i installed a used B&S Craftsman I/C 17.5hp OHV engine in a scotts lawn tractor. it has been barely used in the last 2 years, according to the guy i bought it from.
it seem to have trouble on hills, hauling, and mowing. when i flip the throttle all the way up from idle, it takes a second or two to get up to max rpms. my old Intel engine revved much quicker than this.
when i engage the blades, the rpms drop by a few hundred rpms, and the blades also take a while to get up to speed. while mowing, the rpms drop further when i go up a small incline. they drop even more if i mow in 5th gear (i usually use 4th).
even when just driving around, the engine does not seem to have alot of power. i could pull wheelies and lay rubber down the driveway with my old engine, but this one just seems to be lacking the power.
why does it do this? i thought the carb may have been gummed up so i swapped it with my old one (exactly the same) but there is no difference. i also gapped the spark plug to .030"
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