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Maintenance & Repairs - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

We have lived in our rental home for over 1 year. About a week ago we noticed mold growing in the corner of a closet and upon searching our home noticed it was behind some wood furniture. Our landlord is going to replace the carpet and get a dehumidifier. According to a temp gage our house is currently at 70% humidity. We have a 3 month old baby. we have been trying to decide if we should just move out or see what happens with the dehumidifier and the new carpet. Everyone is giving us different advice. It would be very costly to move right now and we really like this house. Any suggestions would be helpful.

2007-07-25 16:32:55 · 10 answers · asked by brod 2

2007-07-25 16:31:42 · 5 answers · asked by cw 3

2007-07-25 15:37:30 · 3 answers · asked by okay. 2

our bathroom paint peels off and nicotine stains eventually come thru. and we have used oil paint AND Kils primer (many coats). nothing seems to work. we were wondering if anyone has tried polyeurathane varnish

2007-07-25 15:15:26 · 4 answers · asked by Elisheva 4

I just got my basement waterproofed, and in the process it was brought to my attention that the tiles in my basement floor are asbestos. Is it necessary to have the tile removed, or can I just lay new flooring over top of it?

2007-07-25 15:06:30 · 10 answers · asked by Schleppy 5

2007-07-25 14:34:34 · 1 answers · asked by George T 1

i installed a used B&S Craftsman I/C 17.5hp OHV engine in a scotts lawn tractor. it has been barely used in the last 2 years, according to the guy i bought it from.
it seem to have trouble on hills, hauling, and mowing. when i flip the throttle all the way up from idle, it takes a second or two to get up to max rpms. my old Intel engine revved much quicker than this.
when i engage the blades, the rpms drop by a few hundred rpms, and the blades also take a while to get up to speed. while mowing, the rpms drop further when i go up a small incline. they drop even more if i mow in 5th gear (i usually use 4th).
even when just driving around, the engine does not seem to have alot of power. i could pull wheelies and lay rubber down the driveway with my old engine, but this one just seems to be lacking the power.
why does it do this? i thought the carb may have been gummed up so i swapped it with my old one (exactly the same) but there is no difference. i also gapped the spark plug to .030"

2007-07-25 14:20:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

and an algecide, but it won'y go away - help please - does it take a while for algecide to work?

2007-07-25 13:09:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Help! im moving into my new apartment and today my neighboor confronted me and told me that he is a sexologist? (idk if its spelled right) ad that the wall connecting his n my apartment is in his room and my kids room, he says that since i have kids he doesnt want them to hear anything since his clients always come over and it gets kinda nasty. We both came into agreement that we would find a way to soundproof the walls and both pay for it...how do we do it?

2007-07-25 12:55:28 · 10 answers · asked by xxd0p3yxx 1

We have a slow draining sink and we've already tried cleaning and plunging. The auger/snake won't fit through the sink hole because of the stopper thing that gets in the way. So, I've been trying to unscrew the trap underneath to clean it out, but it won't unscrew. One side is really stuck. Is there a specific way or trick to unloosening the trap pipe? (ie both grips unscrews counterclockwise right?) It is plastic. Would I have to go out and buy a pipe wrench or call a plumber?

many thanks

2007-07-25 12:11:54 · 8 answers · asked by curious cat 3

2007-07-25 10:33:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a craftsman mower that has a Kohler 15.5 ohv that doesnt run and i need a how to repair manual. Anyone know where I can get a online copy that I dont have to purchase?

2007-07-25 10:18:47 · 3 answers · asked by ? 1

I have a pink lava lamp that is about oh idk... 6 or 7 years old? The lava is sitting on the bottom of the lamp in a strange clump. It does not flooowwww. like it should. Is there anything i can do to fix it with some huge hassel and project? please help! Thanks.

10 points!

2007-07-25 09:58:07 · 4 answers · asked by BeanBean ♥ 2

It is an older model. Best guess is the stove top is over 20 years old, yellow in color, 4 electric coil burners, and four control knobs to the left of the burners seated side by side in 2 rows.

2007-07-25 09:36:05 · 8 answers · asked by keeka_90 1

Do they work? Do you ever have to clean them?

2007-07-25 08:51:41 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

We rent a 4 bedroom "2" bathroom home in a great neighborhood..Fireplace, basketball court, we love it. We were told the carpets were all going to be replaced, a new shower downstairs, (has NEVER attempted to put it in) new doors (there are holes in a few and no locks) we told him the garbage disposale and dishwasher have been not working for over a month, causing leaks in the ceiling..Nothing done! A heavy rain caused flooding in the newly remodled basement a month ago.He had a company put dehumidifiers and blowers down for 4 days..The carpet was NEVER tacked back down..Flooded again a week and a half ago even worse.He came, looked at the damage with a cement company. That was last Friday. We haven't heard from him since even with placing calls.WE pulled the carpet up. We're paying almost $1300 a month (ridiculous in this area). We haven't been able to use the downstairs in a month. What can we do? I'm worried about the mold and moisture. We live in Iowa..Didn't sign a lease. HELP!

2007-07-25 08:47:43 · 9 answers · asked by ~K~ 4

I have a shower head and arm that broke off the threaded elbow in the wall. I would like to remove the broken threaded piece, which is broken flush with the elbow, so that I may replace the arm and head without opening the wall...

2007-07-25 08:47:27 · 4 answers · asked by lsellette 1

I have a button thats similiar to a door bell thats inside my garage. I used to just have to press it in (like ringing a door bell) and the garage door would either open completely or shut completely. Now, if I just press it, it begins to shut for about 1/2 second that re-opens again.

The only way I can shut the door is by HOLDING the button in until the door completely shuts.

What happened all of a sudden?

I'm thinking its just time to change the swtich / button (the thing that looks like a doorbell)

Any thoughts or ideas?

2007-07-25 07:43:03 · 4 answers · asked by Gato 1

My screen door has a hydraulic arm that lets it close slowly. The door is metal and the arm attaches with a few screws.

Now, all of the screw holes are loose so the arm either falls off completely or doesn't hold tight. I don't really have a new place to drill because I've done that so many times. How can I have a tight connection with no wiggle?

This is what it looks like now:

2007-07-25 07:21:18 · 9 answers · asked by Sporty 3

From everything I read online, it seems it would be unsafe to change the dryer cord to a 3 prong cord. What should I do?

2007-07-25 06:37:41 · 18 answers · asked by Hicktown girl66 6

we bought a house and the bathroom was not done with its remodeling. well thy forget to put something on the bottompart of hte tub to lay on the floor. not the tile is getting wet because there is nothing protecting it from getting wet. i am not sure on what its called please help me and where can purchase it.

2007-07-25 06:30:30 · 3 answers · asked by grumpyjen28 3

My neighbors yard is on a slope and higher than mine. It drains always onto my long driveway. There is about 14 feet between their house and my driveway. I want to install a French Drain to deal with the excess water I always get that just lays on my driveway. Should I put the drain on the border of the property, or should I put it directly against my driveway? Also, does a French Drain need to have an exit point to drain out to the street or can it just exit all downward and be completely covered and not exposed? Thanks for any help you can provide!

2007-07-25 06:16:42 · 4 answers · asked by David K 1

That seems to be my opinion based on my dealings with them....what's your story/opinion?

2007-07-25 05:58:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have bats in our upper attic an need to know how to get them out.

2007-07-25 05:56:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-25 05:55:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Was running OK then revs seemed to slow and it started running really lumpy and jumping about it's frame. Still starts fine and there are no nasty noises suggesting bearings or anything like that. Has anyone out there had a similar problem?
I feel 99% sure it something in the carb but I thought I would post here before I start ripping it to bits.

2007-07-25 05:47:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

that strip along the panel boards in mobile homes?

Is it strips, cordding, trimming, or something else?

I need some more and nobody knows what I'm talking about when I look for it. Ours is like a fake gold color.

2007-07-25 05:42:06 · 3 answers · asked by mikeyswifeyof4 3

resess inspection cover for manhole for kitchen floor

2007-07-25 05:30:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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