Me & my bf were trying to make a fresh start. He has everything he needs & wants, & there is nothing that he wants that he can't buy from $100.00 shoes to $200.00 sports wear. But for whatever reason & I believe it's his past he has no desire to go all out for me. If we go to the movies I pay for the tickets he buys the food. He does not have a problem with us going dutch when we dine out, & I am trying to figure out if money is no object then why does it has to be this way. My thoughts are he had gold digging gf's before me & is determined to not go there again, but I don't want to spend my entire relationship trying to prove to him that I am not them. He has been hurt really, really bad, & I feel to a degree I am paying for it. So my question is if he is able to take care of anything finically, & I have never asked him to buy me anything, but just fully pay for dinner & a movie what do you call this and what am I suppose to do about it. This is the only problem in our relationship.
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