i think i may hav made the wrong decision, just yesterday i had a blood vessel mole like skin lesion removed from under my eye, i've had it for over 8 months and hav been trying to get it removed for months (seeing doctors, getting referred doctor to doctor, waiting for appointments) i grew very impatient
The blood vessel just grew mysteriously one day, and grew up to 8mm big and was 3D, but over time it became a little smaller and changed colour to aorund 4mm, but i was still VERY unhappy about it becos it's under my eye where everybody looks and i grew very self consicous!!
i've looked at previous questions here and relised that the scar may never heal, but i had just been waiting for so long that yesterday when i got to the doctors i just got it removed. have i made a big mistake? would it hav eventually disappeared? the doc sed the scar may be 5-10mm long..
Should i hav just left it? hav i made it worst, i dont' want a scar and i know that's impossible..i'm very worried
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