I bought my first crock pot last year; its a West Bend 6 qt. I soon realized that it cooks its contents very very fast. I could make a pot roast and fill it very close to the top with liquid and with in 3.5-4 hours the liquid is pretty much evaporated. I tried some other recipes and had the same thing happen. I did a search on the internet and learned that others are having the same issue; even with other brands, like Rival. Well, I don't need 6 qt since I am only cooking for myself anyway, so I bought a Hamilton Beach brand 3 qt crock. Before using it, I pulled out the instruction manual. It says that "...this crockpot reaches its cooking temp much quicker then older crocks and so cooking times should be shortened..." or something to that effect. This is very frustrating. I ended up taking this one back. So, is there actually a crock pot AKA "slow cooker" sold today that cooks SLOW? My grandmas 30 year old crock does a fine job. Why don't they make them like this anymore?
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Cooking & Recipes