My husband and I live next some folks with about 30 rabbits. We have a large and growing compost pile of rabbit poo for our garden. How do I start using it? Other neighbors have given us 8 bales of somewhat waterlogged straw. If I mix the two, hoping in the future that it will break down into good organic soil, at what ratio should I mix them? Also - Thinking of maybe making a square box using the straw and putting the poo inside it hoping it will break down faster since it will help retain the heat as it composts. What do you think is the best way to do this? Thirdly and lastly - I have built 3 raised beds using pannels I made out of scrap lumber that are 6 ft. long and wide, and 19 inches tall. Since they are so tall I'm wondering if I can use some of the poo as fill - I know it would be bad if it was REAL close to where the veggi seeds get planted - but also we don't know where else to get fill and we will need several yards of soil/top soil to fill them up.
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Garden & Landscape