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Pain & Pain Management - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Pain & Pain Management

Ok, If I am old, and in pain and I have lived a fulfilling life and I no longer want to live, what is the whole issue in helping this person get their wish. Why should you be forced to stay in a world you no longer want to live in? Spare the whole b.s. about suicide is a sin, if you are not religious and do not believe this, why not let the person have it?

2007-11-28 01:39:10 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yesterday I was very dizzy (spelling). I threw up and could barely walk straight. I feel so tired.
Does anybody know what I have?

2007-11-27 22:58:52 · 4 answers · asked by SleepingBeauty =) 5

My father has knee problems and I still can't find a cure. He keeps complaining and as a tour guide, he usually wake for hours. Please I need your help and i will appreciate it. My father only believe in Chinese medicine or he won't accept the medicine. I accept related websites on soups, medicine or any way of treatment for cure of my father's problem

2007-11-27 22:40:10 · 3 answers · asked by slor 2

I hyperextended my elbow doing taekwondo 2 weeks ago. What is the general healing time to be able to fully extend the arm again without pain?

2007-11-27 22:27:11 · 2 answers · asked by bekka 3

I got a really bad cramp in my @ss from it, lmao.

anyone else ever had that happen to them?

sorry I'm just passing time while I wait for others to submit more questions.

2007-11-27 20:17:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know that it is different for everyone but still... My friend told me that she stepped on a nail so she got a big fat needle into her arm.
And it was sore and stiff fore two weeks. But I'm just getting mine out of the blue so it may be different. And I know I'm not going to make the same mistake as her not working it and what not. And my other friend David told me that he almost fainted from the pain. I wanna know your story and what it felt like!

2007-11-27 20:12:18 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have had surgery on right heel, now in physical therapy. My left knee needs surgery that will be 4-6 months heeling process. A Lot of pain. I am willing to travel for a pain specialist and I have the best doctor willing to give me a referral .Please, if someone knows of what I can do, let me know. Thanks...And there is more of the story, but I know everyone has one...

2007-11-27 20:07:26 · 4 answers · asked by dez 2

A few months ago I posted about my lower back I wasn't sure at that time what was going on since then I had an X-ray to figure out what is going on-bad news, I have three degenerating disks with severe arthritus L2, L3, L5 this was a blow to me I was not exspecting to hear more then what I already knew, L5 disks was bad which I knew from 2006. I lean to the left and stand that way pretty much all the time hurt bad to, my left knee and heel hurt so bad from all the pressure which is adding to the pain I already have & if im not carefull how I pick something up, stand, sit or move I get a surge of pain that stops me dead in my tracks and have to grab the nearest thing to keep my self from laying flat out until it rolls over it really sucks, I was hopeing to go back to work this year but not in this condition, my parents say im heading for disability and should start the process but not sure how or where, taking Tramadol for pain but kills my mind its 10% of morphine. btw i'm 34 years old

2007-11-27 16:24:51 · 4 answers · asked by Devon R 1

I have taken "Midrin" for years, all of the sudden it was recalled and I haven't been able to find out why, the dr's don't know, the pharmacists doesn't know, can't find anything on the internet about it. Does anyone know anything about this. Am I going to suffer some kind of horrific side effect later or worse? This is scarey.

2007-11-27 16:13:29 · 1 answers · asked by kristine e 1

Latley It seems that Ive been feeling like vibrations or like rumbling in my lower left kidney. It only last like for 3-5 seconds but has its own feeling. I've not had any blood in my urine but this feeling is scaring me. Any thoughts?

2007-11-27 15:17:44 · 1 answers · asked by Raied Z 1

I have a sinus infection and the Dr. gave me some Vi-Q-Tuss and it has hydrocodone in it and I know that means I will likely not get a good night's sleep tonight. Is there anything I can do to help me sleep better?

2007-11-27 14:20:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

So, around 3-4 times a day for the past year i've been getting these throbbing pains, and sometimes this electric shock feeling in the arm, leg, neck area. sometimes my side. not all at the same time and it usually lasts for a couple minutes and sometimes longer.

2007-11-27 14:20:33 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Once in a while I get a backache and it just feels that pulling on my feet would relieve it. One time I hooked up some pulleys so I could do this and it seemed to help but I couldn't pull too hard as I just dragged myself across the floor.

2007-11-27 14:19:11 · 2 answers · asked by andyg77 7

everytime i bend my knees my knees start to hurt escipally when i play tennis to go for a low shot am i beginning to get artharitis because it is herditary in my family

2007-11-27 14:17:54 · 2 answers · asked by tennispro365 2

Okay...long story short...I have had abdominal aching in my upper right hand quadrant that comes and goes along with nausea that comes and goes. I have not noticed a correlation with food. Nor does the pain always correlate with the nausea. I have had an ultrasound and a CT scan done and both came back normal with no signs of gallstones. Could this still be my gallbladder? And if so, what else can they do?

2007-11-27 13:42:40 · 3 answers · asked by sacabeans00 4


can a fallen arch lead to the knee twisting to the side of your leg?

2007-11-27 13:19:20 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can feel something in my groin. it hurts when i feel it but otherwise it doesn't hurt. I think my remember having this for a while but im not 100% percent sure. should i be worried?

2007-11-27 12:40:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i cut my knee open awhile ago and it got cut all the way to the bone and now it is once agian winter and my knee hurts like hell. does anyone know of anyway to cut the pain. i use tea tree oil that i got from my tae kwon do instructor but it dont work the greatest and my heat pak isnt the best either. any help would be great.

2007-11-27 11:36:34 · 1 answers · asked by Chevy Babe 3

i have knee pains when i bend it on my left side. sometimes it just kinda collapses. i sometimes where a knee brace and it kinda helps. anyone know whats wrong?

2007-11-27 11:17:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been having a real numbing sensation from the back of my skull (base) up about 2/3 way and to my right ear. It comes and goes..... ???????????

2007-11-27 10:35:13 · 1 answers · asked by robert c 2

i went to the gym a couple days ago then after thanksgiving, i woke up and my shoulder hurt as well as part of my back and arm. I dont know if i slept on it wrong or something. I have pain in my arm when i move it certain ways as well as my back and feel some tension in my elbow. Is it a rotator cuff, dislocation, what?

2007-11-27 10:13:27 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

im getting really sharp pains where my incesions r. anybody else have that, that has had this surgery. im going to the doctor tommorrow. please help. what could it be? i had two surgerys one a year ago and the other on august 7th this year.

2007-11-27 06:21:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

When could it be taken again after those 10 days?

2007-11-27 05:40:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

these cramps are severe enough to cause trouble walking when in the legs. I have tried extra potassium and the like as well as regular stretching etc. but nothing seems to help and they
seem to be spreading to my arms as well. at first I thought it was a simple charlie horse. I was mistaken. I've also had what feels like a strained muscle in my neck but isn't that I think is related to these cramps. I'm only 38 so old age isn't a factor.I've never had a problem with muscle cramps until now. For the most part they only strike when I stretch. they began in my calves.Now I can feel them starting in my forarms. any thing anyone can tell me or suggest I would deeply appreciate.

2007-11-27 05:12:16 · 3 answers · asked by cats_everwhere 3

2007-11-27 05:08:05 · 2 answers · asked by popee1212 2

What could this be everytim i try eating something it kind of hurts while im swallowing if i touch my throat it dont hurt its more like near the bottom of my throat where i feel it

2007-11-27 03:48:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please only serious answers. Mid-40's person had a normal day yesterday with a good cardio workout and had a good nights rest, woke up feeling dizzy. Is there something going around that could cause this? A little concerned.....

2007-11-27 03:12:42 · 3 answers · asked by HH 1

For two days or so, after I jerk off, my knees cracks and generally my joins hurt when I bend.

2007-11-27 03:10:08 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I didn't get injured, I never excercised. But when I get up at the morning, I get these pains in my arms and legs. Why is that? How can I get rid of them? And how can i prevent them from happening again?

What are these pains?

2007-11-27 02:17:03 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

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