A few months ago I posted about my lower back I wasn't sure at that time what was going on since then I had an X-ray to figure out what is going on-bad news, I have three degenerating disks with severe arthritus L2, L3, L5 this was a blow to me I was not exspecting to hear more then what I already knew, L5 disks was bad which I knew from 2006. I lean to the left and stand that way pretty much all the time hurt bad to, my left knee and heel hurt so bad from all the pressure which is adding to the pain I already have & if im not carefull how I pick something up, stand, sit or move I get a surge of pain that stops me dead in my tracks and have to grab the nearest thing to keep my self from laying flat out until it rolls over it really sucks, I was hopeing to go back to work this year but not in this condition, my parents say im heading for disability and should start the process but not sure how or where, taking Tramadol for pain but kills my mind its 10% of morphine. btw i'm 34 years old
4 answers
asked by
Devon R