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Singles & Dating - 30 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

If a girl does not make it obvious and you both had a nice time
but no touching etc, should a guy try to kiss a girl at the end of
the 2nd or 3rd date or should he ask to kiss her ???

2006-12-30 01:13:47 · 15 answers · asked by don;t know 3

I'm 42 Australian and I like this lady who is 26 and Chinese. I think she likes me. We flirt a lot via email, she carries it on but when I mention things that require an answer that would make her state her postion about us, she doesn't reply. but then when I don't push for an answer she gives an answer that is close to what I am looking for.

Is she just flirting or is she interested ?

2006-12-30 01:12:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm always clean shaven. Looks nicer and cleaner.

2006-12-30 01:12:39 · 25 answers · asked by Mark C 3

My boyfriend seems to test me and expects a reaction out of me. Its gotten so crazy that I just don't understand it. Then he sends me emails I think just to play on my emotions.

2006-12-30 01:12:00 · 11 answers · asked by o'juiccy1 2

or is it better to say nothing because by asking it-it puts a damper
on the whole thing? if after 2 dates you don't kiss, but the girl
agrees to go out- doesn't that mean the girl is leaving it as a
possiblity? Would a woman ever go out with a guy on a 3rd date
just to be friends- not romantic-but not say that is the case?

2006-12-30 01:11:44 · 8 answers · asked by don;t know 3

im, 16 and i never had a bf before, well, im the type ofpersomthat is open for anything or anybody........ i have a sense of humor. quite talented...friendly....openminded.......help?

2006-12-30 01:10:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a guy who is 24 years old, and still a virgin, because I am saving myself for marriage. The thing is it has put me off going on dates, because I worry when I do get a girlfriend and I tell her that I want to wait until after we are married to have sex she might not want to be with me anymore. The only reason I worry about this is the way today’s society is obsessed with sex, and I don’t want to risk getting hurt if when I do get a girlfriend and tell her she might not want to wait because she likes sex to much, or she might cheat on me because she has given up waiting. So is what I feel normal, and what do I do? It would also be nice to know if a girl would be willing to wait? Or would you say no and end the relationship?

2006-12-30 01:07:06 · 49 answers · asked by Hades 1

he continued to hurt you to the point of tears but you really were happy with each other besides all the pain he caused you? I am mean, I know, but I really like her. I want to have hope but I think she is done with me!?

2006-12-30 01:07:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just curious!

2006-12-30 01:06:16 · 24 answers · asked by Mark C 3


Why do these guys ask me for sex all the time I am really not that way and I don't want a BF..infact I am difficult so why they have to be that way I really don't like it!

2006-12-30 01:04:00 · 7 answers · asked by canihavelikethat 1

When you lost a lover that you love so much, can it be true, that you can spend alone for the rest of your life , and not find anyone you like anymore ? can that be that you love a girl so much, that could never find someone to equate her or to fulfill your heart as she did ?

2006-12-30 01:03:37 · 17 answers · asked by Roy A 1

He seems aloof from me & keeps finding fault wid me saying he does not want to go out wid me anymore as does not like my attitude. He has made the receptionist his PA & is promoting her & giving her all his attention. He was madly in love with me but now he suddenly does not seem to care about me or my work or my potential. Yet, he does not leave me or break this relationship. He is going thru major problems with his wife & a separation, yet he wants me to leave him alone but when I tried to break-up he said it was not over from his end. I love him yet I am finding it hard to trust hm. He used to drop me home earlier but now he does'nt & drops this receptionist evryday & gives her special attention & says this only bcoz he is grooming her. He celebrated her birthday with much better fanfare. Don't know wat's up with him but this is effecting me badly.

2006-12-30 01:02:15 · 15 answers · asked by Pammy 1

Me & my bf were trying to make a fresh start. He has everything he needs & wants, & there is nothing that he wants that he can't buy from $100.00 shoes to $200.00 sports wear. But for whatever reason & I believe it's his past he has no desire to go all out for me. If we go to the movies I pay for the tickets he buys the food. He does not have a problem with us going dutch when we dine out, & I am trying to figure out if money is no object then why does it has to be this way. My thoughts are he had gold digging gf's before me & is determined to not go there again, but I don't want to spend my entire relationship trying to prove to him that I am not them. He has been hurt really, really bad, & I feel to a degree I am paying for it. So my question is if he is able to take care of anything finically, & I have never asked him to buy me anything, but just fully pay for dinner & a movie what do you call this and what am I suppose to do about it. This is the only problem in our relationship.

2006-12-30 00:59:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a crush on my gym instructor. I'd like to ask her out. not b/c I think we would match terribly well but rather b/c I thik we may both have fun with it. Some facts to consider:

a) I find her attractive b/c she is really fit (duh!) and b/c she is so obviously very different from how I am and in addition seems very careless
b) she always complements me on how I do in class
c) she makes more small talk with me than with others and sometimes we walk to the subway together after class

a) I don't want to make her uncomfortable, and I'd like ot keep going to her class
b) She's much older than I am -- in her mid-40s. I am in my late 20s.
c) She's not the brightest bulb -- but being together with grad students all the time this may be a nice break, keeping in mind that I wouldn't want anything serious and am rather looking for some fun (and would only do it if she were in the same position)

Has anyone done this? Any tips?

2006-12-30 00:55:51 · 4 answers · asked by trey 2

i am going out with my boyfriend for almost 2 months. i got him something really nice for x-mas but is it a good idea to give him a cd with love songs and if yes any good love song??? thanks

2006-12-30 00:54:24 · 10 answers · asked by athina 3

Just wondering....

My boyfriend often goes on hiatus from love making....like for weeks. And, there is this mysterious rough patch of skin that is sometimes there....sometimes not.....on the head of the penis.

This seems unnatural to me, as we have only started living together a few months ago....and this should be the "honeymoon phase" in our relationship. But....it is not.

Something isn't right.

2006-12-30 00:53:15 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. got a sex pertner
2. get a person than who is care his?
3. get a persona than who is doing his work.?

2006-12-30 00:51:58 · 9 answers · asked by shafu 1

2006-12-30 00:50:48 · 7 answers · asked by sweethopez 1

someone recently pointed out to me that i spoke of my ex relationships too much. i thought this was normal, because i believe these people have influenced me in some way and i could never let go of them. am i right or am i just obessed?

2006-12-30 00:50:17 · 23 answers · asked by mia. 1

in a conversation with a girl? everytime i try to talk to this guy...i dont think i've got his 99% attention....what do u talk about that interests you?

and not silly, x-rated sh*za plz!

2006-12-30 00:44:37 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was dating this man for about 6 months on dec 26th he disrepected me and i got up and left. I have left the ring (not an engament ring) on the table and told him to give it to someone else cause i didnt want it no more and didnt want the memories. On thurs he drove an hour and left it on my door step why did he do that when i told him i didnt want it no more. why do men never show there real feelings towards someone.

2006-12-30 00:38:42 · 17 answers · asked by ? 1

who want to be my bf or be my friend just add my address yahoo.riana_cutegril@yahoo.com

2006-12-30 00:37:35 · 6 answers · asked by RIANA 1

Why do women ask for honesty, on dating websites,and when your honest in your ansaws they dont ans your mails.what the hell do you want.

2006-12-30 00:35:27 · 20 answers · asked by fantail47 1

like me not getting enough lately

2006-12-30 00:34:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a bf but its a long distance relationship, do u think it will work?...this guy who lives closer to me likes me as well and i kinda like him but i don no who i like more? wat do i do

2006-12-30 00:34:20 · 12 answers · asked by Mintiez 1

i had a gf and last jan she got married(it was our mutual decision coz our family was against it and we both decided to remain just frds n she got married)
i think she is ignoring me n dont want me anymore in life(its my thinking).all my frds says that she is rite..she has moved on n i shd move as well but i just cant. i will love her forever bt i dont have any complain with her just few questions in my mind hope u gals can answer it.pur urself in her place an answer.1)i miss her alot..u also still miss me? 2)i will always keep u in my heart n wants to be ur frd..wat u think of me? 3)do u feel like meeting me or contacting me?4)do u still remember that lovely time we had together? 5)u have started loving ur husband now, so wats my place in ur life? pls answer these question i will be highly thankful. i miss her alot. i love her and will love forever

2006-12-30 00:30:56 · 17 answers · asked by cuttienayan 2

Looking for a good woman.... must be sincere and loving ...

2006-12-30 00:29:25 · 5 answers · asked by Jimmy T 1

Why it is so hard for me to break up a relationship. I would like my bf to dump me and I could accept it but why I couldn't break up with a guy eventhough I don't feel happy with the relationship anymore?

2006-12-30 00:27:09 · 8 answers · asked by Arianne 3

its been two months since we have been going out wen i rang him near the end he said love ya bye hes never said that to me that was first time said that so is that good?

2006-12-30 00:23:45 · 7 answers · asked by girly_goth1 1

i need advice on love relationships since i am bery new to it
and deeply in love with some one

2006-12-30 00:18:12 · 15 answers · asked by bhaskar varma 1

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