My puppy is incredibly mean. He is now around 3-4 months old & is teething, which is horrible in itself. Another bad thing? Ive had him nearly since birth (6 weeks), & have been working on training him every since. I know he is young, but I know younger puppies who have already learned to use the bathroom on their "pads" or are getting the hang of crate training. I tried both methods-crate to begin with, which absolutely did not work, and then I have switched to pads and have been practicing this for over a month and a half now and not ONCE has he used the bathroom on them. I scold him, and show him the pad. I attempt to catch him in the act and place him on the pad, but it doesn't work. I've even tried putting some of his "mess" ON the pad so he would be more provoked to use the bathroom there, but that doesn't work either! I'm beginning to think nothing is ever going to work. I trained a collie within one week, at only 8 weeks, before. This is a pekapoo, a mixture between a pekingnese and miniature poodle.. Someone mentioned poodles are very difficult to train, could this be the reason? Please help me out!
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