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Singles & Dating - 26 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

People who are not reiligious express their inner feelings,thoughts and motions through other mediums such as music,drugs,alcohol.....?

2007-12-26 09:27:27 · 16 answers · asked by metal up your ass 1

I got another one..

We only have known each other 3 months.. he started telling me he loves me in the second month of dating.. 3 days ago he brought up marriage "one day" and having a family with me..

Is this how meth addicts (drug addicts) act? they move fast like that?

is it because he wants me (someone) always around for him/on his side if he gets into bigg trouble?

I asked the dude he lives with (alan.. his father figure) if he is so easy/quick to tell his past girlfriends that he loved them.. and he told me "no.. actually he hasent ever told a girl that.. that is must be true"

any ideas?

like i previously stated.. I myself have NEVER done a drug in my 22 years.. so I am VERY naive to the whole "drug world" I don't even know the difference between what drug is what (from lookin at it).. this is a whole new world/problem for me.

any advice/help is apprectiated.

I apprectiate all of the answers on my previous question. thanks a bunch!
19 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.
Additional Details
18 minutes ago

Its just so so so hard to just "dump him" and don't look back.. because when he is not using the drug.. he is an awesome guy!.. a completely different person.. The person I met 3 months ago.. He treats me like a queen.. so loving and warm towards me. I know it should be so easy to walk away and "forget about him" but.. there are feeling established even after 3 months..

aghhh.. I am so upset.. so hurt. I am crying as I type this.
16 minutes ago

Also.. when he tells me he hasen't been using and I am suspicious.. what can I look for to prove to me that he is indeed using and trying to hide it from me/lying to me.. Like i said.. I am clueless on this topic.

thanks again so so so much all of you. I am so sorry I have typed a book on both of my questions.

2007-12-26 09:24:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean, they are not wearing t-shirts that say "hey I am a jerk" or "hey I am a nice guy"...

So, how do you decipher in the early stagws of meeting someone... questions you ask, etc to get a feel if someone is just playing nice or actually is nice?

2007-12-26 09:22:40 · 27 answers · asked by astutewoman 6

we have been pretty good friends for about 4 years now. her parents wouldnt let her go on a date until she's 16 and she is turning 16 in april. she has agreed to go on a date with me, but i dont know what to do! i like this girl and i dont know if she likes me or not, and i dont know how to talk to her either. i dont think she has any idea i like her, and i dont want to just tell her and have that ruin a good friendship if she doesnt feel the same way. i need ideas on what to do for a first date, but i also need suggestions on how to find out if she might like me.

2007-12-26 09:18:16 · 5 answers · asked by Bob 2

During the begining of this winter break, I got bitten by a possibly rabid pitbull on my leg. I called my boyfriend that night to tell him the news, and thought I should get some emotional support... He didn't give me crap. Like he never cared. So, I didn't call/texted him back for a day and a half. On Christmas night, he texted me asking me "Are you mad at me?" and like always, I lied and said no. He was all "I miss you and I want you to call me" so I did. I told him all the **** that's happening, how I'm scared for my life... and yeah. He said he's going to find out if we can hang out because he "misses me so much." Well, I called him today and guess what? He's at the mall with friends. The nerve! So he said he'll call me back, but I didn't heard from him in an hour. Then later he texted me saying "I'm sorry I didn't texted I love you". I stared at the phone in shock and screamed in my pillow, lol. There's a party friday at my friend's and I don't know what to do. He'll be there. =(

2007-12-26 09:17:05 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

Whats something nice I could get for a guy I know for under 10 -15 bucks???

2007-12-26 09:15:08 · 8 answers · asked by BrunetteBabe 3

lots say its cause women are being used as a sexual objects..
What about the poor man being attacked by 10 women...

2007-12-26 09:12:15 · 8 answers · asked by Speedstar 5

my girlfriend, she's the one who text me: I love u when we started dating. She never say it infront of me. it has been 2 years now she text that to me like 20 times for the past 2 years and write it on paper when she left 4 scholl b4 i get in, now i realize i should break up with her i feel like she's hiding something.we live in together, i told her if she has somewhere she can go, she said i;ve always have somewhere to go. but she seems like she does not wanna go away, Wha you guys think. Am i wrong or she never loves me. I always tell there it's not wrong if she doesn't love just tell me. But now she is in the house on the couch without asking if she has done something or if there is something that we can work out. i've not spoken to her 4 like 3days. it does not bother her at all. i just don wanna throw her out What is the tricks to make her run now i need my privacy. i don't wanna bring a girl cause im not ready for that yet and new girl wouldn't like that either. Help.

2007-12-26 09:08:30 · 2 answers · asked by LOCAL79 2

i am medium height blonde, green eyes, quite skinny, average boobs.
i have a great sense of humour, quite clever, quite sensitive and not very shy!

the thing that holds me back with boys is that my inner labia stick out y about an inch and i am really scared a boy would think i was gross or deformed or somthing!!!!!!!
how abnormal is it, and should it be holding my confidence down?

please answer

2007-12-26 09:07:24 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay so i messaged this guy i like on face book and we have class together, and we talk, and we share the same group of friends in that class. but the thing is the class we have together is coming to an end. so i am on break now, so i decided to message him on facebook. we talked for a while. and i left a message. he hadn't answered yet, though he has been online. now i feel very anxious and very sad that he hasn't messaged me back and i feel guilty like i did something wrong....please someone advise em what to do. the last time i messaged him was like 2 days ago. i don't wanna be clingy and message him again. but should i at least poke him or something??or would that come off as being annoying?

please answer seriously. i am very uncertain what i should do =\

2007-12-26 09:06:24 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Been with eight (or so she told me) men. Used to make out with chicks and has been eaten out by two different chicks. Got screwed on a pool table and f-ed the CEO of the company she used to work for..just want second opinion.

2007-12-26 09:03:16 · 10 answers · asked by Nicki G 2

I've been talking to this dude who i've know from around the way but really didn't start talking until last summer. We lost touch for a year and just got back in touch for a minute. We really missed each other like crazy and we couldn't get in touch. When we first started talking he told me he was looking for a relationship. Cool i can respect that but i know he want to be intimate with me. He;s tried. i told him at the time i was practicing abstinence. And he was respecting that. Now, a year later we've got back in touch and he still talks about wanting to be single and how we are friends. Of course he still wants some booty! He thinks that it is inevitable since we are both insanely attracted to one another and that day will soon come. But thats not my issue. i like him so much that i am willing to get in a relationship with him which i have been avoiding for a few years. i even let him spend time with my 3 yr old son and i let no dude around my so unless i really like him. He says..

2007-12-26 09:01:53 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

what do like a hot half naked girl like very short mini skirts or a hot self confident girl who wears a t shirt and some jeans

2007-12-26 08:56:21 · 13 answers · asked by kitty cat 1

My boyfriend and I have only been dating for about a month. He didn't get me anything for my birthday or christmas...not even a little token. However, he bought himself several new items (digital camera, etc). He also blew me off on Christmas eve after promising to spend it with me, but changed his plans to spend christmas day with me. My family thinks this is very rude of him and wants me to break up with him...is that a bit extreme? Should I give him a chance?

2007-12-26 08:52:47 · 39 answers · asked by mrswood397 1

2007-12-26 08:50:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i love my boyfriend more than anything. we live together and will soon be moving for him to go to a different UC and for myself to start nursing school. one day he talks about eloping and the next week hes distant. we both have the same goals and dreams, but i dont want him to be scarred. I always tell him we should just live day by day and whatever happens, happens. I would love to marry him, but is it too much to ask for a little consistancy?

2007-12-26 08:47:51 · 2 answers · asked by julie 1

i dont understand .....well i was sitting in class and out of no where i had an orgasm and it keeps happening


2007-12-26 08:47:25 · 20 answers · asked by Jordyn C 1

I really liked this black guy. I had a blast with him and his friends. Then around lunch the next day we were out at the park. He calls up this one guy and was like hey Im at the park you know what to do. When I asked him what that was he was like nothing. Then this white guy comes along with a bucket of KFC and a gallon of grape juice. He was like thought you people might be hungry. So I start calling him a racists and I was like how dare you bring them such a stero typical meal. Then the black guy who's name is Jeff says to me " What are you saying that because were black we cant eat chicken? Who the hell doesnt like chicken? Your the one being racist!"

I tred to argue that I wasnt but they were like mad at me. Then this white guy is like man you people sure have big lips and noses. So I start yelling at him saying that was mean and is a horrible thing to say. Jeff turns to me and goes so your saying that their something wrong with having a big nose and lips!

2007-12-26 08:41:07 · 18 answers · asked by Ashely85 1

A good time when out in public? He is used to being a hermit and I am a social butterfly...

2007-12-26 08:37:50 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Suppose that you are a girlfriend/wife who is almost never in the mood to make your man happy. Is it okay for him to bring other young beautiful adult women home?

This question is for adult human females only. Please state your age.

2007-12-26 08:31:06 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't feel you have to come right out and tell a person, "Hey, I think we should date" or "I want this physical relationship to be monogomous". I feel it possible to be in a relationship without ever having to say out loud, "This is a relationship we are in". Perhaps I am wrong...

2007-12-26 08:30:50 · 6 answers · asked by MsLaLa 2

my ex and i broke up and we still like each other(or at least i think he still likes me) but we broke up because he likes to flirt with other people. but i only flirt with him. i think i love him!!! but eneryone says i dont no wat love is cuz im only a "child". how do i know if he still likes me? and should i ask him back out? p.s. I LOVE YOU BROSON

2007-12-26 08:30:10 · 1 answers · asked by nikki loves bronson 1

i had one ;gee.s she was out off this world .the cool thing is ;we are doing it again.

2007-12-26 08:29:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

So we're in highschool and going to the same college. Now i'm not a popular kid, but I know my way around, and i'm a wrestler and not too shabby lookin... Colloquially, this girl would be "way out of my league". But, we've been friends soph year, which is when we were the closest, but it never got intimate because I was too intimidated, and I still am. She has said im funny, and that we're friends, but I want to be more. we don't really talk anymore, unfortunately, and the only opportunity for me to talk to her would be in class or online. So, thats about it in a nutshell. If you have any advice on what I should do, please share it, as I am sure alot of kids out there have the same problem. Thanks everyone.

2007-12-26 08:27:45 · 5 answers · asked by NCxxYellow 2


2007-12-26 08:24:58 · 35 answers · asked by GRUMZY 1

Alright… There’s this girl that quite frankly, I believe I love. Can’t stop thinking about her and she is, at this time in my life, one of the few things that can actually make me smile. Its not that I am obsessed or infatuated, it is just more of my incompetence to be able to do what I need to. I am a sophomore in high school and she is a junior. At the beginning of the school year, I had known her for a year and I liked her during the previous year but I made no attempt to get closer. This year that has changed and my interest in her has increased greatly as I got to know her better. I am doing everything in my ability to get to the point where I can ask her out. One major point to bring up is that to this date, I have never been in a relationship of any sorts. Period. After about three months of getting closer to her I asked my best friend (he had been friends with her since they were young) out of desperation, to call her up, ask if she thought I liked her and what she thought of me (he pretended he had no idea). She said she thought I did like her and that at that time she only liked me as a friend. Now, a month later, I had been talking to her pretty much every day. Both in person (on the bus everyday) and on aim. She was opening up much more to me and every once in a while she will bring up the fact that she thinks that she is fat. Now, I know that this is a big load of bull so I always just explain to her why she isn't and I just try and comfort her. Now, in a much broader period of time, I realized that I was talking to her a bit too much. Realizing this, I backed off, trying to give her some space. As a result, I think she doesn’t feel as pressured anymore, and as a result, when I do talk with her, the conversations tend to be much more engaging and just better overall. Unfortunately, I have gone back to my old habits of being too caught up in the moment and freaked out to ever talk to her in person. At this time, I haven’t the faintest idea of what she feels for me, and what is going through her head. The time I spend talking with her, even the time I spend with her when I don’t talk is an adrenaline rush like none other. I feel ecstatic. All of my worries and negative emotions flood away from me in an instant. I don’t know…. I don’t want to be an inconvenience I just really need to talk about it. Any responses would be amazing. Thank you for spending the time to read this…

2007-12-26 08:22:52 · 1 answers · asked by patton 1

I'm 6 month pregnant, if that makes a difference...

2007-12-26 08:13:26 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous

i m a teen & i dont have love in me i think. i never had a crush on anyone. (not boys or girls) i think guys are cute or hot & thats all. i never felt like a need a person. but honestly i really want to experience that & feel love for soemone else! my friends have been liking guys since 5th grade. but i haven't & i m in high skool. when they mention guy stuff i just agree & go along with it.. does any1 else feel like i do or kno wat i can or should do about it??

2007-12-26 08:08:54 · 37 answers · asked by advice giver & needer! 3