I found out my boyfriends ex-girlfirend has herpes. She cheated on him during their 6 year relationship and got it and did not tell him. Well she had an outbreak and he was sexually active with her during it. She then went on Valtrex for the rest of the 4 years of the relationship, and he just assumed he had it ( so he kept sleepin with her). Well, he SAYS he had some irritation down there one day and got tested. They stuck a long Q-Tip inside his thing and swabbed and he says he doesnt have it. I dont understand how you sleep with someone for 4 years kowing they have herpes. . when you dont have it. DOESNT MAKE SENSE TO ME. I am really worried .. I am pregnant. . and i KNOW i do not have it, because I made sure my doc test for it at my first prenatal exam. Do you think he is lying to me? Should I make him get tested? I've never seen anything that looks like herpes . .but it still worried me .. especially because I am pregnant.
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