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Mental Health - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

some say that there is nothing wrong with me who do i believe some people give me dirty looks some not i dont know who to trust any more i just dont know what to do about it some say im attractive some say im ugly an different ive had a nervous breakdown because of it all im so confused like ive lost my identity i just dont know who i am any more or what i am do i take negative comments or positive im all mixed up if people are saying that im not ugly what is it that i am do i have plastic surgery to fit in with the negative peoples response or do i just accept what i am and still have to take insults from people etc this issnt in my mind as i have been called so many things during my life time i have no confidence etc and people find it easy to intimidate me and bully me as i cant stand up for myself please help me on this I JUST AT A BIG LOSS AT THE MOMENT I DONT KNOW WHO TO TURN TO ANY MORE I REALLY SEE SOMETHING OF DISFIGURATION IN THE MIRROR FACIAL ONLY ANY ONE WITH GOOD ADVICE

2006-12-06 00:05:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you've put a lot of time and thought into it, do you need to find someone you trust and at least tell them what's about to happen before it does?

2006-12-05 23:43:35 · 20 answers · asked by fromatoms2adam 1

2006-12-05 23:16:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been taking Wellbutrin XL (300 mg) for about 2 weeks so far. I'm very pleased with the results... I'm more energetic and awake (no more coffee dependence), and my appetite is more easily controlled (I'm a weight-conscious, emotional eater).

The main problem so far is that I've noticed that my eyes are very dry, which is bad when you wear contact lenses. I know one of the main side effects is dry mouth, so it seems to make sense that dry eyes would also be a side effect. Has anyone experienced this as a side effect?

2006-12-05 22:44:41 · 5 answers · asked by tiggywinkle 3

im a 15 year old girl is there some thing i can do or some kind of pill i can get for depression with out me have to tell my parents because i could never ask my parents for that kind of thing because we do not have that kind of relationship.it getting really hard to do anything any more its been going on for about 5 months.i dont have any friends,i cant sleep.if you could help me that would be great.i can not go to a doctor or a Consular so do not suggest it i really am tired of it

2006-12-05 22:16:03 · 12 answers · asked by mu_ba 2

I know it sounds silly but it is actually pretty serious for me... I can't seem to quit getting all cranked up on coffee and soda and staying up all night on the PC....

I would really like to get to bed a decent hour and get up in time to do things during the day...

It's starting to affect my work and stuff... I feel like I need the caffeine because I miss so much sleep from already having too much...

Anyone else been successful at changing this?

(yes - I'm asking this question at 5:45 AM.... so what?)

2006-12-05 21:45:35 · 11 answers · asked by rabble rouser 6

I am so tired but I can't go to bed. My dog fell asleep in my bed and I am afraid to wake him up. He get's so mad when I do that. What do you suggest?

2006-12-05 21:40:53 · 13 answers · asked by waxingtheturtle2 4

ok i've posted on here before about this, so i hope your not sick of me, please can someone help me out?

i have a few problems, and have alot on my plate at the minute - the most serious one i'd say is me cutting myself...i've told a few people who are/were close to me, but they all say the same thing - DON'T!! But they don't understand that it's not as easy as that. When i posted about iut on here the last time i got suggestions of couseling (and well some DON'T!!s again) but i am too scared to go talk to a cousiler incase my family get involved. I don't want to hurt anyone more, i just want to be better...am so close to getting caught about the cuts, and i can't keep blaming it on the animals of the house (my poor dog) ''oh i was playing with the dog...he jumped on me and ... er he needs his claws clipped...'' is not gonna hold up much longer.

this is getting way too long, poor u

i just need a bit of advice from any counsilers out there? or anyone with experiance?

2006-12-05 21:20:56 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

recently its been getting worse but i keep forgetting things.
yesterday it came to me forgetting to pick my girlfriend up from work (4pm) and at 5pm i rang her asking her where she was coz i was worried and she asked where i was as i was ment to be picking her up. but i forgot all about it. and things like ill be driving somewhere and ill drive the wrong way as my brain thinks im going somewhere else. like ill be driving to shops but then end up at my parents??? some one will ring me and ask me (when im at the shop) to get them something. and ill just forget as soon as i put the phone down.. i think i have a problem with my shortterm memory. could someone give me advice or if they have had problems like this before also.


2006-12-05 21:20:02 · 14 answers · asked by Andy_T 2

I have a way of bringing out the worst in myself. No matter what I do, I find a way to sabbotage myself. It's like I refuse to win. Why do I do this, and how do I stop it?

2006-12-05 21:13:19 · 4 answers · asked by cygnusx1 1

And if so what was the diagnosis for kids who suffered from it before it was recognised as a medical condition. Were they just classed as brats?

2006-12-05 20:56:45 · 8 answers · asked by leedsmikey 6

I heard about a woman who claims that she caught her 17 year old brother trying to molest her 5 year old son.
My friend knows the brother (not her) and we do not believe he is guilty.
The kid recently told his family that he was gay and we think that that is why she has started these accusations.

Then it turns out that she has made these kind of accusations against random people in the past - she used to tell people that a man came up and just started molesting her son at the supermarket in broad daylight.

Is it possible that this woman suffers from a disease like Munchausen Syndrome?

She is causing huge problems for her brother and even though the parents are on his side - the law might not be so reasonable.

What can be done to find out if this parent is even fit to be alone with her own son?

2006-12-05 20:24:33 · 5 answers · asked by rabble rouser 6

(Eye Movement Retraining Desensitising)

Has anyone had this treatment/therapy and if so what did you think of it, what are your experiences or opinions of the outcomes it can acheive. Do you think it works?

2006-12-05 19:35:15 · 3 answers · asked by having_a_blonde_day_lol 4

when the slightest symptom (warning 4 me.) starts take medication with dr"s advice. Untill under controle of symptoms then eventualy ween off meds. Untill next cycaling of illness, useualy yrs apart in my case. Rather then be on meds 4 say 6 yrs when only 2 episodse may only accure during that period? this has worked 4 me in the past should i try it again?

2006-12-05 18:43:36 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been having this problem since i started college. My head has been aching since first year. It's been aching up to now and i can't seem to bear the pain no more... I feel like a drill is inside my head and it's giving me so much headache... But the symptom is this... Before my head aches.. i feel my eyes first becoming a bit wobbly.. At night, my head has numbed from the pain.. and then i go to sleep..

2006-12-05 18:39:51 · 9 answers · asked by poochie 1

I havent slept in over 24 hours,been so busy moving house. Will it affect me where i might hallucinate?

2006-12-05 18:24:27 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-05 18:15:02 · 8 answers · asked by bysanichaitanya 1

I just got a new cat, and ever since I've felt panicky, and like I've made a big mistake. Is it normal to feel so overwhelmed? I really did want a cat to begin with, but I'm worried. I can't eat and I'm having a hard time sleeping. It's actually done the opposite... instead of being really happy, I feel really bummed out.

What would cause such a negative emotional reaction??

2006-12-05 18:09:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

About a couple months ago I started getting depressed. But now I hardly ever leave my house and I am no longer interested in anything. I have avoided everyone I know and also I have been thinking of suicidal thoughts. I feel extremly hopeless, I have no one to really talk to, and I even stoped believing in religion. Does anyone know how to reverse it or simply get rid of depression?

2006-12-05 18:07:57 · 27 answers · asked by Becca 2

I didnt sleep at all last night because i moved house and was up sorting everything out(still not finished yet), I am now at work and exhausted. I am struggling to keep my eye's open,how am i gonna cope?also after work i have to pop into town!Anything i can take to make me feel better?

2006-12-05 17:58:35 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 16 year old daughter has been seeing a psychologist in conjunction with a nurse practitioner to diagnose and treat depression and mood swings. She has seen this female psychologist for 5 months, but I see no significant progress. The psychologist seems to spend an hour with her just going over what's been happening in her life the week before - - - - sort of like monitoring her life instead of helping her with coping strategies. With each visit, my daughter is beginning to detest this woman more and more. And I'm wondering if I'm just providing an easy income for her.

I'm not an expert, but I wonder if it is time to change counselors. I'm not satisfied, but it is so hard to get in to see other professionals and then there's ALL the paperwork and background to go over again with a new person. But considering my daughter's anger and depression problem, do you think we need to switch if she is beginning to dislike this woman so much?

2006-12-05 17:22:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-05 17:15:24 · 9 answers · asked by Mr. Right 4


i got a borderline personality dissorder and im always depressed,is there a good medication out there to treat this?or do you know'??so i can ask my dr

2006-12-05 17:09:11 · 8 answers · asked by ~$#xyMammA~ 1

is fourteen and non-verbal and just revealed to us that he can read and has been able to for a long time, but he still cant talk....what do we do next?

2006-12-05 17:07:22 · 7 answers · asked by pandabear8806 2

Just wondered? I tell the woman everything, I'm on prozac (she knows this) and am currently doubting my own sanity, with or without the stuff so does she have the right?

2006-12-05 16:58:04 · 14 answers · asked by Junimond 3

I have this weird thing about being touched. Not like I have a fear but I absolutely hate it and it makes me completely uncomfortable- kind of like an anxiety feeling. I have had this ever for my whole life. Especially when guys do it. I don't like when they hold my hand or touch my lower back or any of that. I haven't really had any trauma that I remember to cause me to be this way. My mom and dad weren't the most affectionate with me but both my brothers have no problem with being touchy feely. I feel bad because I can't hide my facial expressions of disgust or being uncomfortable when someone touches me. One time a friend of mine went to hug me and grabbed my lower back and I started to scream bloody murder, and I do not know why. I feel bad that I am this way and don't want to make people feel like they disgust me. Why do I do this? And how can I get over this?

2006-12-05 16:57:27 · 14 answers · asked by kareiche 1

2006-12-05 16:49:09 · 3 answers · asked by alex g 1

Sometimes I get panicky and feel like I need to run away. Then my head feels like it is in a vice that is squeezing. This happens almost everyday. The doctor said it is just mild to severe anxiety. Does anyone have any suggestions beside medicine. Please help???

2006-12-05 16:47:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-05 16:40:21 · 6 answers · asked by smith3973@sbcglobal.net 1

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