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Injuries - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

Back when I was a kid I was working on my bike and I knew I needed oil to lubricate my bike chain. I was around 8-12 years old. Then I climb this table to get the oil and my shirt got stuck on the nail of the cubboard door. The thing was so old that it fell down and the weight of that pulled me down. After that I had hit my head on the solid garage floor on my left side of my head. During that experience I felt very dizzy, off balance, it was so painful I felt like crying, and blurred vision. I then went upstairs and went to sleep cause I felt really sleepy. The next morning I woke up with a fever and a terrible headache. My eyes became sensitive to light and I had pains in my eye whenever I looked around. Can someone tell me about this? What doctor I should see and what tests are involved? I am typing this message now because back then I am 21 now, but back then I was scared, but it could be the cause of my learning disorders.

2007-11-03 20:02:06 · 4 answers · asked by Ripper460 3

It stayed extremely weak for months then came back a litte in January. When my little league started in April, it went back to full speed for a couple weeks, and then a bit later, I had the weakest arm on my team. I was barely thinking about the elbow pain from thanksgiving, since it was virtually gone. It felt like my arm could throw full power without pain, but I could barely hit the 2nd baseman from shallow left field. In the last game of the season in June, my arm sudennly made the jump from 45 mph to about 60-65 mph. It was weak the game before, and then in the last game, I had no problem getting it all the way home. Before my arm died on Thanksgiving I only threw breaking balls by using pressure points with my fingers. Does that still lead to extremely low arm endurane? I hadn't thrown at all from Thanksgiving to January, when my arm came back the first time, and from then I didn't throw until April, when my arm was strong for a couple weeks. Why would it gain 15-20 mph last day?

2007-11-03 16:48:01 · 1 answers · asked by 26mercedes 2

Starting yesterday i had sharp pains all over my stomach, last night they were so sharp i couldnt lay down. I was up at 5am this morning throwing up. Feel back asleep, up at 8 am with a totally different pain, it felt like my stomach was one giant pulled muscle, and alot of abdonmial pressure, its been about 30 hours since the pain started. It doesnt seem to be getting any worse, its just not going away. When i push on my stomach it hurts, no matter where i push on it. Its not unberable pain, just really sharp. My temperature is 99.3.. When i eat the pain is 5 times worse? Ive had a uti, that i was taking antibiotics for (maybe the infection spread to my kidneys). But i dont think my stomach would hurt to touch if it was a kidney infection? When im sitting its not horribly painful, but when i stand it hurts bad. And i keep getting sharp pains in my upper stomach, as well lower. When i stretch or cough my lower stomach hurts, i feel minorly constipated and im really gasy. Thanks!

2007-11-03 16:28:28 · 25 answers · asked by Mommy of 2 little girls<3 3

My dad is diabetic. He broke his leg at the knee at work 9 days ago. The doc said the break wasn't bad enough to require surgery or even be in a cast and that it would heal on its own (I think this is the craziest thing I ever heard).
Anyhow, one of my main concerns is he is still really bruised and it doesn't look any better from the day it happened. The weird part is his foot is really bruised even though he didn't hurt it at all and he has had this weird tingling, numb feeling in his foot since he got hurt. He can't wiggle his toes either and he can't really feel your hand if you touch his foot.
He is supposed to be coming home from the hospital tommarrow. Should he be coming home this soon? I am also really worried about the bruise and numb feeling in his foot since he is diabetic.

Does anyone have any advice? Should I maybe take him to a different hospital and have them look at him.

Thanks to anyone who answers.

2007-11-03 15:33:34 · 6 answers · asked by dawn982112 1

Since Sept 13 I have lost 15lbs. Between then and now I have experienced shortness of breath, chest pain and rapid heart beat. Those are gone now but also have had warm red bumps on my legs and arms which also are gone now but when those went away I have had leg and ankle pain and a swollen right ankle. I've had the pain for several weeks now. Everyone including the doctor thought the bumps were bug bites but they did not itch and I know they werent.

2007-11-03 15:05:28 · 1 answers · asked by delite 2

PLEASE READ before you dismiss my question as nonsense.

I've got something going on with my foot that I'm considering trying to get it amputated. I know that most doctors won't just do this for you so in case I need to I was wondering:

Does anybody know how I might build up a good infection in my foot... one that would warrant an amputation?

I doubt just cutting it and rubbing it around in the dirt would do it... not the kind of infection I'm looking for.

2007-11-03 12:54:15 · 23 answers · asked by Rich 3

was good at his profession, good at the type of surgery you needed? Is there some place I could check to see if he had any suits against him?

2007-11-03 02:12:47 · 9 answers · asked by sophieb 7

i broke my wrist playing football, and yesterday they put on the cast.. my hand is a little swollen, but my circulation is good (i know that my checking my fingernails) so i dont know where the swelling is coming from?

2007-11-03 01:04:43 · 11 answers · asked by pt833 2

I was jumping on the tramp and my friend tackled me and my whole body weight landed on my right shoulder after i fell i felt a great cramp that went from my shoulder to my forearm and when i closed and opened my palm it was hard to do. After a while the pain stop but if i twist it, it comes back i can rotate them but if i stick my arm straight out and try to lift it up it barely reaches my chest before it starts hurting... can anyone tell me if i either sprained it or something else

2007-11-02 19:22:46 · 2 answers · asked by sakaton 2

please dont reply unless youve actually had the surgery.

2007-11-02 17:55:55 · 4 answers · asked by Kasey13 1

I have two very large canker sores on the inside part of mouth on the flap of lip, and they keep bleeding. It doesn't matter if I touch them or not. I've tried one or two different medicines, but that just makes it bleed more. It doesn't even numb the pain like it's supposed to! How do I get them to go away?

2007-11-02 14:47:28 · 5 answers · asked by rlsejhm 3

i was shavig my legs and the shower head fell, i had to almost get stiches

2007-11-02 14:27:05 · 4 answers · asked by toni 1

I was dishwashing at home and a knife i was washing slipped out of my hand as i went to catch it the blade landed pointing straight down into my thumb. It didn't go deep and didn't bleed much either. I've stabbed or cut or slashed myself accidentally a lot, and the weird thing about this one was it felt more of a burning sensation. For the past 2 or 3 days my thumb has been sore when folding over itself and stretching it out too. The knife landed on the palm-side of the middle joint, and when i push down on it it's still pretty sore. I'm wondering what the knife hit when it went in (Not paranoid or anything more curious) Is there a tendon placed there? or maybe the knife scratched the bone..I'm not sure. Anyone know? And please no obvious answers :P educated guesses are ok....As long as they are educated.

2007-11-02 12:40:04 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

The cartilage on the top of my ear is smashed in on one side, like the cartilage is broken and all bruised on the outside. What do I do for it. Should I go to the doctors, I cant think of anything they could do to help but I dont wanna just leave it w/o knowing what will happen. Will it heal up on its own or should I go see a doctor?

2007-11-02 09:47:41 · 4 answers · asked by AMAN DUHH 3

i want one bad. they look so cool.ps im 22.

2007-11-02 05:16:48 · 4 answers · asked by fighting for a cure 3

America is being run into the ground right now by The United States Government, we are at war with people that haven't done anything to us, a young man is being tasered by police in Fla. just for asking a damn question of John Kerry, we are exporting natural resources in record numbers and importing goods in record numbers, things we could manufacture here. We have more debt than all of the major countries combined, we are in debt to Mexico by 40 billion dollars and folks are rambling about immigration? Are you people stupid?Wake up America. America is no longer #1 at anything but debt. Wake up. It is time for a revolution folks. Get your guns while you still can and equip yourself with a copy of the constitution and REVOLT or die in a work camp!

2007-11-02 04:52:52 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

For example:
1-the act of taking the meniscus out by surgery.
2-a group of muscles.
3-muscles joined together.
4-a therapy using heat.
5- state after a surgery.
6-is there anything like "cinesio therapy"?
7 is there anything like "goose paw" in orthopedics?
8-a treatment using therapy is a...........treatment.
9-is there a specific word for the articulation of the knee?

You cannot imagine how much I need your answer.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

2007-11-02 03:05:30 · 1 answers · asked by Mary Hellen 2

ive tried to rest for weeks but once i start working out again my knee starts to hurt. i need to be able to strengthen my legs and tone it. i workout on the stationary bike and do leg lifts.

2007-11-01 19:52:11 · 2 answers · asked by JL 1

can i poke a hole in it or slice it thru the bottom so the blood can come out it wont be as puffy?? i need good answers because i can barely see thru my left eye, and now my right eye is so swollen i can barely see.... HELP

2007-11-01 19:00:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-01 15:03:28 · 3 answers · asked by navy15seal 1

I think after I got hit in the head with that big instrument I got some brain injury..I have this huge bump on my head but i cant see it cause my hair hides it But i cant seem to do math now. or talk properly like i'll forget much more easier than before..should I goto the doctors for x-rays or would that be too much..

2007-11-01 14:02:02 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

my mom was moving plants and she noticed that her wrist hurt. she looked down at it and it was swollen. she now has ice on top on her wrist. but she says it still hurts. what should she do?

2007-11-01 13:38:33 · 3 answers · asked by Leia V 1

My legs are driving me nuts. Im 18 years old and am 6'5 and my legs are killing me. They feel like I just ran a marathon. Its not really a bad pain or a numb feeling, its more like a restless feeling. Its very hard to explain. Could these be growing pain cause I have grown over an inch in the past few months and my father was 6'7? Or is this something more serious like diabetes? Its been happening for about a week. Please help.

2007-11-01 12:41:50 · 12 answers · asked by dgdsg d 1

A few days ago i asked a question about having knots under my arm and someone from this web site said it sound like my body is fighting something. So I would like to know what's something that it could be fighting off that would be the reason for me to have knots under my arm? See at first I was thinking that maybe it was because of my milk get ready to come in. see i'am just one month away from having my baby, the longer the knots are there the more I get scared.

2007-11-01 12:41:05 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i have both of my ears gauged .
my left ear is a 2 [6mm] [not infected]
my right is not an 8 and infected i guaged it from a a normal 18
to this with a taper it was doing fine for a few days i was swelling at first but thats normal and went down as the day went on now after like 3 days i didnt clean it one night and i woke up it was sore red i later took it out in the school bathroom ot clean it and blood and pusk came out
i knew it was infected so i cleaned it and and squeezed most of the pusk out and then put my taper back in it didnt get better as the day went on so i mixed sea salt and all of that stuff ui soaked it and applied pressure with cotton balls

now the real question is is it ok for me to put my taper back in or should i leave it out for a few days until all swelling goes down?

[please only reply if you know what you are tlaking bout and know a gauges work i already know not to put rubbing alochol neosporin etc.. on it]

,thanks jonjon

2007-11-01 12:34:34 · 1 answers · asked by jonjon 1


i banged my head really hard about an hour ago and now im worried because i feel really wierd and it still hurts.i know it might sound funny but could i have internal bleeding or something?

2007-11-01 11:19:08 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous


Have any of you had a broken leg or knew someone who had a broken leg and your/their outlook on everything became negative?

My friend had broken his tibia and fibia broken right below his knee so he has a full leg cast on. I suggest taking him to Saturdays Market (a kinda hickish thing from where Im from which includes outdoor and indoor vendors which sell things) to get him a model car that he can paint and put together when he's bored. He doesnt have any problems getting around what so ever because its been 2+ months that he's had this cast on. He says he doesnt wanna be walking around with people all in his way. So Im like okay. He says, "I like car rides. They're good." Well then I suggest him going up home with me which is a 2 hour drive and he says, "That means I'll have to meet people and when they ask what happened to my leg, Imma have to explain to them for the 400th million time what happened." I cant do anything that'll make this kid happy... HELP!!!

2007-11-01 05:25:45 · 9 answers · asked by ? 2

2007-11-01 04:48:04 · 6 answers · asked by sarah 1

My cousin was in a motorcycle wreck last week that he somehow survived.
His first night in the hospital he was pretty much out of it (he has suffered some memory loss) but his mother wasn't allowed to stay the night with him because of "hospital rules".
Well, apparently he tried to get up out of bed in ICU, and didn't realize everything he was hooked up to and wound up falling over and falling on his face - literally.
Now - he was in ICU and wasn't being checked on like he should have been, and he wasn't found until someone passing by saw him on the floor (a guest of the hospital - not even a nurse!).

First question - why is immediate family not allowed to stay the night if they elect to in certain hospitals?

Second question - does my aunt have a case against the hospital for negligence on their part? I mean, he was in ICU and it took a guest to find him on the floor, and this accident could have been prevented if his mother had stayed the night.

2007-11-01 03:34:08 · 7 answers · asked by Done 6

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