bad but it may just be kinder not to wait. what is the best way for this to be done?

2007-06-05 15:24:22 · 13 answers · asked by Donna C 2 in Fish

I have two false clownfish (the most popular kind) one is larger than the other, I'm assuming he's the male. Since yesterday, he has been hanging out by the top of the heater, and sticking his head out of the water. It's not like he's gulping for air, but it's just weird. There are no signs of sickness other than this. He will only let the other (smaller) clown near him, and all others he chases away. I don't know what's wrong.
We only have 5 fish (1 domino damsel, two blue damsels, and the clowns) there are about 10 snails and a couple crabs, live rock and sand in the tank. We just added some soft coral the other day (before he began acting this way) and the tank is 55 gallons. It has been established for approx. 1.5 months with NO problems other than this. We did have a semi-agressive gramma that we removed yesterday. Please help... my fiance wants to take him out of the tank in fear that he will give something to the others, but I'm afraid he'll die. We have no other tank avail.

2007-06-05 15:23:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

2007-06-05 15:15:59 · 7 answers · asked by elvira15338 1 in Fish

My goldfish had a red line along its tail yesterday and today it has spread up his body. It's white and at first I thought he was just changing colors but he's been staying at the bottom of the fish tank a lot of the time so I don't think he's normal. What is it, are there any easy remedies, and will the other fish be infected?

2007-06-05 15:14:48 · 5 answers · asked by Namrata K 3 in Fish

Our 3-month old male kitten, Lenny, is just an absolutely lovable kitten and we cuddle him and he falls asleep on us all the time, and he seems to love us but he doesn't purr. Could it just not occur to him, or could there be an absence of the purr mechanism?

2007-06-05 15:10:42 · 7 answers · asked by kitten lover3 7 in Cats

the yellow tang seems to go to our peppermint shimp and the shrimp will jump on it and clean it,my question is, is it cleaning the fish and will it make it better? We just bought a Scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp to fix the problem but the tang does not go near the Scarlet skunk shrimp. Do they both do the same job?

2007-06-05 15:09:18 · 5 answers · asked by juneann101 1 in Fish

The bird is still alive under an incubator but it has a large fleshy member kind of like a placenta or after birth. I need to know what to do. Is this normal? Did I do something wrong?

2007-06-05 14:46:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Birds

How do you know when it's ok to put you r male and female betta together?

2007-06-05 14:45:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish


2007-06-05 14:41:54 · 11 answers · asked by rstyparker 1 in Other - Pets

I heard it is like 30 minutes before exercise or an hour and a half after exercise. Is this right?

2007-06-05 14:28:21 · 17 answers · asked by Fantasy Sports Nut 1 in Dogs

hes a Russian Tortoise and hes fine until he stopped eating he wont eat his lettuce anymore and he sleeps ALL day and doesnt move should i take him to the vet or what should i feed him? and how long should a soaking take and i force him to take one i dont have water it the tank and i dont see him drink any water PLEASE HELP!

2007-06-05 14:28:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Reptiles

Hi, I have just set up a 20 gallon freshwater aquarium about a month ago. I have a few plants (real) and rocks but no fish yet. I have done water changes each week (20%) and am adding cycle as directed. However I am not seeing any change in the Ammonia or Nitrite at this time, when should I expect to see it rise? I was told it will shoot up after a couple of weeks then start to come down. I am seeing algae growing on the gravel already. Also when is a good time to add fish and what types are good for beginners. Should I get something that eats algae?
Thank you.

2007-06-05 14:27:36 · 12 answers · asked by Essexboy 1 in Fish

2007-06-05 14:22:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Birds

mainly web sites

2007-06-05 14:10:20 · 8 answers · asked by lisha h 1 in Fish

I have a bull mastiff/rottweiler mix and i'm trying to train it to sit and stay.But he doesnt respond to me.I make noises behind him to see if he hears them,but it seems like he doesn't know where the noise is coming from.How do i know if he's deaf? He's only 8.5 weeks.

2007-06-05 14:08:35 · 35 answers · asked by Yayaitta 1 in Dogs

ok well i need to know how to groom your dog or bath it step by step i will need around 10 steps and the maximum is 20

this is a project and i need to know how to groom your dog anyone wants to volunteer
10 steps or more will be fine and the steps dosnt have to be that long

2007-06-05 14:01:07 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

is it harmfull need to know any one with idea plz tell me. im freaking out here. he was playing with it layed down later and got stiff and had like little convolsions then got up and tried to walk. it was like his back feet didnt work right he was walking sideways. plz answer ASAP.

2007-06-05 13:59:28 · 10 answers · asked by Tyler W 1 in Dogs

MY dog is laying on the ground with his eyes rolled back and his tongue sticking out, whats wrong?

2007-06-05 13:57:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

Well...he smells like butt, I gave him a bath yesterday and he still smells like butt. I took him to the vet and the vet acted like he didn't smell anything...so any idea why he smells like this...it's really a problem...well cause it stinks!

2007-06-05 13:55:24 · 10 answers · asked by natenbaron 1 in Dogs

2007-06-05 13:48:12 · 9 answers · asked by elizabeth y 1 in Cats

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