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Home & Garden - 12 March 2007

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Cleaning & Laundry · Decorating & Remodeling · Do It Yourself (DIY) · Garden & Landscape · Maintenance & Repairs · Other - Home & Garden

I attached some Christmas decorations to windows with masking tape. I was able to get the tape off, but it left a good deal of the glue on the window.
Any good ideas as to what chemical may get it off??

2007-03-12 10:07:24 · 20 answers · asked by ump2please 4 in Cleaning & Laundry

Woke up this morning to a freezing house , checked the thermostat and saw that none of the lights were on, i turned it to 85 F and tried to put it at 65F and nothing happened. could this just be the thermostat or would it be the heat itself(electric heat pump)

2007-03-12 10:06:54 · 5 answers · asked by littleyell0wman 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I painted my room over 24 hours ago, is it okay to rehang the pictures I took down or should I wait longer?

2007-03-12 10:03:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Decorating & Remodeling

they are growing fine, but i have about ten in each cup, so when is a good time to seperate them and is there any trick to it?

2007-03-12 10:02:42 · 1 answers · asked by lisa and donnie w 1 in Other - Home & Garden

I have a 12 man tent and it has a rip in the pole holder in on of the sleeping compartments. Being of limited means, I would prefer to repair the tent rather than buy a new one. Does anyone know if there is a suitable repair kit that can be used.

2007-03-12 10:02:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Home & Garden

I am doing a project for school and i need some samples of clay soil, sand soil, silt soild and possibly loam soil...

2007-03-12 10:02:11 · 2 answers · asked by theatreis4life 2 in Other - Home & Garden

2007-03-12 10:01:28 · 2 answers · asked by Carol F 1 in Garden & Landscape

Apparently the window rope along with weights allows the window to stay open, but the rope is broken. One person I contacted said I'd have to dismantle the whole window to fix it(molding and all). Is there an easier way to do this?

2007-03-12 10:01:19 · 6 answers · asked by lart2 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

2007-03-12 10:01:14 · 13 answers · asked by blueszar 1 in Garden & Landscape

When is it appropriate to start planting flower seeds, and what is to cold for them right about now like if it gets to be like 30 degrees for a few days in the process of them being planted

2007-03-12 09:57:02 · 5 answers · asked by smittysmitty333 1 in Garden & Landscape

I have some tulip tree seeds obtained from a tree in Indiana. They are sort of similar to the "helicopter" seeds from a maple tree, but VERY VERY hard. How do I start them. Do I somehow removed the outer casing, or just soak the whole thing in water or moist dirt or ???? I don't see how the seed can sprout through that hard casing. Anyone who has done this, please reply. Also, how fast do these grow? How long before first flowers? Thanks any and all.

2007-03-12 09:53:05 · 5 answers · asked by grumpyoldlady 3 in Garden & Landscape

my back yard is dying. the grass is not turning green and it seems like the trees are also dying. how can i get it looking good and when will i have to start putting stuff down if that is what it is.

2007-03-12 09:50:58 · 8 answers · asked by smilingdick 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

I want a small, flowering tree that grows no taller than 10 - 15 feet that blooms in the Spring. What are some good recommendations?

Please don't tell me to do research at some websites, ask gardeners, and so on. I know you guys have the answer.


2007-03-12 09:50:56 · 22 answers · asked by casey_leftwich 5 in Garden & Landscape

This is mostly the kitchen scraps that have this problem

2007-03-12 09:47:06 · 6 answers · asked by bbaffs 2 in Garden & Landscape

We removed two shade trees from our front yard that we think were really causing problems growing grass. This winter we planted rye grass seed to try and fill in the bare spots -- we've had some success but not complete. The lawn is St. Augustine and we have full west exposure (Houston, Texas). Any hints on what to do next to insure that the lawn will fill in completely. We still have a few pines trees but they are pretty tall and do not provide any shade on the grass.

2007-03-12 09:46:59 · 4 answers · asked by HelloHello 3 in Garden & Landscape

Our tomatoes last year weren't very sweet. We planted sweet varieties and also put some sugar in the holes when we planted. The sugar thing was supposed to make the tomatoes sweet, according to various sources. I think the problem is the soil though. Do I need to put down some lime or what?

2007-03-12 09:44:57 · 8 answers · asked by pookiemct07 5 in Garden & Landscape

I went downstairs to my unfinished slab basement and found just a little bit of water in various places where I have never seen water before. I kind of looked around, and could not find the source, but then my eyes happened to hit the circut breaker pannel and saw that the sump pump switch had thrown itself (it's on the same circut as the central vac...)

Anyway, knowing nothing about building and such, do you think any damage was caused? There wasn't very much water, but I do notice that the water kind of congregates in the area of where hairline cracks in the concrete are on the floor. I am not sure if those cracks were there before, or if they were a result of the sump pump not working for an unspecified period of time. Can too much water building up cause the concrete to crack? Should I have it inspected by a professional foundation guy who will probably try to rip me off?

2007-03-12 09:42:30 · 4 answers · asked by Robert N 4 in Maintenance & Repairs

2007-03-12 09:42:03 · 2 answers · asked by Dolly 1 in Garden & Landscape

2007-03-12 09:40:01 · 2 answers · asked by 1020AM 1 in Garden & Landscape

I bought door 3-4 years ago, and did not remove plastic wrap on outside of door. I have tried to remove so that door can be painted for past 2 years.

2007-03-12 09:38:09 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cleaning & Laundry

We moved here in October, the garden had been fully landscaped and it was gorgeous. Our dog soon ruined it by running around on the grass in the rain and creating mud slides, and also digging to hide his bones! I'd say that 40% of the grass is now just muddy patches, and obviously I want to make it right again now summer is coming. I don't want to have to spend out on turf, especially seeing as it's not the whole garden, so was thinking grass seed might do it...but I don't know if this might make the grass look uneven, or whether it would even work!

The dog is no longer living with us, so there is no fear of it being ruined again...so how do we make it nice? And how long will it take?

2007-03-12 09:33:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anon 4 in Garden & Landscape

I would like to see some pics if possible please..

2007-03-12 09:28:59 · 5 answers · asked by egyptianprincess 1 in Decorating & Remodeling

we are getting a wooden playhouse this week and my boys want to paint it light blue but the only stain i could find was green and brown colours. We want it light blue, do we use normal paint then some varnish or something any tips ive seen playhouses multicolored before so what paint have they used?

2007-03-12 09:28:43 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Decorating & Remodeling

My husband's birthday is coming up and he wants a charcoal grill. What kind of grill brand/model do you recommend?

2007-03-12 09:28:36 · 8 answers · asked by keithsushi 2 in Other - Home & Garden

A.) perennials B.) annuals C.) xerophytes D.) epiphytes

2007-03-12 09:28:32 · 7 answers · asked by j_baby 2 in Other - Home & Garden

I have already learned that using hot water and the dryer set on high helps, but any other advice is welcomed! Thanks for your time :)

2007-03-12 09:28:32 · 5 answers · asked by miamoreshay 1 in Cleaning & Laundry

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