After we had a voltage surge yesterday, that knocked out everything with a bulb or picture tube and ruined them: Including a 36 inch Television, a computer monitor, and every light in the house, ... My local electric company (which of course is the only game in town.) informed me that I don't have the surge protection service that they offer so nothing is covered.
BUT... If I joined up, and paid a fee of $45.00 + $6 per month maintence fee, then... if there was a regular surge, it would block it, and keep things from getting messed up.
UNLESS... it was a voltage surge, which they do not provide a service for, and in such an event, nothing would be covered anyway.
Do they have the right to do this? What are my options before I go out and replace everything only to have it get destroyed all over again? (which she made sure she pointed out to me as a possibility...)
Anyone know anything about power companies and what they are legally responsable for?
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Other - Home & Garden