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Injuries - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

I am 28 years old and 80lbs over weight (I am working on my weight, I have lost 32lbs to date). I exercise 5days a week... could this cause it? I am also on Fruta Vida Juice.... I took a lot of it yesterday...could this be the cause(it could be just a coincidence)? Please tell me what you think... thanks.

2007-11-29 07:42:59 · 1 answers · asked by EILISHA 3

My husband, 32 years old, had been suffering with right knee pain and instability for almost 3 months now. Although we have an appointment with the doctor want to know what he would suggest. His MRI report reads as following:
* Menisci: A large tear is seen involving the posterior horn and body of the medial meniscus. A .5cm meniscus cyst is also seen. The lateral meniscus is intact.
*Bony structure and articular cartilage: Minimal edema is seen involving the most medial aspect and medial compartment. No fractures are seen.
*Joint space: Moderate joint effusion is present.
*Soft tissue:: Unremarkable.
We got the MRI done when he was unable to walk for a day and there was swelling around the knee. Although now the swelling is not there and the pain lessened considerably , but if he walks fast the pain resumes.Is it possible for him to travel (a 20 hr flight) in this condition? Would surgery be necessary? Thanks

2007-11-29 07:13:34 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

i had a small surgery monday

2007-11-29 04:43:57 · 5 answers · asked by Kelsey 3

With Carpal tunnel, can you see swelling from the outside?

2007-11-29 03:14:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

couldn't get it fixed then cos my nose not fully grown! It looks really bad. What to do!

2007-11-29 02:17:01 · 3 answers · asked by lonely_in_gorgeous_tears300 1

about 8 years ago my friend Candace was in a bad motorcycle accident, she broke her hip and split her head open and some other things and was in the hospital in a drug induced coma for a while till she healed, they fixed up her head and stuff but never fixed her hip, she said that the doctors and them decided that fixing up her head and brain was more important than her hip, since then she has had trouble with pain in her hip, she can no longer work cause she can't sit or stand for more than an hour without having to go home in extreem pain, she is on social security disability, even doing things like vaccumming and mowing the lawn are to hard for her, she does go to physical therapy once or twice a week, she is on medication for the pain but has had to switch a few times over the years cause after a while the drug has no effect, she has thought about suing before but life happened and the years went by, could she still sue the hospital or has it been 2 many years?

2007-11-28 19:07:00 · 4 answers · asked by pumpkin2 1

It got twisted in march and has gotten better just still hurts a little when its bent for a while.

2007-11-28 18:27:43 · 2 answers · asked by Koter Boters misses Rufus! 6

I had i blodd test done today, I just got home and took off the small bandaid they put on, it's been hurting like hell, and i just noticed a purple/black bruise... is this normal? and how much will it last more or less?

2007-11-28 15:53:14 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im 17 years old and my lower back hurts a littel bit after bending over for a while or standing for 40 minutes. ITs not a extream pain but what should i do about it ? I sit on computer alot by saying that i spent about 5 hours online. What should i do to prevent these types of pains ? Whenever I wake up my back feels sore to.

2007-11-28 14:42:11 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay, a few years ago like 5, 6 years ago i use to hit high notes, my throat was capable of resisting, ofcurse my throat would hurt alittle afterwards,....but then days later i used my vioce for 'screamo', i think i crossed the line,...my throat hurted and it took more than usual to stop,...i havent sang since, my voice became deeper and thick..at first i thought it was just something to do with puperty that changed my vioce....but i still havent been able to hit those hight notes......i heard that if you force your voice too much you could lose it,...but can you bring it back??can i still get surgery to fix my vocal cords if i damage them after years??any thought about this?any comment would really help me tanx!

2007-11-28 11:41:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

i stubbed my toe VERY hard. now, ive gone through some rough things, i has MRSA. hurt like a motherfcker. now, pain doesn't effect me much anymore. i stubbed my toe, hard, and i mean hard [ my big toe ]. its reddish, i can move it, but it hurts, bad, i tried walking normally, and it hurt really, really bad. is there anything i can do to at lease reduce the pain? i took ibuprofun. ice maby?

2007-11-28 11:24:04 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its below the right armpit, sort of on the side of my chest, there doesn't appear to be any lumps there, and it's not really painful at all, its like a cold sensation there all the time... I'm fairly fit, and very rarely get sick, anyone know if i should be worried about this....... ??

2007-11-28 05:56:57 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yesterday, my finger was injured(lawn mower bar snapped back against it) 4 finger of right hand..there was a small cut(horizontally) didn't bleed much. Its above the first knuckle.(palm side)Anyway,today it is swollen in a small circle with the scar running through it, not very red but difficult to bend and painful.
Realize all of that may be normal but how much swelling is too much.(guidelines would be helpful)

2007-11-28 05:52:10 · 1 answers · asked by HV 1


2007-11-28 05:33:26 · 4 answers · asked by chrissy_smith2005 2

Ever since I dislocated my Knee 2 years ago everytime it is cold or going to rain I get a ache in my knee. My boyfriend has told me to mention it to my doctor and he may send me off for a MRI scan. But I was wondering if anybody has had the same effect at all after this has happened to them.

2007-11-28 05:23:01 · 5 answers · asked by sweetypie 2

im 15, a bit of a wuss. and ive had ingrown toenails, on BOTH feet. on BOTH sides of the toe. ive had em for ages, they have gone pretty deep, only hurt if i mess with em (e.g. trying to perform my own surgery, that didnt go well). other than that they give me little pain, but some days do throb/ they are not infected and show no signs of getting infected. so, whats gonna happen. we have the appointment with the chiropodist, they have said that unless i have a health problem which is affected by the toenail,then possibly no action will be taken. thats NHS for you. ive seen somevids on youtube, and im not happy, im just very scared. and the appointments next january. so im not going o be able to focus on my holiday or christmas, becasue the fact that im off to get my toe mutilated, is imminent.

btw anyone else here got bin to the nhs? what happened did they treat you or what?

2007-11-28 04:59:39 · 5 answers · asked by sylphin 1

is this ok for the hospital to do??because it doesnt look very nice really and im sure i heard they could get into trouble for this a i have a huge bruise on my wrist through this

2007-11-28 04:46:46 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok. i have some kind of injury to my achilles tendon. we dont know what exactly, but i cannot walk on it or it hurts like heck. it hurts when im not touching it. it also feels like there is something moving in my back of my foot. the doctor will prolly say its a bad strain...so what do you think he will do to it (cast?boot?crutch?aircast?WHATY?)

plz thnx

2007-11-28 03:10:18 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

The other day my boyfriend got a 2cm laceration on his upper lip and received stitches at the ER, today the stitches are noticeably looser. Is this okay or should we go back to the Doctor? Thank you for your time.

2007-11-27 20:15:04 · 6 answers · asked by Castillo 3


Yesterday I had alot of pain in my elbow and could not bend it or move it. I didn't fall or remember hurting it. I heard that if you sleep on your arm your body weight can dislocate one of the bones? Anyway I can't extend my elbow. Its swollen, and I'm in serious pain. I went to the ER and the doctor flexed my arm(not extended it) did a xray which looked weird to me but he said they were fine. he gave me some pain pills and sent me off. MY arm from the elbow down looks deformed and I can't move it or even write well. Does this even appear to be a dislocated elbow? And please don't tell me to go to the doctor...I already know that. I'm looking for an immediate response from maybe a doctor or nurse on here. Also please give me other things that might be wrong with it. My arm is shaped like a V and I can't even put my hand to my mouth to eat(my new diet plan lol!!!) please help me!!!!!!

2007-11-27 15:53:49 · 4 answers · asked by Ispeakthetruth 3

After three months if the person received a traumatic brain injury from a car accident? I know the person may not be completely back to normal, but what is the cut-off point where the odds for waking up are slim to none?

2007-11-27 12:51:45 · 3 answers · asked by Tanya 3

Please be specific!
I'm doing a report on how to break your leg so I need help.
Also be creative!

2007-11-27 10:43:11 · 4 answers · asked by Blah Blah 1

The H E double hockey sticks to all you that were joking around about my matter of falling on the wine bottle. I DID FALL ON THE WINE BOTTLE PEOPLE!! Thanks to the people that were serious about the ER I was about to go then it fell out when I was walking up the stairs.

2007-11-27 05:28:28 · 7 answers · asked by acknog 2

I fell on a wine bottle, it went up my butt.(it hurt this is not funny) Now the cork is stuck up there. What do I do?

2007-11-27 05:07:02 · 35 answers · asked by acknog 2

I'm sick but I want to go for a jog.

2007-11-27 05:02:24 · 23 answers · asked by Patrick 1

I have pains in my back and my upperback is very safe

2007-11-26 17:00:35 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can someone please help me understand the ct scan results?

Exam: CT lumbar spine without contrast with sagital and coronal reformate.

Findings: Transitional vertebral body referred to as S1 purposes of this dictation with rudimentary S1-S2 disc. Straightening of lumbar spine with slight retrolisthesis at L3-4. Aorta is of normal caliber.
Findings on level by level basis are as follows:
L1-L2 and L2-L3: no compromise of canal or foramina.
L3-L4: SLight disc bulfe indents anterior thecal sac.
L4-5: Dis bulge slightly asymmetric towar left.
L5-S1: Status post right laminotamy. Diffuse disc bulge.

Asymmetric toward right posterolaterally in conjunction with probable scar results in mild narrowing of right lateral recess. Moderate right and mild left neural foraminal narrowing. Mild reactive degenerative change adjacent endplates.
Code 4: Abnormality, attention needed.

Sorry it's so long. Just hoping someone knows what all of this means!
Thanks for the help!

2007-11-26 08:31:49 · 1 answers · asked by Brian C 3

About 4 months ago I fell and hurt my left foot it was sore and aching for two weeks but I could limp on it but the pain left and it was walkable again. Now I have a pain on my calves when I shave my legs and a lump that feels like a bone that is small but isn't on the other foot and I feel were done when I fell.

2007-11-26 07:55:16 · 1 answers · asked by Curious Girl 1

I have been told by my 'foot specialist' that i have broken my small toe and it is a spiral fraction. He says I need a small surgery to put pins in it to camp the bone together, but i can move it, and it is getting better. Do you think i really need it? he says it will take about a year to heal properly?

2007-11-26 07:50:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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