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Health - 16 November 2006

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

Bitterguard is recommended for diabetic patients.how does it help them?what is its action?

2006-11-16 19:11:59 · 10 answers · asked by Mary M 1 in Diabetes

I had a really hard life when I was a child. My stepfather beat me on a daily basis and I got constant mental abuse from my stepsisters and my stepfather. My mother ignored the whole situation. I kinda lost myself for a while. I didn't know if I could take it anymore. However ever since I was a kid, I would have forget everyday stuff. It's not like I mean to forget it. I just forget it. I want to be able to remember daily things. I am missing huge chunks of my life. I don't remember hardly anything from my past. I can't even remember what I did yesterday. I need help.

2006-11-16 19:10:00 · 9 answers · asked by lady_aqua_moon 1 in Mental Health

to ejaculate fast? If so what can one do to avoid it?

2006-11-16 19:06:31 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

2006-11-16 18:58:45 · 21 answers · asked by silver fox 1 in Men's Health

i went to the ENT specialists and she inserted a tube-like metal rod inside my nose, and it felt awful, afterwards, i noticed that i had runny nose, i wiped my nose and saw doplets of blood. could that be caused by the insertion of the instrument?

2006-11-16 18:57:01 · 4 answers · asked by soliloquy_21 1 in Infectious Diseases

I suffer from muscle spasms in my shoulders. I've had a emg done and was told that it is not nerve damage. The doctor wants me to start physical therapy, but I do not want to waste my money. I was wondering if there is a test that can be done to diagnosis muslce spasms?

2006-11-16 18:52:56 · 4 answers · asked by Deshawn S. 1 in Injuries

If your heart rate stays around 72 during the day and 65 at night and 105 when walking all the time.Is it safe to assume its healthy or could you maintain these rates when you have an unhealthy heart?

2006-11-16 18:52:34 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Heart Diseases

My friend is not good at studies and he had started smoking andsome drug kind of things.His mother died a year back and his father gives no attention. Igive him support all the time.But i live far from his place

2006-11-16 18:50:35 · 6 answers · asked by hrdkml 2 in Mental Health

I got my first shot ever of Depo Provera two days ago. I got it because my doctor told me I have endomitriosis and so she wants to stop my periods. If the Depo doesn't work I have to take leupron or something and go throgh medical menopause, and im far to young to do that, and Im really scared. Could anyone tell me more about Depo Provera?

When does it start working as a birth control?

I just noticed 10 minutes ago I'm bleeding.It's thin blood and I'm scared, I thought this was the end of my problems and I'm freaking out and alone. I just wanted to stop having heavy horrible periods, i get migranes and throwup and cant function at all. I want Depo to help. Why I am bleeding I'm scared.

2006-11-16 18:46:18 · 5 answers · asked by tuskinini45 1 in Women's Health

My granddaughter told me about what looked like a sleeper hold her friend does to pass out. She says it make you feel funny. I need help!!

2006-11-16 18:45:49 · 11 answers · asked by motherattitude 1 in Other - General Health Care

i asked a question on mens heath and about 80% of ans were answered by women ....
wht does this mean??

2006-11-16 18:43:08 · 12 answers · asked by krish 1 in Men's Health

I have one of those permanent wire retainers behind the bottom front row of my teeth. I feel like there's something stuck in the middle of it. I tried taking it out with floss and even a toothpick, but I can't get it out. I have no idea how long it's been there... but I just now noticed it.

Does anybody else have this problem?

And I could've sworn that my orthodontist said this retainer would be moved when I'm 18. But then again, I was only 12... so I probably don't remember right. I had it put on right after I my braces were taken off.

Is this retainer supposed to be in my mouth forever? My teeth are straight, and I really don't think it will move and get crooked again if I DON'T have a retainer... I don't know anybody else who has a permanent wire retainer like I do...

2006-11-16 18:42:02 · 3 answers · asked by ( Kelly ) 7 in Dental

I found out tonight my friend has been burning his arm with a hot oven rack. Seriously. Says he likes the scars, SHould I be concerned??

2006-11-16 18:40:55 · 18 answers · asked by eddie9551 5 in Mental Health

i want to make diet

2006-11-16 18:40:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

2006-11-16 18:37:33 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

I'm feeling the need to self harm (which I haven't done in a while) but my girlfriend disapproves of me doing it.

On the basis that if I cut or burn myself she will spot it quite quickly, is there anything I can do that will be easier to hide?

It's only to get me through the next few weeks then I'm off it again, so no cries of "Don't!" please.

2006-11-16 18:32:29 · 21 answers · asked by Alan Fitzgerald 1 in Mental Health

Does anyone else feel like there is something wrong with you
and you have been to the doctor and there is nothing wrong with you but you feel there is?

2006-11-16 18:26:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

By depression I mean apathy, oversleeping, lying in bed all day
I guess depression is where I feel both me and the rest of the world is doomed and I can’t do anything to make any difference, and laziness is indulging in the pleasure of drowsiness.

2006-11-16 18:25:55 · 7 answers · asked by antony272b2 3 in Mental Health

Im guessing lot of guys clicked this but watever.
Okay this is a rather odd question. But you know how when you shave your vagina it gets itchy, like when it starts growin back and even sometimes after..how can i prevent this?

2006-11-16 18:25:35 · 9 answers · asked by Deziix33 2 in Women's Health

When blood testing for specific enzymes such as creatine phosphokinase - MB (CK-MB) in the cardiovascular muscles, what does the MB stand for? Please try to include the latin words in text .

2006-11-16 18:20:48 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Heart Diseases

I had my daughter by c-section 3 months ago, also had a tubal ligation at the same time. I had the normal lochia flow, went to my PP check up and had regular periods for those 2 months. However my period was due the 5th or so of this month and has yet to appear, I have had all the symptoms of PMS and my normal bodily reactions to the onset of my cycle, but no flow. This is my 3rd child and I have nursed all of them and this is the first time that I have any delay in my flow, so I do not think it is connected to my breastfeeding, I may be wrong. I am asking here because I do not want to go to the doctor to be told to go on BC, which is why I decided to have a tubal....I hate BC. Any suggestions or ideas as to what could cause this?

2006-11-16 18:16:05 · 3 answers · asked by shannanm2783 3 in Women's Health

I have an odd question, but I'll get right to it.

I am 18 years of age, and yet, I don't really have the 'fixation' on sex or whatever. I'll be honest, yes, I do look at the other sex's bodies (glances, not checking them fully out) and stuff, but I don't get horny. I know I'm much more mature than a lot of other men, but i'm wondering if I am too mature, too early or something..

by the way, yes, I am interested in a relationship with the other sex.

2006-11-16 18:10:59 · 11 answers · asked by Trey123 3 in Men's Health

Sucide,.sucide is what i have on my mind...if i may or if i mite kill myself tonite...Im tired of havin the feelins i Feel like i am not loved...well tonite its hittin me hard..and really i feel like ending it all.. i feel like my family doesnt care.. i mean i dont hear from them at all. i live with my mother and i dont hear from my older sisters and brothers my aunts and uncles my father in Years..Im 19 i have not heard from them since i was 11 i call but they dont/,,i want to kill myself to make them suffer...

2006-11-16 18:10:25 · 17 answers · asked by All about me 3 in Mental Health

2006-11-16 18:02:55 · 17 answers · asked by rache001 3 in Other - Health

I am always sad, but I don't know why. I suffer the same things as other people, heartaches, fights, losing your job etc., but all in all i have a great life. so why do i always feel so sad and depressed? what is wrong with me?

p.s if theres a way to help this, i want to do it withut medical help

2006-11-16 18:01:59 · 13 answers · asked by ezzaphill 3 in Mental Health

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