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Pets - 15 December 2006

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

It is a Bouvier des Flanders. I've been told at six months, but also been advised that I should wait until 2 years - so not to influence the dog's normal development.

2006-12-15 20:38:28 · 12 answers · asked by ASCape 1 in Dogs

What is the suggestion on house breaking, I am tryin to train him to paper, is there any other way that might be easier or the best way's to do this, Yy.

2006-12-15 20:34:50 · 11 answers · asked by Daisy 1 in Dogs

hi i was wondering, i have been given a curb bit and chain for my horse (to help calm her down) and i have no idea what to do with it. does the chain go in the horses mouth? if so where (over, under tongue) etc? can anyone help me!!!

2006-12-15 20:23:09 · 5 answers · asked by leishie!!! 3 in Other - Pets

She's a 3 year old black lab, she has had a history of allergies., these bumps are right where her whiskers come out of her muzzle, are these zit's/ingrown whisker? or is it an allergic reaction to something?

2006-12-15 20:22:37 · 4 answers · asked by Matthew P 1 in Dogs

Does anyone have any advice for me I just got a shitzui puupy, and he is havin trouble getting agusted. I realize I just got him home, but maybe something will help him feel a little better. Ty.

2006-12-15 20:19:13 · 6 answers · asked by Daisy 1 in Dogs

i bought a female beta at wal-mart and it looks like a female. she's almost white and has short fins and not very big. i've had her for over two years now. i bought a nice tank and was wanting to add another female. i just want to make sure that i have a female. are there any other ways to tell other than less color and short fins?

2006-12-15 20:13:16 · 10 answers · asked by sneauxflake88 1 in Fish

My dog woke me up at about 345 this morning, shaking, and pacing around my bed.He doesn't ever wake me up in the middle of the night, so it kind of freaked me out. Once I got out of bed he got up and vomited on the floor. It was yellow and foamy (bile?). He didn't eat his dinner last night so I'm wondering if he's got an upset stomach from not eating...any suggestions? He's a 2.5 yr old male, belguim shepard/border collie mix.

2006-12-15 20:13:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

My 8 month old German Shepherd has been ready to begin breeding...what is the youngest acceptable age to begin breeding him? (The AKC requires males to be 10 monthes old and female must be 12 monthes old in order to allow their puppies to be registered)

2006-12-15 20:00:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

i got my son a dog when he was 2 and now he is 8.his dog died tonight while he was asleep and when he wakes up i dont know what to say im so upset cause i really didnt like the dog but it meant so much to him and he doesnt have hardly any friends and his father passed away when he was 1,and i cant bare to see him cry what can i do?he has been through so much at a young age breaks my heart

2006-12-15 19:56:10 · 14 answers · asked by bri n 3 in Dogs

Chihuahua? alot of people do not like them why

2006-12-15 19:43:15 · 6 answers · asked by Star-Dust 7 in Dogs

I need a picture of a cockatiel's egg at it's 16th day of incubation. I need to see how it look inside a cockatiel egg on it's 16th day of incubation.

Another question: I have read on the computer that their will be peeping sounds coming from the egg before it hatches. I need to know how it sounds e.g peeep. How does it sound?

2006-12-15 19:35:02 · 2 answers · asked by aamir925 1 in Birds

my budgie lays eggs in the nestbox and sits for about 18 days then we find the eggs on the ground with a hole pecked in it showing the yolk this has happened 3 times. she has her mate in with her. why is this happening? do you think we need a new male bird.

2006-12-15 19:28:59 · 7 answers · asked by peter b 1 in Birds

I noticed that my doggy's ears and nose are a bit warmer than usual (even when he's sleeping, he is still pretty warm). Should I be concerned? What should I do if he has a fever?

2006-12-15 19:28:37 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

2006-12-15 19:23:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

My dog is limping with alternating legs. She's completely fine at first, but she would suddenly tremble and puts her leg up. She would alternate the leg from left hind leg to right hind leg (and sometimes even to her fore-legs alternatively as well) as if she forgot which leg she was having problem with. We massaged her leg and she is able to walk again. Is she pretending or is she really sick?

2006-12-15 19:18:19 · 14 answers · asked by Nox 1 in Dogs

Our dog, Hippo, ws only in the pound for 4 days and the moment we met her we fell in love. She is already attached at the hip. When we told her to Pet Smart she didn't mind the kids but when we showed her a squeeky toy she tried to climb into my arms. And when some people came up to her she pressed close against me. Also when I had her and my boyfriend left we were sitting there and when he came back she let out a little growl until she smelled him and realized it was ok. The worst though was when we were outside, she met my mom fine, and was fine with my brother the first time. There were some boys across the street and when they got close she started to do, like a, throat bark and just climbed in my lap. Then snapped at my brother. We have only had her for less then a day and also had a 4 hour car drive. The only times it has happened is with me and people approaching me and my bf isn't there, so is she protecting me? I just want to nip this problem in the butt and need input.

2006-12-15 19:14:27 · 5 answers · asked by meggie_629 2 in Dogs

Okay, I'm in China, and my host family has a male cat. When I came, he started spraying everywhere, at least once a day, often on my bed, or in my room. I thought that it was just because I was a new person in his life, and smelled like about 5 other cats. However, it has been almost 4 months now, and he stil keeps at it. I suggested to my mother having him neutered but she said no cats in China are, and that's just barbarious.

Another problem, I think also related to his spraying, is that he masturbates all the time. He has this stuffed dolphin that he carries around, and I think he does this about twice a day. Before I came, I don't think my family knew what it was, but now they want him to stop, and he gets really mad if disturbed in any way. Also, if he can't find his dolphin, he tries to use someone's arm or leg, and literally attacks the person, biting and hisses, so that they have to find his dolphin.

Is there anyway to prevent this behavior other than neutering?

2006-12-15 19:12:07 · 15 answers · asked by GrammastolaRosea 2 in Cats

Seriously Fluffy, that wasn't cool.... No treats for you tonight!

2006-12-15 19:10:52 · 7 answers · asked by Seriously Now 2 in Other - Pets

She is 11 months old and still no signs of a heat cycle. She is with a male doberman but he tries to hump anything so i cant tell by him (he is nuetered). Is somthing wrong? Or is it normal? I have tried to find this question out by doing more research but have had no luck. I am not planning on breeding her at this age I am just wanting to know so that I can be expecting her heat cycle. thx

2006-12-15 19:02:11 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

2006-12-15 18:58:27 · 10 answers · asked by billy 1 in Reptiles

my 5 months old male german shepherd dog is cow hocked and his rear toes keep pointing outwards when he stands or walks , does anybody know about it ? will he get better when he gets older ? is it so serious ?

2006-12-15 18:55:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I have 2 blue line male APBTs, they're both exactly the same age (because they're brothers). Well, they will be turning 4 months in about a week, but one of them, I believe weighs about 34lbs, and the other one weighs about 30 lbs. or so...I have been trying to make the 30lbs to weight the same as the other one, but I haven't been able to do so...I was actually wondering if they both are at a normal weight for their age...I have met people that say "My Pit is 4 or 5 months old, and they're really big..."............P.S- I feed them with Royal Canin (Large breed puppy 'n Babydog food) as well as Science diet puppy canned food...

2006-12-15 18:50:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

2006-12-15 18:43:07 · 4 answers · asked by billy 1 in Birds

,,barks the most? ;O)

2006-12-15 18:40:49 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

i have a rottie need a trainer

2006-12-15 18:39:03 · 1 answers · asked by joi 2 in Other - Pets

Please dont respond with: go to the vet! I just want info and experienced answers plz. My friends female pitt-bull. (a sweetie!)is in heat. She has something swollen and protruding out down there so large that it looks like she has human male balls! Any idea what this is? Cant wait till he go to vet with her! I need to know now! Thank you

2006-12-15 18:38:02 · 9 answers · asked by anothersatniteandiaintgotno 2 in Dogs

My friend got a puppy to surprise her daughter. I picked it up from the airport a few minutes ago, and I will babysit him until Sunday because that's when she will be surprising her daughter. So...what do I feed him? I don't have any dog food right now and I can't buy any until tomorrow. What should I give him to eat tonight. Is milk ok?

2006-12-15 18:33:06 · 11 answers · asked by Neiner_Weiner 5 in Dogs

My female dog died two days later after she had seven puppies, and we informed the owner of the stud, after 4 weeks he said he didnt want one or anything to do with the animals what should we do. We had to hand raise them buying puppy formula and everything cost me over 1000 dollars and now when he sees how big they have gotten he all of a sudden wants one. What would seem fair. Should he have to pay for the dog or should he get the pick of the liter???

2006-12-15 18:23:56 · 17 answers · asked by gizmo420187 1 in Dogs

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