I have a wonderful hobby, basically I wear a Jar Jar Binks costume and mask all the time, and I go around bringing joy to others. This is very time consuming so I don't have time to waste. I recently went into a walmart to buy a few more copies of The Phantom Menace DVDs. Anyway, the line was so long and I really don't appreciate having my time wasted, especially when I'm wearing my full costume. To speed things up, I started screaming at the top of my lungs and dancing. I screamed right in this old lady's face and she fell down! Then I slapped the merchandise out of this guys hands and it fell all on the floor. Then the guy started yelling at me and threatning! Luckily I brought my blaster (A Tazer Gun) with me, and I blasted him! That gave me an idea, I could speed up the line if I blasted all the people in front of me. So I started blasting them! I got to the front but everyone had rushed away, and then a few employees tackled me and I was arrested! Can I sue Walmart for my anguish?
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Be Intimate with Jar Jar Binks!!