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Singles & Dating - 26 December 2007

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and distant that he makes me feel so uncomfortable around him? Trouble is i still have all the feelings for him and still want him but i dont go on about this ever to him. Why is it he will call me and we spend hours on the phone, on and off during a day, conversation flows naturally but when he is face to face he has not much to say and he acts cold and distant,im confused? I miss his company so it is really bugging me that he is acting this way and not being himself around me anymore apart from over the phone. What is going on in his head?

2007-12-26 01:41:04 · 16 answers · asked by Lilly K 1

Have anyone met someone from online? Are you still talking to that person?

I know that some people meet people from online, but it doesn't last long...lol.

2007-12-26 01:38:37 · 18 answers · asked by twdy412 2

Love like romantic love. And just 'cause you have a bf/gf it doesn't mean you love that person. When I say love, I mean true deep love. :)

2007-12-26 01:31:08 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I like a very close female friend of mine. But i am not sure what she thinks of me. She says i am a caring and sweet guy.
But she sometimes acts differently around me.
Sometimes she talks to me a lot and sometimes not at all since she at time is reserved. But after a night out clubbing she makes sure i am comfertable before she retires to bed. She likes to tease me a lot but also at them same time will try not to say things which she think will offend me. I can tell that she wants to say something but then she stops herself. Also one day we were meant to be meeting for a few drinks with all her flatmates which we do every week but a few hours before she send me message asking if it was ok if it was cancelled since she wanted to have a girly night out. Now why did she do this. I mean after all we are friends. No need to apologise or take my permission.
Also one day when clubbing her dink got spiked and she came to me and asked me to look after her. So she does trust me.

2007-12-26 01:29:56 · 5 answers · asked by Adam 3

I dated this girl like two years ago, It didn't work out. But it seems every year around the same time we like kinda connect. So far we spend every new years together, we are doing something this year as well. I always liked her and feel she never gave us a chance?IM so confused about her? She asked me out to the movies last weekend, was fun. We were talking and I had said I needed so personal clothing, and out of the blue she went and got them for me? I want to talk to her and ask her what are deal is ,but I don't want ruin what we have and make it weird? Because there nothing worse going to the same bars and seeing someone that luv in the sense?

2007-12-26 01:26:54 · 10 answers · asked by redcrewcab 1

2007-12-26 01:19:17 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

If a guy has a girlfriend and he wants to visit a girl he is friendly with in another country..like take vacation to see her..does he have feelings for her? Lets say they have had something intimate in the past..like kissed & flirted (before his present girlfriend), doesnt that mean that he still probably has feelings for her and that the girl he is going out with is not his 'true love'? Opinions please. Another thing, this guy loves travelling. (Im a girl by the way..ignore the avatar):)

2007-12-26 01:18:40 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

He broke my truck, cheated on me, stole from me, treated me like crap and when I asked him to change his ways, he left me and tried to steal my snowmobile....and almost got away with it. I thought of posting his picture in erotic services on craigslist and giving the phone # to where he is staying....or sending embarrasing pictures of him to everyone he knows....what can I do to hurt him, like he did to me? Please no sarcasm....I usually appreciate good sarcasm, but I'm really not in the mood today. Thanks!

2007-12-26 01:17:12 · 10 answers · asked by jenny 1

ok there's this boy at my skool. He and i met threw friends last year. We have tlked on the phone for the last year or so. He has a gf but he likes me. He told me himself that he likes me but just doesnot really know wat to do. I told him that i still liked you but i am not positive if i would ever want to go back out with you. He broke up with his xgf and then he kinda some wat asked me out and i said uhh idk. and then the next day when i said my answer he said oppz soory i am going back out with my gf. I didnot tlk to him for like 3 months. Now we are starting to talk again and he said he is going to break up with his gf and move on. I donot know wat to do?!?!Should i believe him or just move on and be bestest friends with him like we r now?!

2007-12-26 01:15:39 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

My partner and I are not engaging in intercourse yet, we are however engaging in very heavy petting...though we leave our underwear on, I was wondering...if he has an orgasm and he ejaculates, could the sperm soak through?

2007-12-26 01:14:41 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are the signs that a man is really over you and has moved on, for instance i havent spoke to my ex in over 3 months, well about 3 weeks ago we seen each other and yes we had sex, well i he told me he didnt have time for games, i told him i didnt have time for games and i told him i didnt want to be his friend anymore cause its taking to much effort and he should go and work things out with his new lady friend and to leave me alone i wasn tried of being used for sex and i will send his ring back he bought me. Well after that i havent heard from him until the 24th he sent me an email christmas card and signed it Love Chris. If someone tells you to leave them alone and they dont want to be your friend anymore why did he send me that email card, Does he want to be my friend still or what? What does it mean when a man says they dont have time for games? Im alittle confused.

2007-12-26 01:11:44 · 10 answers · asked by ? 1

is it cuz of my ego?
i can't get girls to fall in love with me, what am i doing wrong?

2007-12-26 01:09:00 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my girlfriend of over a year split up 2 weeks ago, and was really upset with each other for stupid reason, we both made our mistakes that both made things difficult for us (no cheating) and we recently started talking again and made the agreement if we cleared up what was said about each other we can start talking about getting back together...well that part is done and now we are going to start talking about getting back together (i think) im kind of sketchy about this because i dont know if things will ever be the same...a part of me says no move on but the other part of me would do anything for her or to protect her...we have completley different friends...(I stay out of trouble because im going to be a cop) and she hangs out with drink and smoke every weekend kind of people...i have the feeling issues could arrise even after we work this out

What should i do?!

2007-12-26 01:07:51 · 1 answers · asked by Josh 1

my last email to him is this two weeks aleady and still not get a rply to him. So is this means that we are no chances anymore to reconcile......?

2007-12-26 00:59:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

guys continually say that in this day and age the women should ask out men too...but just admit that when a girl does ask you out you think its too easy...

2007-12-26 00:42:39 · 13 answers · asked by <3 ...sEz... <3 3

One woman finally woke up to what every one was telling her 2 years ago but still didnt have the guts to break up until four days before christmas
She then said that normally hes there with parents and family
. After showing presents, they all went to sleep.
She said she felt bored without the boyfriend there on Christmas night Is this normal
Do you think she was really bored?
Shes an adult in her early twenties
Some women feel guilty after a breakup
Other women feel free at last
Many women feel lost without a boyfriend
They say first theeir father told them what to do and then their husbands.
Many women feel they cant get anybody else
Do they need anybody else
I say be happy and begin your life anew
Find out what you are all about before seeking a new boyfriend.
How did you react on that first New Years night afyter the breakup?

2007-12-26 00:34:17 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-26 00:30:18 · 13 answers · asked by Gõlden angel 3

Hi everyone how do i feel sexy as i have a tomboyishness. My walk is very strong, i can do girly but that's not my nature . I want to feel free. And does anyone have any tips on what to do when your friends are getting chatted up and not you. I feel like when i'm with other people it's more about real things like poetry and music and business ideas and entrepreneurship, that's what i'm into but when i meet up with my close friends it's like 99.9 percent of our conversation is about guys. I feel like guys arent obsessing over us, so why should we over them at times. I definitely talk about man drama as well, but i miss youth when life was about being active and free, and society didn't tell us we need men to validate ourselves. I would like to feel sexy not necessarily so every guy sees me and says god she's amazing, more so i can feel like i'm distilling a myth. Tomboys are still women, and the concept of a lady shouldnt be based on making a man feel superior as a man.More my comfort

2007-12-26 00:26:11 · 19 answers · asked by lotus flower 1

2007-12-26 00:15:47 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a live in bf and after discovering he continued to look at prostitutes and personals from craigslist.com I asked him to move out. I miss him and hope I did the right thing. He also had a very bad addiction to porn. Please tell me that this was not normal and I did the right thing.

2007-12-26 00:13:52 · 11 answers · asked by twina246 2

2007-12-26 00:13:41 · 10 answers · asked by <3 ...sEz... <3 3

In the past few months we have been off and on with breaking up. He does not want to let go, but i did. Mostly because of him talking on his cell to other women to include his ex and he kept lieing to me saying he wasn't. Some how i always give in and get back with him. He even asked me to marry him a few weeks ago.But i know he has done that in the past with others just to mess there minds up, he told me so a long time ago. We spent most of the weekend together and x-mas with his family yesterday. He did not get me even a ring 2 show he was serious or something for christmas.I figured if he loved me so much he would at least try and buy me a gift with the hopes of seeing me so he could give it to me. he says i have confused him and did not want to see him so thats why he did not buy me anything. even though i do know the true meaning of christmas, do you think i should have gotten something from him since he has been expressing soo much, he loves me and does not want 2 let me go?

2007-12-26 00:11:59 · 25 answers · asked by My two cents 4