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Singles & Dating - 6 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

We dated for four years and I took the break up really bad. It took me about a year and a half to gain back my confidence and sensibility. Last time we had contact I told her that I had still had strong feelings for her and she was comforting. Now that I have moved on I hate the fact that she thinks I still love her. Will it do any justice to tell her that I have moved on, or I don't think of her the same way I used to. I guess is some ways I am searching for closure so I can share this big ole' heart of mine with some other incredible woman. Please share some past experiences or advice, maybe even a funny joke. Much love and big hugs!

2007-06-06 20:54:24 · 8 answers · asked by nottoobad 2

I live in singapore and my boyfriend lives in Canada. I want to send him a cake a day before his birthday. And he'll get his gift on the night of his birthday. Is there an online site in canada that i can look up to send the cake?

2007-06-06 20:49:14 · 5 answers · asked by sabrewilde666 3

There is this guy i like and sometimes moments we get along good like spending whole day together watchin movie,making out a lil bit, ^_^
But then HE has some moments when he acts strange like, doesnt call me, always pretend to be a busy man or pretend to be something he s quiet not, or putting me in akward situations so then i ignore him too THEN he becomes kinda mad why i am acting shady auff drama..

So gurls or even boys what yall think?Should i stay with him and tryna work it out like he always says or leave for better?


2007-06-06 20:40:53 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i live in singapore and my boyfriend is in canada, i was thinking of sending him flowers 2 days before his Birthday to have him anticipate his actual birthday gift. Would guys like to get flowers?

2007-06-06 20:37:19 · 26 answers · asked by sabrewilde666 3

he says he'll shoot outside instead. does that means i am also at risk of getting pregnant?

2007-06-06 20:28:37 · 38 answers · asked by apple-licious 3

I met this girl at a party on friday night and i really like her, i dont know if she likes me, although that doesnt matter, the point is i shouldnt be feeling like this, im happy with my girlfriend of 4years, or at least i thought i was until friday, what should i do? I though I woulda just forgot about her by now but I haven’t its still the same.

2007-06-06 20:26:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently attended a party with lots of alchol involved and a sober guy that liked/ might still like me tried to talk about our "relationship" and asked me what it felt like to be wasted and a few questions about my personal life. Only I was completely sober as well, but I was holding a flat sprite in one hand that I guess looked like vodka and flat A&W that he mistook for Jack Daniels. I just played around acting smashed just to see what he would do and he just sat with me, talking.

Is he still attracted to me?
Was he just trying to pump info out of me when he thought I was "drunk"?
Was he trying to be a good friend?

2007-06-06 20:14:19 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

When we make out, or are close to each other's face, her breath always has an unpleasant smell. It seems really hot also. When we kiss, and she breathes out of her nose, I always inhale it through my nose and I don't like it. It's like.. I always breathe in her breathed up air. How do I avoid this or bring this up to her?

2007-06-06 20:12:46 · 12 answers · asked by biru819 3

i asked in the ltr for hr to keep it confidential, i didnt sign my name, and i will mail it from a different town. is there any way he can will find or think i did it? i dont want it traced 2 me? any suggestions? he is a forklift driver and smokes weed, and alcohol. one time he hit a girl in the arm and said she wasnt looking where she was going. do u think he might suspect i ratted him since we were engaged and he dumped after 5 yrs cuz i loss my job to cancer. he is with another girl at his job.

2007-06-06 20:10:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i met this guy 5yrs ago,his work it all over the world, i have travel may places whith him,i return back home and he goes back home we live in a differen continent, we have had very well comunication, problem like any couple, whenever i have problem (fiancialy he always there to help me no matter how it takes, he will even send his atm card (once) to pay my house rent, he alls me everyday!,but the problem is my relatioship isonly been like this for 5 years nothing new, he dont pland anythng more than ust that, and when i tell him he says he will but never has,we dont make any other step, he help me for my rent,iwill see see him 7-10month,if i go to him or he come here,so idont knowwhat to do, my whole life am waiting for him,and it hurts me cause cause i cant leav him cause i love him, and he pays my house rent,,its vey difficult for mrthan for him,and when i tell him this he amke empty plans ...then i endup same person,, please ur help a lot...

2007-06-06 20:05:28 · 5 answers · asked by shito 2

I really love a girl and you may not believe it, but I do really love her. But I do not really talk to her because I got really nervous every time I am with her. I had had a lot of opportunities to go up to her and talk to her, but I missed most of them. It's just that I am scared her friends would tease us and it would ruin our friendship, because I have told her my feeling last year but she said she just want to be friends. Moreover, there is this another boy who also likes her and I don't know how she feels.

And, that shyness and nerve has caused me to be afraid in standing up for her.

Am I of any worth? I am 15. Say, years down the road, if I have 'metamophosises', will it be too late for me to apporach her?

2007-06-06 19:54:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

So me and my crush hugged for the first time and when he hugged me he held me really close and i could feel his body trying to push against mine. Is he turned on by this or something, what does it mean? I dont have that much experience with guys.

2007-06-06 19:53:08 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been in most relationships where I put on a lot of efforts but as time goes on, I just found my self in tears. Crying for the very reason that the guy left me without giving me any reasons at all. Many of my friends told me that I do look good and my attitudes were way too good towards those guys. ! don't know what to do to make them see who I really are..

2007-06-06 19:51:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-06 19:51:15 · 8 answers · asked by abby 1

I used to really like this guy and he seemed to like me as well. We were hanging out with each other a lot. However, he was somehow staying with reserves and so was I. Once he asked me if I can kiss him and the next time when we were at the park he asked me if he could kiss me. I do not understand. He knew that I liked him. Why did not he make things happen but kept asking which turned me off and made him suspecious.

2007-06-06 19:48:24 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a straight female, but one of my biggest turn on's is to see two straight guys kissing. I guess it has the same appeal to me as guys like to see two chicks kiss. I especially like it when the guys are really masculine it deepens the thrill. I've had this fantasy since i was a teen and my boyfriend at the time kissed his best friend as a joke. I'm just wondering are there any other girls out there with this same kind of fantasy? Is this uncommon or do some girls just don't like to talk about it?

2007-06-06 19:45:47 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok this question is about the same guy. ive know this guys for about 4 years i really like him hes 16 and im 14 hes not a virgin i am. i talk to him almost ever week and when i do he tends to ask weird questions like do i have a bf, how much ive done with a guy, how much i wanna do with a guy, personal questions like that. what does that mean ? is that a weird way of flirting or him jus being weird ?

2007-06-06 19:45:12 · 14 answers · asked by *********** 2

He will tap me on the arm to say hi and bye and most of the men that touch me that way are my good guy friends...is he flirting? I've met him three times and talked less than 10 minutes. Why would he feel compelled to touch me?

2007-06-06 19:39:33 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

So everyone says that eye contact is a big thing when seeing if a girl is into you and just in general if you're talking with a person. But sometimes I think it could creep a girl out if let's say you're across a room and you catch eyes with a girl you've said hi to maybe once and keep contact with her. Would that creep/weird a girl out to do. Also if you're having a conversation with someone, people say you know you can trust someone if they can look you in the eyes when they're talking to you. But sometimes I'll get weirded out even if I'm talking with my brother and we're just looking right in eachothers eyes. Is this just something I need to get over or is there some sort of rule about making eye contact with people?
* More important is the question about a across the room eye contact and what to do in that kind of situation.

2007-06-06 19:33:18 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

How Can a Man sit there and be a complete Axxhole after you just poured your heart out to him?

2007-06-06 19:01:52 · 9 answers · asked by Elysia H 2

2007-06-06 18:29:22 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am in love with my 32 year old girlfriend. I am 40. We are together 4 months and we met at yahoo personals. She tells me that she loves me she knows how I feel and the way that I think. Good and bads
She loves me and she tells me that I have to believe her. Most of the times or I could say better all the time she is on my mind, I wonder what she is doing when we are not together.
Sometimes I sleep at her appartment. She cooks some food and we enjoy our love.
Why I say this. It looks too good to be true. Same thing she said for me too.
She is not gonna live me unless I live her first. Of course this is out of question.
I am kind of scared. I don’t want to loose her.
She met my brother and my sister in law. I met her aunt and her uncle
It seems that her parents have a problem to meet them and that is bothering her also
She wants to marry me in the future.
Oh my god I don’t know what am I saying. I think its love that make me that way.
I hope she really feels the same way like me.
I do really want to marry her
If you share with me your opinions I will appreciate it a lot

Thank you

2007-06-06 18:24:41 · 2 answers · asked by ianquestions 1

please help he is one of my good friends.and his girlfriend is a *****.

2007-06-06 18:24:26 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been going out with a guy for more than a year. Now I'm about to move away for school, and we're not gonna go to the same school. We'll be away from each other for awhile. Due to some of my family issue, he said he never thought about getting married with me. We love each other lots, but he keeps saying that. Now with the long distance thing, what should I do? Should I break up with him or should I keep this relationship because who knows what's gonna happen? WHat should I do?It's gonna hurt if we break up, and I don't know how to deal with that. Please give me some advices. Thanks a lot

2007-06-06 18:21:55 · 7 answers · asked by wise_cat_kw 2

my b.f. (boyfriend) is in love i mean head-over-heals for this girl named samantha r.
and he gets sad whenever she dosent answer him or whenever shes mad at him plz help please i need to know what to do
im hopeless

2007-06-06 18:18:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

He's Persian- American/21 years old.- Capricorn
I'm African-American/20 years old- Aquarius

He's been planning most of the dates and I would love to actually suprise him with planning a date eventually. He's taken me to his favorite persian restaurant(a way to introduce me to his culture) I'm from Malaga, Spain so I'm thinking an authentic Spanish restuarant but I also want to do something else different fun surprising etc. I'm going to try and learn a few farsi words but other than that...ideas? Thanks guys! :)

2007-06-06 18:15:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am confused. Met a flight attendant. We went out on several dates, we had sex, and the last thing-she met my friends. a whole week went by, I did not hear from her. 2nd week, same thing - so I called, and she allowed me to see her, we saw a movie. Then, another week went by, I called her- she was off, we saw another movie. things seem well, now its been three weeks, I have not heard from her... I text her "baby I miss you, are you mad at me? she replied 2hours later: not at all, I have been really busy and working a lot.

What the hell is going on? I phoned her today and left her a message: I wanna see you, did I do something wrong? call me when you get this "I wanna know how you are?

any one been in this situation before- I am starting to panic. Last time we kissed like always, she said she miss me too, things seem so well, "I know her flights are long, but what the hell?
advice anyone.

2007-06-06 18:12:29 · 15 answers · asked by rareicon 2

A girl looked at me when i entered the class,and when i looked at her,she looked away.When i was about to leave the palce,she stared at me about 1-2minutes like that.(hold eye contact)she asked me oen question whether i know a guy,i say no,she laughed at me,why is it?is it really funny?When our teacher asked us what character u like to befriend with in the novel.i said my opinion first,and unexpectedly,she gave out the same opinion.(the character has a deformed and ugly appearance)one day,she tied up her hair(usually she puts down)when teacher asked me to move a bit to watch the t.v,she shyly told me to move further to see the view better.i used other people's name to talk to her in the msn.when i asked her whether he hates me or not,she told me that she does not hate or like me.(using other people's name)And when i(other people)asked her whether she wants to talk to me,she said no..haiz..this answer really negative..I think i should give up,frens,need ur very opinion..

2007-06-06 18:04:22 · 5 answers · asked by chong yoon w 1

I was living in an apartment with a girl I have know since childhood. She is very flirtatious but never really seemed into me. Then at a Christmas party at my parents house, she kept wanting me to "propose" to her in front of everyone. Did she just want to see if I had the "rocks" to do it? What is the deal?

2007-06-06 17:58:39 · 15 answers · asked by Nick 2

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