I went downstairs to my unfinished slab basement and found just a little bit of water in various places where I have never seen water before. I kind of looked around, and could not find the source, but then my eyes happened to hit the circut breaker pannel and saw that the sump pump switch had thrown itself (it's on the same circut as the central vac...)
Anyway, knowing nothing about building and such, do you think any damage was caused? There wasn't very much water, but I do notice that the water kind of congregates in the area of where hairline cracks in the concrete are on the floor. I am not sure if those cracks were there before, or if they were a result of the sump pump not working for an unspecified period of time. Can too much water building up cause the concrete to crack? Should I have it inspected by a professional foundation guy who will probably try to rip me off?
4 answers
asked by
Robert N
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