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Injuries - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

2007-01-04 02:43:44 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Question says it all, my sister is going to get one most lickley and we just want to know.

2007-01-04 02:20:45 · 9 answers · asked by John T. 2

A little over two weeks ago while hiking I rolled my ankle (to the outside) and fell off a rock. It swelled up immeditaly with a nice goose egg on the ankle bone and lots of swelling surrounding the area. Being a mile from my car I had to get up and keep going. Three days later I went to the doctor and he said it is sprained. Now most of the swelling is gone except for right behind/below my ankle bone. The pain there is so severe I can hardly touch it. I still have some bruising in that area. Mobility is limited. I have an air cast to wear for another two weeks and that does help with the swelling. My question is does this sound like a sprain or does it possibly sound like I fractured it? I don't know why the doctor didn't xray so I'm on my way to see the orthopedic next week. I'm wondering if I should get someone to drive me incase it is fractured and I need a ride home. Any info would be helpful. Thanks.

2007-01-04 01:14:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-04 00:29:33 · 2 answers · asked by Jordan Bucher 3

I have torn a ligament in my wrist and am having problems recovering, I am wearing a splint and resting (as much as I can - e.g. I am typing right now) the nurse said it would take 2 weeks but 6 have already passed. I would be grateful for any advice/information. thanks.

2007-01-04 00:29:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the same manner as cracking knuckles

2007-01-03 23:36:38 · 2 answers · asked by Anderson 1

injured region gets swelled up shortly after injury.why??

2007-01-03 22:26:02 · 8 answers · asked by Dave 1

I fell on the front of my body, i got couple scrapes here and there, but i realized once i got inside my house i tried sucking my stomach in and my stomach would shake like a seizure. Then after couple hours it was okay, but then when i would blow my nose or sneeze cuz i have a cold, my sides and inner sides would feel sore or have pain either one of those two. Because pain is hurting alot, sore is just from too much working out or what not so please can you tell me if i'm going to be alright? that its just because i took a hard fall on asphalt that my stomach is swollen?? please do tell! thanks

2007-01-03 16:07:55 · 5 answers · asked by PlayinDaGame 2

2007-01-03 16:04:31 · 9 answers · asked by deuce da goose 1

Two and a half weeks ago I injured my ring finger on my right hand . I'm able to bend my finger so that it makes a 90 degrees angle, but unable to bend it any further than that. In other words, I'm unable to to make a clenched fist. I'm not sure if my finger is broken, but it hasn't healed in two and a half weeks so I'm ruling out a jammed finger or even a sprained finger. Most likely its fractured/dislocated/broken. I've read other questions like this and it seems that the best a doctor can provide is an xray and after that a splint, which of course I can do at home.

My question is: if you've broken your finger and DIDN'T go to a doctor, and put it in a home-made splint (taping two fingers or buying one at a local pharmacy) did it heal and how long? Or, if you have broken a finger, and DID go to the doctor, did the doctor provide you with help that you could have just done at home, or was it a waste of time and money? Thanks all!!!

2007-01-03 16:01:21 · 9 answers · asked by somecallmesc00t 1

I have commenced an unsuccessful New Year's fitness campaign. I was doing some sit ups the other night and pulled muscle in my lower back. After a trip to the hospital the doc gave me muscle relaxants, anti imflamatories and heavy duty pain killers. I am seeing a physio but also looking for some natural healing advice as all these drugs may be helping with the pain, but I would rather try something else. Any ideas would be great!!

2007-01-03 15:32:53 · 10 answers · asked by Lozza 1

What happens is that when I'm laying next to my girlfriend and I'm laying on my elbow on the couch at like a 90 degree angle. And then all of a sudden, pain shoots up my arm and my elbow locks. It really *ucking hurts. Then I know that I have to bend it to get it undone and when I do, it just goes "CRACK" or it sounds like knuckles cracking except for its a deeper crack and it's like 20 times louder.

Yeah, maybe I should see a doctor or something. Help Please!

2007-01-03 15:32:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I cant even climb the stairs, and they are numb in spots and then its fine, but the aching is constant for 3 days now. Sort of like when your over tired, and you don't move well, times ten! Any help is appreciated. Keep in mind I am in generally good health and am barely 30.

2007-01-03 14:00:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My Thumb nail is coming off and I dont know what to do? Is that bad??

2007-01-03 13:57:09 · 4 answers · asked by Blondie!! :) 2

The doc said to ice it, but ice seems to bring on a spazz & cramp. Is that supposed to happen? Trying not to go crazy with ibuprophen because it aggravates the reflux. Experience only please, no copy/paste and ABSOLUTELY no Wiki

2007-01-03 13:46:26 · 2 answers · asked by Kacky 7

2007-01-03 13:42:50 · 3 answers · asked by azlinasaleh 1

I was all set to run a marathon in November 2005. I went for a routine check up at the Docs and my ECG came back with an unusual result, so my Dr asked for an echocardiagram to find out what was up. National Health Service being what it is January 2007 I get my appointment. Been too worried to run for over 18 months and really want an answer straight away and not have to wait any longer.
Thanks for your help.

2007-01-03 12:23:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

So i went snowboarding on monday for the second time with out my instructor and i was with all my guy friends, and they took me up to the top of a black dimond and just left me. So i was going down the hill and i biffed it was bad and my head threw forward and hit the ground. I have had sore necks before but this hirts really bad. It doesnt seem like its getting anybetter. It feels like something sharpe and big is wraped around my neck. I hurts really really really really bad when i even turn my head even the slightest bit. Do I have whiplash?

2007-01-03 12:16:00 · 4 answers · asked by Alexa A 1

I fell on to concrete 3 days ago, after 2 sets of clear xrays I am now in a splint, and have to go back for more next week. I was told that i may have a fractured scaphoid.

I have a nagging pain in my hand/wrist, and my fingers shake if I straighten them. Does any one have any experience of scaphoid fracture - what does it feel like...?

2007-01-03 11:57:37 · 7 answers · asked by poorly:( 1

I went snowboarding for only my second time without my insturctor with a whole lot of my guy friends on monday and they took me up to the top of a black dimond and just left me. So I was going down and i biffed it bad and landed right on my chest. It hurts to breath, and i got the hecupps so it hurts really really bad. It hurts to talk to move the slitest bit and to walk hurts too. It hurts even worse when i lay down. Even to touch near them hurts. But when i do touch them it feels......not like a rib, like it has a dip. How can I tell if I broke my ribs?

2007-01-03 11:50:39 · 5 answers · asked by Alexa A 1

I went snowboarding for only my second time without my insturctor with a whole lot of my guy friends on monday and they took me up to the top of a black dimond and just left me. So I was going down and i biffed it bad and landed right on my chest. It hurts to breath, and i got the hecupps so it hurts really really bad. It hurts to talk to move the slitest bit and to walk hurts too. How can I tell if I broke my ribs?

2007-01-03 11:47:59 · 5 answers · asked by Alexa A 1

i missed a few seconds around the time of the crash, but i've got a cut & sore spot (no bump ) on the back of my head & a long scrape & bruise on the side of my face across my temple... from what i can guess the retractable cargo cover for the back of the wagon came forward & the end got me pretty good. iwas totally confused for a couple minutes, but passed a sobriety test when the cops came. i'm all sorts of bruised up & sore, especially my neck & shoulders, but i don't know if it's all from the crash or from the fact that i had to walk 10+ miles to get home afterwards. anyone got any experience with this sort of thing?

2007-01-03 11:46:16 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

My morning workout turn disaster
when i just finished my pushups and on my last push i just gave out and fell on the ground, then I got a very SHARP pain in my right side of the head from i think a pulled muscle from my neck.
i am lucky i was able to get up but by rubbing my head for a couple mins, the pain and the numbness went away. later in the day i have a slight neck soreness and taking advil for a headache, just never felt a pain like that before especially in my head.
Just wondering if anyone has experience a sharp pain in the head from a pulled muscle around the shoulder blade or neck

2007-01-03 11:41:40 · 2 answers · asked by av2ene 2

Well. Lately I was having headaches,they told me it was migraines I went to the E.R. and it was migraines they done a CT. Ok. Lately I had the same symptomsI had at first with floating stars,my vision was playing with me and then the numbness started from my fringertips and worked its way into my hand and disappear a little above my wrist. Than the headache. I went to the E.R. once more they said,I could be having T.I.A. but they done a CT. Nothing was found. But the doctor said,it could be one forming cuz of the symptoms I'm having its from a T.I.A. But another doctor told me I'm having Migraines. Even though nothing came up stating that I did had a T.I.A. Could I really be having Migraines and they miss diagnose me. If any one out there than went through the samething plz let me in and tell me your story.Because the doctors where I live don't have a clue. Please...

2007-01-03 11:29:32 · 5 answers · asked by unknown 3

My 2 year old had to receive 2 stiches near his eye about 3 months ago. It seemed to be healing beautifully until today when I noticed 3 white bumps forming on his incision. Is this something to be concerned about?

2007-01-03 11:13:29 · 4 answers · asked by Nezz 2

its been nearly 2 mos. since and the swelling went down but they still look somewhat different from the others, i am able to bend them but if i apply pressure to the middle bone i feel a slight pain in that area, i have to wait until 3 weeks to get an xray, any suggestions on how to heal quickly?

2007-01-03 10:30:01 · 1 answers · asked by joeymozzer 1

i accidentally swung my arm really fast and it hit the edge of my cabinet. (really sharp edges) and it was red for few days, and after that it became brown darker than my skin ( I'm really fair skinned).. Help its really brown and Im used to not wearing long sleeves....it is not raised....its very flat--it blends on my skin, but its just the color of it it is million shades darker than my skin.

2007-01-03 08:40:56 · 4 answers · asked by lor 1

Is it natural to have one eye a little stonger than the other? I ask this because with my left eye I can see my clock from acroos my living room (about 20ft) but when I look with my right eye its blurry but I can make it out.With both eyes every thing is perfect.Is this normal.

2007-01-03 08:30:18 · 4 answers · asked by Mr E 2

2007-01-03 08:17:38 · 11 answers · asked by clg 1

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