ok...i am 23 years old.last night i felt a lump in my breast, only very slight, but i found one. anyway since last night all i have been doing is feeling the lump and hence it is now also very tender. i've recently lost a lot of weight and my breasts have also changed size etc so i thought maybe it could just be something to do with that. i was kinda hoping it would be a hormone thing and go away on its own? i don't want to go to the doctor....even tho i know i have to eventually..i am too freaked out about being nude in front of them etc. what exactly does the doctor do when you go for a breast check? do they just do like an xray type thing or do they feel your breasts for themselves? xray i am ok with, not the other though! aren't i too young for breast cancer anyway? i thought you didn't go 4checks til you were like 40! the other thing is i have never had a pap smear and next time i am at the docs they said i have to have one next time im there.don't think i can handle pap &breast!
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Women's Health