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im a 15 year old girl is there some thing i can do or some kind of pill i can get for depression with out me have to tell my parents because i could never ask my parents for that kind of thing because we do not have that kind of relationship.it getting really hard to do anything any more its been going on for about 5 months.i dont have any friends,i cant sleep.if you could help me that would be great.i can not go to a doctor or a Consular so do not suggest it i really am tired of it

2006-12-05 22:16:03 · 12 answers · asked by mu_ba 2 in Health Mental Health

12 answers

What would you do if you broke a leg or got a sick heart? Depression is an illness. It can and needs to be treated by doctors and it won't just go away by itself. Don't be ashamed of your illness, you can't help having it and the reactions you'll get if you talk to someone about it won't be as bad as you imagine.

I'm sorry, but there is no magic solution for depression, no over-the-counter pill or a home remedy that could cure you. You really have two choices: Either spend years of your life fighting with the illness on your own with little or at least very slow results, or go see a doctor, get medical treatment and feel better soon.

I don't know where you live, but where I'm from teenagers can talk to a doctor without the doctor telling the parents about it. At least check out that possibility in your area, it might be possible for you to get help without your parents finding out. Good luck!

2006-12-05 22:54:36 · answer #1 · answered by undir 7 · 2 0

Remember always that the best solution will be to go to a doctor, because depression is not a situation that can be easily solved on your own or with the help of somebody who is not able to enter your mind and to analyse it correctly.

Anyway, what I can suggest you is to stop and think of what can make you feel better, like having a pet, or going to the cinema, or walking somewhere.
Sometimes people don't have friends because in the end they don't want to have friends and/or they look for the wrong people to become friends with. Try to force yourself to talk to people and to listen to them. Maybe after a while you will have good feelings about them.
Last, if you find a way to tell your parents about your problem, and if yours are good parents I think that they may help you somehow.
Remember also that you're only 15, and that you still have so many things to discover and so much to learn. Bad moments happen, but there is always a way to rise again to a beautiful LIFE. You just have to find it, whether it will be by yourself or aided by somebody else.

2006-12-05 22:34:33 · answer #2 · answered by Lorenzo Agostini 2 · 1 1

Rather than worrying about pills to wash away your problems, I think you need to be at peace with yourself.

Why are you depressed? You say you don't have any friends. Nearly all teenagers don't have proper friends! You'd be surprised how many teenagers suffer depression. I was depressed from age 14-15- wasn't popular at school, wasn't pretty, wasn't talented, was bored a lot and felt people didn't understand me. We all feel like this at some point, sadly!

Your lack of sleep could be for many reasons- anxiety, diet etc.

Since you have access to the net, you have access to a lot of really lovely people. Find something you like doing- art, skating, bowling, playing a musical instrument, caring for animals etc- and use the internet to find a nearby group or community that does these things and join in. You don't need social skills to find something you like doing.

Also, improve your diet and health to make sure that a bad diet of sugar/caffeine or other stuff isn't harming your body and making you restless.

You sound like a nice person- you just need to find 'your way'.

2006-12-05 22:58:36 · answer #3 · answered by midsojo 4 · 1 0

Hi, firstly, I don't think you want to take anti-depressants. These are actually quite harmful. They actually worsen your situation. Therefore, drugs is not the answer. However, it is possible that there is something wrong with your body, such as lack of nutrition. Do you take vitamins? Do you exercise? Hopefully you aren't on drugs or alcohol. I would suggest finding a solution to the problems you are facing in life that are making things difficult to confront.

I would also suggest reading this chapter of the Scientology Handbook, called "Overcoming Ups and Downs in Life." There is a cause of suppression and spotting this may be very beneficial for you.

2006-12-06 00:00:16 · answer #4 · answered by HeyNowBrownCow 2 · 0 0

One place you can start is at Radiant Recovery.com. The homepage has links to help you learn about the program.

There's a Yahoo Group you can join called Radiant Depression.

Check it out and start eating the breakfast.

Post at The Community Forum at that website.

I wish you all the best.

2006-12-05 23:03:04 · answer #5 · answered by E V 3 · 1 0

If you can't talk to a counselor, go to the doctor, or talk with your parents, then what do you want me to say? Only a doctor and counselor can help you with depression in a way that it is going to have a lasting affect on the rest of your life.
However, you can do some things to help yourself if you are willing. But you have to put forth an effort to help yourself. If you can't work at helping yourself, all the help we offer you here isn't going to work for you, so think about "helping us to help you."
#1. Get up and get moving! Only if it is to walk around a block, down a hall way, to the mail box, the paper box, or any thing, get moving.
#2. Drink some coffee and wake up
#3. You can buy some pills like energy pills that will enhance your will being, but you have to have money for them, and they don't come cheap. At Rite-Aide or Wal-Mart, Bi-Mart, try some Gingko, guarana, green tea, or drink one of those energy drinks like bull, sometimes they really help your well being. But you need to drink one every day if you are going to go that route. You also want to look and see how much sugar is in them, some of them are high in calories and some aren't.
#4. Get out side, don't stay in the house day after day; go to school, throw yourself into your school work, and set some goals for your self; ones to improve your grades
All of these are hard things to do when you are depressed, but if you can't go to a counselor, then go to the library and read some books on depression.
As a side note, it isn't abnormal for 15-yr. olds to become depressed. I have a 16 yr. old niece that battles the same problem, along with suicide thoughts. She is going to counseling every week, and talking to the school counselor as well, and is on medication. Some times it helps, and other times it doesn't for her, but she does keep plugging along. She isn't getting along with her parents right now either, but she is hanging in there, so you do the same, okay? if you need to talk, email me at:

2006-12-05 22:33:44 · answer #6 · answered by Ikeg 3 · 1 1

Depression takes WAY too much energy. Try changing your way of thinking and challenging your perceptions that are causing YOU to create it because you are the only person who can upset you. Try reading a book called The Guide to Rational living by Albert Ellis its a bit like stereo instructions or an IBM Manual but will help you help yourself but can only work if you want to help yourself it will only cost you about $15-$20

2006-12-05 22:33:56 · answer #7 · answered by crawler 4 · 1 1

You can not buy over the counter anti depressants, you will have to go to your doctor I'm sorry.
It is confidential so theres no need to worry about your parents finding out.
You really should go as depression only gets worse if not treated, I've been through this a few times and its horrible.
Please go as no one will find out unless you tell them.

2006-12-05 22:26:12 · answer #8 · answered by YeahYeahYeah 4 · 3 0

After suffering from anxiety and depression for almost 5 years now, reading this book has made me feel like a new person. I can't describe in words what this book means to me. I highly recommend You To read this book. this book will change your life.

2006-12-07 13:46:05 · answer #9 · answered by mike 1 · 0 0

I am 51 and when the doctor told me I was bad depression my wife and children said she did not know what she was talking about.But I did have it bad,tell your mom or Dad you what to see the doctor for a check up then tell your doctor about it

2006-12-05 23:17:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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