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i was dating this man for about 6 months on dec 26th he disrepected me and i got up and left. I have left the ring (not an engament ring) on the table and told him to give it to someone else cause i didnt want it no more and didnt want the memories. On thurs he drove an hour and left it on my door step why did he do that when i told him i didnt want it no more. why do men never show there real feelings towards someone.

2006-12-30 00:38:42 · 17 answers · asked by ? 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

17 answers

I am a little confused, or you are, I'm not sure.

If he drove an hour to leave the ring on your doorstep, it seems to me he did show his real feelings. I'm not sure exactly what you were looking for.

As a more practical matter, the whole "returning of gifts" drama is just that. Returning a ring is one of those things that women (and occassionally men) do in the name of theater. The reality is, it was a gift to you, and unless it was a family heirloom, that makes it yours. He's not going to ever give this to another woman...unless he's really messed up...and you giving it back was just for show.

Obviously, he still has feelings for you...but doesn't know how to face you. (Hence, the whole doorstep thing.) Call him, or don't, I don't know anything about your actual relationship so I don't have an opinion as far as that goes. Maybe it's worth fixing, maybe not.

But, keep the ring. Returning it again just keeps things going.

2006-12-30 00:46:34 · answer #1 · answered by David G 5 · 0 0

Love is not always the answer. Maybe he likes the up down of arguing and making up? Can you handle that? Can you handle being disrespected one minute, and showered w/affection the next? Some people actually like that kind of roller coaster ride, but you need to back away from the FEELINGS and try to analyze the relationship in a different way. Is he a good guy, holds down a job, takes responsibility seriously? Does he treat his family well and show other people respect? Do the two of you share enough interests for a long-term relationship? Does he encourage you in your pursuits, whatever they may be? Do you admire him enough to encourage him in his pursuits? Are you a better person with him? Once you sort all that out, then analyze the feelings, because just because he drove over to your house and gave you back the ring doesn't mean he's good relationship material. It means he drove over an hour, big deal, maybe you are too easy, he figures once in a while he has to put in a little effort to keep you hooked??? See what I mean?

2006-12-30 08:46:36 · answer #2 · answered by reddevilbloodymary 6 · 0 0

What are you reading in to this?
What real feelings did he show you?

If all he did was drive and left it on the door step, with nothing else, no note , no message any where, just the ring and left. I would say, He is like OK , with your decision , but he wants you to remember, he wants you to have the memories.
He just put the ball back in your court,Why? You would have to play ball, to find out,

2006-12-30 08:55:17 · answer #3 · answered by livelovelaugh 4 · 0 0

Maybe he didn't listen when you said you don't want it no more.(any more) If you we together for 6 months I'll be he showed his real feelings to you in bed. Right? So don't say men never show theare real feelings towards someone.

2006-12-30 08:43:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It was proabably a gift he gave you and is returning it back...and for him to drive a hour and you say men dont show there feelings makes me think you need to take two steps back and take a look at the whole picture...Good Luck...

2006-12-30 08:43:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if you really are over him, and really want to have no more to do with him, take the ring to a pawn shop, cash it in, and go to the spa or shopping for yourself
then just don't answer the calls from him and don't answer the door
you've told him you're through

2006-12-30 08:41:57 · answer #6 · answered by Goddess T 6 · 0 0

well first your right about walking out and living the ring thing, i mean he disrespects you.........and living the same ring on your door?......it think his not really over you..... i mean. what if he didnt mean to di respect you...... and men are scared of rejections....that's why they sometimes never show their feeling's to anyone.

2006-12-30 08:46:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

May be cause you don't show him your real feeling too. He don't know how to show you his feeling. Tell him what makes you upset, he must know that there must be respect between you and him. may be he didn't realise that this thing wil make you upset. Just show him that it was unrespectable thing to do this and tell him your reasons.

2006-12-30 08:44:05 · answer #8 · answered by Sweet_kitten 1 · 0 0

I think he didn't want it either...
But I tell you this, if I loved someone... I would not treat her like garbage... I would treat her like a fragile diamond!
Don't give up... there is someone out there who will turn the next page of your life...

2006-12-30 08:41:35 · answer #9 · answered by silvs 5 · 0 0

this is what goes on in relationships but if you really mean it do not contact him again and put the ring in a drawer . if he insist on calling ans but tell him its over and mean it

2006-12-30 08:43:30 · answer #10 · answered by terri e 5 · 0 0

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