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Other - General Health Care - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Other - General Health Care

Hey. 5 years ago, i noticed i was having trouble reading the board in the classroom. Over the last few years, my eyes have got worse and worse, and while my glasses are fantastic, they were supposed to be temp and i now need to wear them all the time. Having them on and off is causing headaches, especially since i work at a comp desk, and i need to lean in really close to be able to even see the comp screen! For those that have had laser surgery (i have mild short sight, meaning reading is NO problem but street signs are near impossible) how much did it cost, is there only one session, how is your eye sight now...? ANY info, this will be a huge thing for me as i'll need to save for it and it better be worth it! :o)

2007-02-28 10:18:20 · 8 answers · asked by KissesnKuddles 1

2007-02-28 10:17:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

30 minutes before tanning, I always apply sunscreen to my face since sunscreen takes about that long to soak all the way into your skin. I always keep a towel over my face too but I heard that UV rays can pass through anything that water can. So I'm thinking the towel isn't enough. Is there any kind of product out there specifically FOR indoor tanning use on the face?? Maybe an aftercare product?? I don't want to have to pay the price 20 years later with age spots and wrinkling skin..so anything preventative im willing to try.

2007-02-28 08:51:28 · 19 answers · asked by sweetpea 2

My gf has this feeling of like pressure on the bottom of her right ribcage. There are visible signs of what could be causing it. It's not a pain, but a pressure feeling that she's been feeling in that particular spot for a week now. She feels it the most when she is sitting down (during class). The feeling is on the surface, doesnt seem to be inside like any internal organs. Any idea what it could be?

And she has been feeling around and there are no lumps, swollen lymph nodes, sign of bruises or anything. Perhaps its gas, or maybe a bruised bone or something. I dont know.

2007-02-28 08:09:56 · 6 answers · asked by Vince M 1

I want you to tell me what it is and how you know the answer.

Remember this one is easy, if you know it.

2007-02-28 08:03:12 · 10 answers · asked by Super Girl 3

my hands, arms and legs are feeling heavy and very weak. i currently am only taking zelnorm daily. i chill easily. could sleep the entire day away and still wake to feel the same. i believe my blood pressure is up, due to occassional seeing of tiny, floating silver flecks. am i making any sense or should i be dead already?

2007-02-28 07:31:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

my son has a heart murmur and I was refered to a county hospital.

2007-02-28 06:58:41 · 4 answers · asked by sgsabs 1

background info, 18 years old, male, healthy, 5'9, 130 lbs. i worked out almost everyday but now i can't because i keep getting this weird cramp right below my rib cage near the center of my torso, on the left side. its hard to describe exactly where it is but i think that does a good job. i get it every time i walk or run, and never when i lift weights. sometimes it feels much stronger than a regular cramp and it's not where i would normaly get cramps (actually i never get cramps when i run). i would just really like to know what is cause this weird cramp to happen EVERY single time i walk. for example, today, i walked to my class which is about 10 minutes away from the parking lot and i got "the cramp" after only a minutes of walking. my breathing is fine and idk what the hell is causing it. could it just be growing pains, malnutrition, or a heart problem? i really doubt it being a heart problem but im not rulint it out. i would rather have an answer from a doctor of physician. thanx

2007-02-28 06:22:32 · 4 answers · asked by frenchmanonthesilvermountain 2

whats the best things to do to prepare you to stop smoking, what do you do at the tricky times?. have tried before but i give up so easy and im determined to do it

2007-02-28 05:50:25 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

This could be for complaints or just general comments from patients and/or employees.

2007-02-28 05:49:42 · 1 answers · asked by fwbeerman 2

Last Thursday I woke up at 5 am feeling very nauseous, and finally I started dry heaving two hours later. I felt hot and cold and really bad so my boyfriend took me to the hospital. They took blood tests and gave me an IV with gravol. That seemed to help, so they sent me home not knowing what was wrong with me. The Dr suggested an inner ear problem, but its not Wednesday and I still feel really bad. I'm not as nauseous but I have diarrhea every day usually most in the morning, and my head is really dizzy and I feel light headed and weak. My head aches a lot, but the main thing is how dizzy I am. I really would like to know what this is. I dont have much of an appetite or anything and I'm starting to lose weight. Can anyone help me? Is this just the flu or something? Should I go to the doctor again?

2007-02-28 05:43:58 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-28 05:27:05 · 26 answers · asked by Birdman 7

I work 2 full time jobs and go to school full time. I am either working or at school Mon-Sat 7am to 11pm. Sunday is my day off, but there's no time to relax since I'm running around cleaning and doing errands that I have no time to do during the week. I quit eating fast food and fried foods b/c they made me feel worse, but my eating habits are poor at best. I try to stay away from candy too. I don't drink pop, but I find myself more and more reaching for a Red Bull or Coffee during the day. I don't want to rely on caffeine to keep me energized, b/c I always end up crashing. I also get around 5 hours of sleep per night.

Any natural things that would help me be more energized? More sleep and quitting a job/school is not an option. Maybe some stretches, or breathing techniques? I'm just sick of looking and acting like a zombie.

2007-02-28 05:01:38 · 11 answers · asked by Nicole N 2

hey...lately i havent been feeling too well...have been gettin a lot of headaches...my chest is always aching...back ache...gettin lots of colds...sore throat...constantly cold hands n feet no matter whether i'm actually cold or not...random light headed moments....constantly tired yet dont sleep well and have no energy...any ideas?

2007-02-28 05:00:27 · 18 answers · asked by littlequells 2

They made me quit....and I feel so good now. :-)

2007-02-28 03:49:26 · 7 answers · asked by barbtheaussie 2

I have a friend who frequently goes to the ER for pain shots. Recently the nurse hit her sciatic (sp?) nerve and she's had massive pain in her leg. Now some of the nurses in the ER are saying they will no longer honor her doctor's prescriptions for these shots because of this incident. Can they do this? We're in a small community, so it's the only hospital here.
What recourse does she have????

2007-02-28 03:37:18 · 4 answers · asked by Dez 4

I'd like to know if nursing assistants, as opposed to nurses and registered nurses, get free healthcare or discounted healthcare. Exactly what benefits come with the job?

2007-02-28 03:35:53 · 6 answers · asked by MM 4

Why do i alwys feel tired when i have a cold? Should i sleep more hours so my body can fight the cold, because right now all i want to do is sleep. Anything i can take that will keep me awake?

I also have a headache that when i took 2 ibuprofen yesterday it didn't go away. (headache just to the side of my eyes, in temple) I'm gunna take 2 more too see if it will go away. Any ideas how to make it go away?

2007-02-28 03:34:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-28 02:49:42 · 5 answers · asked by MISTY 1

2007-02-28 02:26:01 · 10 answers · asked by You 5

sun gazing theraphy for 44 minutes barefooted to get victory over

2007-02-28 02:07:07 · 1 answers · asked by Sudhakar B 5

2007-02-28 01:56:36 · 17 answers · asked by mrsunshine56987 5

I'm exhausted as i can't get any sleep. I keep waking up thoughtout the night because i can't breathe through my nostrils. During the day I have shaking fits and i can't even hold a glass of water. Worst of all is being stuck at home and being BORED!

2007-02-27 22:56:56 · 14 answers · asked by Mozza 1

I have a pretty high tolerance to hydrocodone...I have for the past month or so done it on a daily basis as I am prescribed...Lastnight about midnight I took some morphine, it was the first time i've ever taken it...It is now 5:30am and i'm still in my right mind, I feel extremely good...But I am worried because I have read on alot of websites that morphine overdose causes pin point pupils...In this case my pupils are VERY small but I dont seem to have any other side effects other than tired as hell and slowed breathing, not too much slower than normal though...Im kinda scarred to go to sleep...Is this normal with morphine? To have small pupils? Is that necesarily mean I have overdosed...Its keeping me from falling to sleep...Or is it normal to have small pupils?....Theyre still dialating to light really well...Thanks any info would be appriciated...Im just very worried...

2007-02-27 22:33:33 · 6 answers · asked by coldnocturnallove 1

help get rid of masturbation addiction?
Question Details: can ne1 help me get rid of my masturbation addiction.plz also tell me its disadvantages n its advantages plz i wanna leave dis addiction

2007-02-27 21:34:59 · 10 answers · asked by Gautam S 1

2007-02-27 20:30:05 · 8 answers · asked by sNoWmAn 1

2007-02-27 19:27:54 · 1 answers · asked by renee 2

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