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Pets - 6 November 2006

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

2006-11-06 17:57:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

Why does my male cat Max walk around with the tip of his tongue out? He is so cool, and I can pet him and grab at it and he pulls it back in but before long it's back out there, it makes him look hilarious!

2006-11-06 17:55:42 · 4 answers · asked by monk 2 in Other - Pets

i was driving on the freeway and on the carpool lane (dimond lane), the one over to the far left, i saw a dead pug.
how did he end up there? any guesses? i was just distrbed by the whole scene.

2006-11-06 17:46:44 · 11 answers · asked by chapped lips 5 in Dogs

My 3 yr old cat wants nothing to do with catnip at all is this normal? I thought all cats liked catnip. He doesn't like milk either I have tried to leave a little bit of milk out every so often but he just won't try it.
Also.... I never see him drinking from his water bowl. Maybe he sips it when I am not home or something but I have never personally seen him drink.... does anyone else have this problem too?

2006-11-06 17:43:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

My 1 year old German Shepherd/chow/lab mix has a couple of dark spots if you put your hand through his fur. When I try to pull it out it obviously hurts him because he tries to bite me. When I pull it out it is all flaky, before it was in just one spot but now its in 3 spots on his back. My friends told me it could be ringworm, or either because my other dog bites him while they're playing and rips the fur out. Once I pulled enough of the flaky stuff out, there was just dry blood under it, I can't take him to the vet at this time, but I plan to take him tomorrow. Is this skin problem something I should be really worried about?

2006-11-06 17:42:57 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

2006-11-06 17:39:04 · 19 answers · asked by chapped lips 5 in Dogs

2006-11-06 17:36:17 · 5 answers · asked by Fluffy 2 in Other - Pets

i recently added some new fish to my aquarium and i have two dwarf frogs in there too. it appears that one of my fish might be getting ich, but i have heard that several medicines are too strong for dwarf frogs to handle. does anyone know what kind of meds they could handle that could treat ich, or do i need to just remove them all together and put in a quarantine tank for a bit??

2006-11-06 17:27:06 · 4 answers · asked by mozthecat 2 in Fish

My dog also sniffs the air conditioning in the car.

2006-11-06 17:24:09 · 11 answers · asked by Fartbuster 4 in Dogs

Hi I have 4 cats who all unfortunately have fleas real bad ( I know I'm gonna get a lot of crapy answers) but I can not afford to take all of them to the vet at once. A friend told me about this pill called Capstar and a flea dip called Adams Pyrethrin Dip, I found the dip on www.healthypets.com I just want to know if anyong ever heard of this stuff or have you ever used it? Also what is a good product for getting rid of fleas in the home? serious answers only please.

2006-11-06 17:23:49 · 5 answers · asked by nicky 4 in Other - Pets

2006-11-06 17:23:22 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

I read somewhere that when a cat gives you their backend or lays on it's back that is a sign of trust....true or myth?

2006-11-06 17:22:17 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

I feed my dog 1 cup of these diet kebbles each day, and she usually eats it by nighttime, but for the past 2 days, she hasn't touched her food. I started to worry, but the thing is she acts the same. She was still fast when I ran her and is still hyper as usual.. she just seems to be eating less now.

I had to tear up a doggy biscuit and mix it into her regular dog food. she immediately ate her dinner for the treats, but she didn't finish the whole thing, unlike of her since she usually finishes all of her food.

my dog is 9 and 3/4 already.. so she is pretty old. but she still acts like a puppy. should i take her to the vet now or should I keep waiting if this behavior continues?

2006-11-06 17:06:52 · 8 answers · asked by Creb 2 in Dogs

We "adopted" a male cat named Charlie a few years ago (he is now 3yrs old)...he has never hissed at anyone or been aggressive in anyway...was told that the women who had him previously also had a few other cats and Charlie was to "needy" of a cat (whatever that means) and she gave him to a shelter.
I love him to death and he is a great cat...cuddles most of the time and always wants to be petted when he gets the chance.....he sits ontop of the couch in front of the window and sees my car pull in driveway and my mother says he jumps of the top of the couch and sprints to the kitchen door to greet me.....I feel so loved!
One thing that I am curious about though is why he nips my hand ever so gently when I pet him or he'll rub all around my face and then all the sudden he will nip my chin or nose just one time only and then go back to rubbing....affection or irritation?
I'm in bed watchin TV...he walks over rubs my face a little then licks my eye area 1x only then lays down. STRANGE ??

2006-11-06 17:00:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

i took him to the vet this morning because the wound had tripled in size, and since it did she could look at it better and said that it actually looks pretty good , just a little infected, so she ordered hydrotherapy on him twice a day, and said that although his wound looks bad its actually superficial. she put him on 2 antibiotics. and said that if i can keep the infection under control then he will make it, he has gained weight and seems to be in overall good health,

i just wanted to say thanks to every1 for their support and answers during this trying time.

2006-11-06 16:58:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I have an 18 month old neutered male dog that keeps peeing on our couches and our bed (usually on my husband's pillows) We have two other dogs that are housebroken just fine. I think he is marking either because of dominance or insecurity issues. I don't know what to do to get him to stop. Soon I will have no choice but to give him up and I will feel horrible about it.

2006-11-06 16:47:08 · 6 answers · asked by rdhdchk 1 in Dogs

My miniature dachshund is about to deliver puppies. How do I know when she is in labor? It's been 60 days which is the normal gestation period. Thanks for all your answers.

Her puppies are moving inside of her. I can feel them.

2006-11-06 16:43:41 · 12 answers · asked by msflightatt 4 in Dogs

As seen in the answer to another question.


No, no; I'm not thinking of giving the kitten Tylenol right now or anything. But she's getting spayed soon, and I sort of assumed that would involve a prescription. I'm a bit put off by the idea that it might not...

2006-11-06 16:40:40 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

I adopted a dog a few weeks ago from the shelter. I started using a crate immediately when I wasn't home and at night. A week after I got him, I went out of town for the weekend. Someone was staying at my house while I was gone to take care of all of my animals. Ever since I got back, my dog freaks out about the crate. The person staying here didn't do anything out of the ordinary except let my dog sleep on the bed with him one night.

Do you think he's freaking out because he's scared I'll leave him again or what? Please help!

2006-11-06 16:26:03 · 15 answers · asked by Candice F 3 in Dogs

I've always wondered what my Kokomo was mixed with. I've been told he was Dachshund Terrier, but what kind of terrier? I thought Beagle (I know Beagles aren't Terriers) was a possibility because his sister looked VERY similar to another dog we had years ago (she was dachshund/beagle). Does anyone have any ideas??




When he was younger (he was getting gray in these pics), he was completely reddish-brown and got the dark markings a little later (around 1 year).

Thanks for any help and ideas!

2006-11-06 16:24:22 · 7 answers · asked by lmakings 2 in Dogs

i recently had i cornsnake that wouldnt eat for me and after a little over a month, i put her in snake rehabilitation and they discovered she had internal parasites. She died about a month later and now i have a cali kingsnake who i put in the same cage. i cleaned the cage about a week and a half before i gave the cornsnake to rehab but forgot to clean it after that besides new bedding and water. Is there any chance my new kingsnake might get parasites from the cage? i have cleaned it all out now but she was in there about a week before i did...

2006-11-06 16:22:16 · 4 answers · asked by chico 2 in Reptiles


Please only if you know what you are talking about. Brother sister/breeding pitbulls.

2006-11-06 16:14:15 · 8 answers · asked by megs 2 in Dogs

I have 2 pitbulls. They are brother sister same litter. They are gorgeous and come from champion bloodlines. They are 8 months old and the girl is pregnant I was going to get her spayed at 9 months too late I guess. Are the pups gonna be okay?

2006-11-06 16:10:24 · 14 answers · asked by megs 2 in Dogs

2006-11-06 16:06:36 · 6 answers · asked by broncoess89 1 in Dogs

I've been told that a new rescue center just opened up by the above name. I need a phone # if anyone has it, or address would do.

2006-11-06 16:01:52 · 2 answers · asked by suttlered 2 in Cats

It's not mine and I have no idea who it belongs to. I don't want to touch it. What do I do?

2006-11-06 16:00:33 · 22 answers · asked by sharkgirl 7 in Cats

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