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Singles & Dating - 10 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

By long hair, i mean hair that could be tied back, kinda like how Antonio Banderas has his hair. I have long hair

2007-05-10 12:42:26 · 43 answers · asked by Release Anwar Al-Awlaki NOW 1

Is it normal for 6th graders to be makin out with each other? I mean, they hug, and kiss, and stuff like that. they are both in 6th grade, the GF and i went out and now we're good friends. BTW THEY BROKE UP TODAY. She told me she broke up with him cuz she caught him out with his friends doing drugs (pot, crack, etc.). Is it normal for 6th graders to be making out and stuff? and should i believe her that he was out doing drugs and drinking and stuff?

2007-05-10 12:26:47 · 26 answers · asked by Rover 4

I go to a lot of parties and a lot of guys ask me to go to a quiet place with them. I usually say no but i have been looking for some new, interesting things to do. Do i accept the offers? And if so what do i do when we are alone?

2007-05-10 12:23:21 · 6 answers · asked by actress4life 2

im overweight, and i get bullied all day, everyday in school, to the point where i feel that nobody likes me, i walk into school everyday and get picked on almost immediatly, and it dosent stop until i get on the bus. i hav ignored them for years, but its not workin anymore, i am getting really mad an am afraid im gonna blow afuse someday, i want to fight back, but im a nice guy, what should i do??

2007-05-10 12:22:17 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-05-10 12:21:15 · 14 answers · asked by mistressjenna86 1

I told this guy that I like and that i have been seeing that iam going out with my friends and I invited him.It is not too definite though as I haven't told him what bar or anything.Anyway if he does come I don't want him to stay with me and my girls the whole night.Hopefully he will just come for a drink with his friends and not tag along the whole night.What do you think will happen?How do I tell him only to stay for a bit?It's kinda a girls night out xx

2007-05-10 12:18:54 · 23 answers · asked by sxy latina XXX 1

I live with my boyfriend and i love him to death but he hits me...and hits me and hits me. oh and he calls me names, he brings me so down, to the point of not living. what do i do? how do i get out? or maybe answer me this how do i get him to love me like i love him???????

2007-05-10 12:15:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok I know I have asked this 2 times but I have gotten a total of 2 answers!!! So plz answer this if you can. I like this guy but he has a girlfriend!! Also he is a good friend of mine and I don't want to ruin our friendship. I might want to tell him I like him but I'm not sure! What should I do!!!!!!!!!! Any tips welcome.

2007-05-10 12:08:58 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

He told me he no longer hangs out at strip clubs, but had me pay his credit card for him and the statement pops up immediately. The top listed transaction is a strip club. I am not totally opposed to them but think maybe it should be done together... not in the middle of the work day. I told him early on that I didn't think he was right for me because of his reputation as a party-boy that hangs out in strip clubs all day. I think it's fine for us to visit to spice up our sex life a bit, but for the most part, I think they are degrading to women. His brother hangs out with strippers all the time and has a horrible view of women. I don't know why my boyfriend (father of 2 girls) wants to be associated with that. It really bothers me that he lies about this type of activity.

Am I totally wrong for not wanting him to go? Am I being too controlling? Should I just dump him since he & I obviously don't see eye-to-eye on this sorta thing? It's been a problem for a while now.

2007-05-10 12:01:53 · 16 answers · asked by brassinpocket 3

You know...it!

2007-05-10 12:01:24 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't think I'm so great, I mean I am handsome, smart, powerful, rich, and legendary in bed, but I get so much action and attention from the hottest women that I barely have time for anything else! I am always tired at work (I'm a high powered CEO) because of all the women I get! What can I do?

2007-05-10 12:01:09 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you prefer a woman that is very open and outgoing (even when first meeting her) or the more shy type. The shy woman will eventually open up, but she is just more reserved at first...The outgoing woman usually always speaks her mind....So which woman are you usually attracted to ?

2007-05-10 11:54:27 · 12 answers · asked by sorry richard! ps :amanda 5

It's been 4 months since by ex took a break from the relationship to work on personal problems of his own (see my previous questions for full details). I let him know repeatedly that I am here for him if he needs anything. Well it's been about a month now since I've had any contact with him at all because I am trying to give him his space. He recently posted a blog stating (cryptically) that he has been thinking about me a lot lately, and that I have been the inspiration for a lot of songs that hes been writing for his band. If he is thinking about me that much, I figure there has got to be something there. He was burned VERY badly by his ex, I don't know if he just got a little freaked out because he started developing feelings for me and it started getting serious? But I just don't know if I should try to contact him, or continue to wait for him to come back to me? I know I should probably wait until he's ready to come back to me, but I don't want him to think that I dont care...

2007-05-10 11:46:08 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm tall, blonde, and athletic. i get glances from lots of guys around, but there is this one guy in particular that's hot, and he just so happens to glance my way ALOT. but thats in general as far as it goes, multiple glances/stares. and then he goes and flirts with about every other chick in the room.

why. i don't really understand, so a little help would be greatly appreciated <3 :)

2007-05-10 11:42:53 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my boyfriend have been going out for a short time, probably around 2 or 3 weeks now. I went into the relationship knowing that he has been known to "hit it and quit it" with other girls. I was sure to let him know that im not that kind of person, and that I wanted to take things slowly.
However, when we are alone, like in his room or just in his house, he automatically starts kissing me and asking me if he can finger me. I keep telling him no, but he keeps asking me. He has never forced me to actually do anything, but it still worries me. Also he told me the other day that he thinkgs he is falling for me. I personally think it is way too soon to be falling in love, but thats just me. He also asked me if I wanted him to buy any toys and asked if i would use some. What I want to know is if he is just using me.

2007-05-10 11:38:37 · 24 answers · asked by big red 5

I'm currently using matchmakers and I was wondering if anyone has had any success doing this. or not. tell me your stories!!!!

2007-05-10 11:31:02 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

What about some flowers or candy? What bribe would work best?

2007-05-10 11:29:13 · 20 answers · asked by ? 4

ok i work with this girl and i think she likes me. but again i am not 100% sure. and i need your help.
when ever i see her she is telling me that she likes my eyes and she wants me to hangout with her.
and she is telling me this stuff when no one is around so what do u think?

2007-05-10 11:25:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Alright there's this girl that I like and am wondering just maybe, by a slight chance she may like me too. I've had previous encounters with her that she's caused (such as starting the conversation first), and from this I can tell she's easy to make friends with. So, in school she invited me to join her group for a powerpoint presentation on South America. Then another group of gals tried to persuade me to join their group, but the girl I like gingerly grabbed my hand keeping me in place, which is exactly what I wanted. I went on to make her laugh a few times and then the period ended. So, what do her actions mean? Clearly, she cared if I left her or not. Is there a hint that she may actually like me? P.S.-Please don't crush my dreams. If you say she doesn't like me I'll work on her to get her to.

2007-05-10 11:24:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay...everyone in my family tells me that I'm such a beautiful girl and that my parents need to lock me up cause the guys will be all over me. The thing is...their not. Actually, most ignore me and treat me like crap. Do you think my family is lying just to make me feel better? I was so excited when I became 16 and was able to date, but...there's no one to date. I'll admit I'm not the most popular girl at school, but I'm not ugly. What do you think?

2007-05-10 11:21:28 · 9 answers · asked by rkuhl24 1

I would talk to her but she just talks to me, she doesnt smile a little or seem to "lighten up" as usual. Was she just having a bad day? I did notice that she looks toward my direction when Im not looking so why is she giving mixed messages?

2007-05-10 11:17:27 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Was it embarassing humiliating or just plain horrible!

2007-05-10 11:01:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok well before I start I have to explain this...me and this kid John got accepted to be Ambassadors for our school and 18 people got accepted in all....3 of which are guys....anyways today in math we were using dry-erase boards and I was sitting by John and so we started writing stuff on our dry-erase boards...and this is what we wrote....(M=me J=John) J: There are only 3 guy ambassadors M=There are only 15 girl ambassadors J=Not enough??? M=Never enough J=Ha Ha Ha...then later...J=more chances for the guys eh...M=?...after that he said "you won't get it...it's a guy thing"...what did he mean when he said "more chances for the guys"??? and is it possible that he was flirting with me???

2007-05-10 10:56:30 · 10 answers · asked by problem_girl 3

im 18 and the guy ive been dating for the last few months is 30! we get along great,we can talk to each other about everything. hes amazinly supportive of me going to university. but i wonder why should a guy this age date some one 12 years younger and much further away(he lives in ireland while im in england). can anyone plz explain this to me and is it wrong??

2007-05-10 10:21:16 · 44 answers · asked by darkness_says_hi 3

I like/love this guy named Bob (not his real name btw). He is a year younger than me. We were friends. Not close friends but still friends. One day Bob started flirting with my best friend Susan, even almost kissing. I told Susan to please stop because it was really hurting me, i also go really mad at her. Bob knows how i feel about him and he thinks i stalk him ( i don't!!) One day he found out what i said to Susan about stopping flirting and Bob got mad at me saying i was trying to control his life. He ignored me, not even saying hi, for about a week until my other friend talked to him. The next day he said hi to me really loudly and it sounded forced.
Was i wrong to tell Susan is was hurting me?
Was I controlling Bob?
Was the hi forced?

2007-05-10 10:18:04 · 21 answers · asked by Lyra H 2

2007-05-10 10:17:19 · 10 answers · asked by Miss Murder 2

I feel like my boyfriend is using me only for sexual things, and not because he loves me. i made a terrible mistake and gave in to him and what he wanted from me, and now i feel horrible. He knew i wasnt ready, but he didnt try to stop. What can i do to make the hurt and guilt go away?

2007-05-10 10:06:39 · 18 answers · asked by GiftedAngel 2

this one guy said he wants me to teach him how to makeout. wat does that mean?

2007-05-10 10:03:35 · 21 answers · asked by Pocket_change_56 1

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