I have been set a Science Assignment and have chosen to do Scurvy under the catergory 'Disease.'
I have written a short report which i plan to present as an oral presentation along with a PowerPoint slideshow.
If you have any knowledge on the subject please read my report, comment and/ or suggest other points for me to include.
PLEASE! I really want good marks for this and I'd love some expert advice.
Scurvy is a non-infectious deficiency disease caused by a lack or Vitamin C. Scurvy can cause many infections and disfigurations including liver spots, 'spongy' gums and bleeding from all mucous membranes. (These membranes line various
body cavities that are exposed to the external environment and internal organs.) Scurvy is also often referred to as Barlow's Disease, after Sir Thomas Barlow, a british physician who first described it. Scurvy does not only infect humans, animals such as Primates and Guinea Pigs are also at risk as they have a natural Vitamin C defficiency.
The symptoms of this disease include
'Purplish' spots on the skin, especially the legs
'Spongy' gums
Bleeding Mucous Membranes
Pallor (a reduced amount of oxyhemoglobin in skin or mucous membranes which results in pale colouration of the skin.) -Oxyhemoglobin is the oxygen-loaded form of hemoglobin, the predominant protein in red blood cells.
Sunken Eyes
Opening of healed scars
Separation of knitted bone fractures.
Scurvy was first discovered in the early 13th Century, however it was not until 1747 that citrus was proven as the best and most affective cure. The connection between Vitamin C and Scurvy was not discovered until 1932.
Modern Incidence
Infants and elderly people are at high risk of Scurvy and it is very common for people of that category to become infected with the disease. (Even I had it when I was a baby!!!) Scurvy is rare in adults, however if they become infected Scurvy can easily prove fatal, much like the mumps.
Scurvy can easily be prevented by a diet of citrus fruits (such as oranges and lemons) and/ or Vitamin C supplements.
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