If you are and do not want to answer in the public forum, e-mail me please.
I have ,"self medicated", with pot for years...but I have had to ,"GIVE it UP", for recent employment opportunities.
YEAH WHATEVER, it also, (pot that is) when I run out, I just seemed to get more ,"DEPRESSED".
Thereoretically if I just never ran out, things would be fine.
But I will not take the risk of selling it ,just so I can have ,"My FREE STASH". And weed is expensive, and SUPPOSEDLY causes other problems, what with work, family, G.F., whatever.
And then...
See I am Bi-Polar.
I hate to admit it, especially to myself.
I can not stay on,"ONE TRAIN OF THOUGHT" for like even one minute.
But I do not want to do or take any meds, cause I have heard too many "horror stories" about people acting out their ,"angers", or whatever.
You know, like setting their house on fire, maybe cause of too much MED'S, or like , "going out and killing someone who they think really needs it, when they quit med..
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