ok, im too worried to go to the doctor incase he says i have diabetes, and i hate needles! But recently i have noticed that when i go for a poo (in polite terms!!) theres like this i dont know how to discribe it, its looks like as if some one has spitted bascially, well that seems to be coming out along with the waste. I recall something i learnt a long tome ago in biology that with people who have diabetes then protein also comes out in their waste, and im not sure what exactly it is!! and another thing when i get up quickly, and go into a lighter or darker room, basicaly just all of a sudden leave my living room and go to the kitchen then my eyes just blackout, i cannot see anything for a few seconds and i feel extremly dizzy? Are any of these symptoms of diabetes? As i have noticed i have been eating alot of sugar recently. Please help!!
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