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Pain & Pain Management - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Pain & Pain Management

I was told I had something wrong In either my colon, Or my lowerintestines as to why i feel like hell & I have painful stomach cramps..waht can help.. ( tried gas x) wont work

2007-08-26 11:02:33 · 6 answers · asked by SHAIYLYNN 3

13 year old daughter began complaining of stomach cramps around 5/6 days ago. abdominal pain gradually got worse during week, on thurs/friday morning the pain got very painful and kept her awake all night. she struggled to walk, couldnt sit down by the morning , felt nauseous. took her to the doctors (friday morning),he examined her and told me to take her to the hospital has he suspected appendicitus, . At the hospital the doctor examined her, a blood/urine test was done which were normal. The doctor didnt really know what it could be but said that it didnt look like appendictus and sent her home. My daughter was ok on saturday just minor pain and today she has been ok. However, in the past 2/3hours my daughter complained of pain in her abodomen and has got bad diaherea to the point her bum is sore. She says she feels nauseous but has no pain only when using toilet. Should i take her back to the hospital? could it be her appendix?

2007-08-26 10:52:19 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-26 08:04:53 · 2 answers · asked by tngrnsky33 1

2007-08-26 06:52:02 · 0 answers · asked by jane,jane 1

2007-08-26 06:43:53 · 0 answers · asked by Ahmed K 1

I have had an EXTREMELY sore throat since Monday (August 20th) and have been to the doctor's 3 times now. Everytime I swallow it feels like glass is tearing the back of my throat, the corners of my lips are sore and cracked, I have several ulcers (both on my lips and on my tongue), I have white spots on the roof of my mouth and a few right near my tonsils, my throat and tonsils are VERY red and inflamed and a few zits around my mouth. I have been told by the hospital and my GP that I do not have tonsilltis, but a severe pharyngitis. Is there anyone who can recommend anything to relieve the pain? I am currently drinking bucket loads of water, taking ibuprofen, sucking throat drops and eating milk pops, but would appreciate any other ideas... as it's like sharp glass everytime I swallow! :-(

2007-08-26 06:37:42 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Without getting into too much detail, about 10 months ago, I severely injured my back(thoracic area) . As far as imaging can tell, there is no skeletal damage or nerve issues, it can only be muscles. At best, I'm at a 5 on the pain scale, and I'm normally 6 or 7. This is with both CR and IR oral morphine(30mg BID and 15mg q4-6 PRN, respectively), a NSAID, and gabapentin. I had to stop Flexoril because of blood pressure issues (92 systolic). I spend at least an hour or two daily very nauseous from the pain. PT hasn't worked yet and I've run out of insurance, so the only treatment I can do right now is the TENS unit I have at home.

Here's my question though: Once a month or so, I have an episode of unprovoked intense pain, the only time I'm willing to say that I hit 10/10 on the pain scale. It can last up to an hour. Nothing I have can do anything. Is it possible to get any kind of injectable analgesic to keep at home for this case? Also, would a physician write for anything like this?

2007-08-26 06:31:17 · 8 answers · asked by Doorrat 3

2007-08-26 06:22:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-08-26 06:10:32 · 7 answers · asked by LYDIA R 1

2007-08-26 06:04:07 · 4 answers · asked by DrPepperme 2

I have to get a blood test and im terrified of needles! Someone told me that they got poked 7 times in one arm! Im so scared that will happen to me. What can I do so I don't break down into tears!

2007-08-26 05:57:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I went to the doctor for a physical and when they where taking out my blood from my vain everything was o.k. but when i went home my arm started to hurt from were they took the blood from.

Its already been like 4 days since and it still hurts i can not stretch it fully because it starts hurting.

Could of they done something wrong and mess up my vain for life? Or is it just normal and will slowly go away?

2007-08-26 05:31:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been having very bad mid- back pain. Hurts when i twist or bend to the eft or right. Feels concentrated right right in the middle of my back. It hurts really bad when i tuck my chin or put my head down to far it feels like im pulling the heck of the spot where it hurts. We have really cheap beds here. So i could use any tips to folding a blanket or a certain place to put a pillow under my back or any everyday things i could use to remedy this pain. It hurts so bad during the night i cant roll over. Please someone give a soldier some tips. i can walk around but i think i got it from jumping off a helicopter alittle to much the other day. It was on the ground about 4 feet up. thanks to all .

2007-08-26 05:19:12 · 8 answers · asked by rick c 2

2007-08-26 05:02:34 · 3 answers · asked by tissyannabanana 1

It is back pain, or in the limbs, mainly the joints. Yet I never get headaches.

I know really nothing about "pain" not attributed to something else. Is this a serious problem? Will it get worse? Is it, like, a thing? Like a condition? What should I do? How can I find out more about what it might be?

2007-08-26 04:29:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

what's the going rate for percocet 5/325 per pill?

2007-08-26 04:15:13 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Had neck pressure (intense pressure, complete NIGHTMARE!) about 18-20 months ago, for a hole year.

Had been to doctors, they believed it to be depression / anxiety and prescribed ciprilex but was took off it after a month (even though it helped) because the age was changed to 18 years. (16 at the time lasted til this year 2007 - now 18)

It's a very intense pressure from the back of my neck to the very front. It feels like the muscles are always tense, and worn out, and you can really feel it, it's like it's contracted and it's trying to pop my head off.

Doctors believe it's mental, but I believe it is completely physical, the effects are terrible, and even though I'm a relatively strong person it does really put me down.

It's only been with me now for 2-3 days but I don't want to go through another year or longer. A year back I went A&E 2 times it got so bad. They said panic attacks :@ bs

I've tried aspirin an heat/cold pads. Any ideas. ty

2007-08-26 03:58:50 · 7 answers · asked by funksoulfx 3

For the past few months, whenever I wake up I get terrible leg cramps, in my calves.

I usually happens as I stretching. Nothing like yoga or work out, just normal stretching. I get a horrible pain in one leg or sometimes even both and sometimes the soreness will last for days. The cramp, or whatever it is, usually passes in a few minutes.

I'm not sure what would cause it. I've RLS (Restless Leg Syndrom) my entire life, but it never cause these kind of problems. I asked my mom, and she said the same thing happened to her at my age (I'm fifteen) but it went away. She also has RLS.

Is there anyway to stop, or at least ease, the pain? What will get rid of the soreness in the following days since normal pain relievers don't work? What could be causing it?

2007-08-26 03:40:56 · 5 answers · asked by whosanerd 2

i've cracked my little toe bone and i was wanting some tips in the best way to bandage it up.please help...lots of pain :-(

2007-08-26 03:38:54 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

any suggestions on something i could maybe drink?

2007-08-26 03:34:28 · 6 answers · asked by amethyst_wennie86 2

Yesterday my niece nose was running so with me thinking aww its just running because she crying you know.. So of course I was kissing her and little did i know that she was sick and well 2 hours later my thorat started hurting and feeling like something stuck in it when i swallow!?! Does anybody know what I can do to make it either go away or do something to soothe it?? I'm going home Friday/31 I dont wanna go home and get my little cousins sick and I definalty dont wanna go home miserable because I have a cold and not gonna be able to enjoy myself please somebody HELP ME!

2007-08-26 02:56:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-26 02:26:37 · 3 answers · asked by California<3 2

I AM OVERWEIGHT AND I HAVE NOTICED SOME BRUSIES on my leg it looks like a noraml brusie (mind the spelling it might be rong lol!) and when i touch it it kinda hurts my legs do feel tender and very senstive to and sometimes when i am lying down or resting i get this funny sensation where the bruise is it feels like something rushing up and down my veins.i feel like sqeeing the bruise.sometimes my leg near my calf (thats where the bruise is) twicthes! and feels kinda ithchy?!! wat cud it be i have had this for ages but seems like its kinda getting worse. i dont get cramps??!! plezz help if u know!! thnks :)

2007-08-26 00:45:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I made a BAD choice this week. I snorted a zanny bar. My question is.....tommorow I got a doctor's appointment. Can he look in my nose and see I did something?

2007-08-26 00:03:40 · 4 answers · asked by skatergirl3722 1

I have a pain at the base of my skull on the right side. My head aches when I lay down. It feels like a bruise when I touch it but I have not banged it. It feels as though there is a swelling. It has been there for some weeks and seems to be getting worse. I keep thinking that if I forget it it will go away, but sleeping is difficult. Will it just go away?

2007-08-25 18:19:36 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have been to 4 doctors, and 1 sports therapist, over the past 6 years, trying to find relief for what i think is severe shin splints. In addition i have asked my track and field coach (when i was on the team) and a college basketball coach, and my football coach how to get rid or at least help the pain in my legs. Whenever i run, sometimes walk, or even use my legs at all, i get insane shooting pains, extreme soreness, and movement imparing pains all over my calves. These have been getting worse little by little over at least 6 years, and im only 14 years old and im worried for how my condition might be in the future, especially because i am active in highschool football, and love it. is there any suggestions for what i should do to help make the pain go away? besides pain killers seeing how i take 6 IBprofen a day and the pain is barely weakened. i also ice, stretch, excersize, and i have custom orthotics that are supposed to be helping me. please please try to help me. thanks

2007-08-25 15:26:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

When i stand up my foot hurts like it has been crushed.I have had some ligaments and tendants torn in the back of my heel,and when i try to message my foot it hurts to try to squeeze even just alittle bit.Please i don't want any sarcasm i would like to realy know what is wrong with my foot.i can't afford to go to the DR.With much appretiation.

2007-08-25 13:37:28 · 10 answers · asked by bcwest34 1

Someone I know has kidney stones, and I was wondering if there was any common things (you know foods or something) that can casue them. I was also wondering if there is anyting you can do to get rid of the stones.

2007-08-25 11:36:07 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well, this question is about my father.
He is 52
He is a diabetic
He is about 130 lbs. (and losing weight very quickly even though he is eating regularly)
Although my main concern is that:
He has a cronic pain that seems never to leave. The pain is mainlly in the top half of both of his legs. I dont know what to do. We have been to many doctors and none of them see any thing wrong. I was wondering if you have any suggestions. Is it cancer??? The pain is making hard to walk, he seems a bit depressed. And I think that maybe the pain is making him loose weight (from all the asprins he is talking ; which still dont work). If you guys have any idea this could be please tell me.

2007-08-25 11:30:40 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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