Woke up this morning and felt completly fine. However, as soon as i began walking to school, i started to get this pain in my chest, right over my heart. I've felt it before, but until now it's come and gone within seconds, the sort of thing you ignore. I found that sitting down seems to help, and exercising makes it alot worse. The main cause is simply breathing in, finding that if i hold my breath, the pain stops. The only way i can describe it is the sort of pain you feel if you've fallen asleep in an weird position. This was my first thought, but as the pain has now travelled up to my neck, (and at one point down my back) i'm starting to think this might be something else. I'm only 15 and i'm reasonably fit, so i'm hoping it has nothing to do with my heart. I also hear that anything on that side of things would usually produce a tight feeling, rather than an actually pain. Obviously, my first reaction is to see a doctor. Anyone have any idea what might be wrong?!
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