You will always love this person, but you will not always be alone. There are so many people out there in the world, and we have the capacity to communicate and meet new people all over the world like we've never had before. To think that you were made only for this one person is hardly true. You will find Mrs. Right. Just give yourself plenty of time to get over this woman, and you will eventually find the person you're meant to be with.
Good luck sweetheart, life is hard for you right now with that broken heart. Just know it will not always be this way.
2006-12-30 01:07:06
answer #1
answered by feistycharley 3
if you allow it to happen, it's possible. People spend their lives alone because they want to. I'm sure you can find someone you will love just as much or even more. You are just hurting. That's how it feels when some one you love is lost. With time and acceptance that you are no longer together, you will begin to heal.
I suggest that you go out with some friends, so you can take her off your mind. CRYING is another good way of letting go. this is life, **** happens.
YOU CAN and you will find someone to equate or even better if you want to. When you find that someone else, oneday you will look back at this experience and say to yourself "thank God she left me,cause i could have not found who i have now" and you sing the song"IF I KNEW THEN WHAT I KNOW NOW".
JUST cry,cry,cry and let it out then go out and have some fun tonight.
2006-12-30 01:16:22
answer #2
answered by good_but_naughty_gal 1
I believe that this can be true, but only if you allow it to be true. You know what you want in a lover, so why not pray to God to bless you with this person. I did. But first, I had to give my life to Jesus Christ, so he could make the changes in me. I had to change before this special person came into my life, so I would not chase him away with my issues. I have been blessed with a wonderful man but I once felt just like you are feeling right now. Was single for over four years and very lonely but had plenty of time to work on me. God Bless.
2006-12-30 01:13:09
answer #3
answered by smiles 3
I lost the person I considered the love of my life 10 years ago. I was miserable and alone for several years. I was convinced I would spend my life alone, and by choice. I would never find another like him. Our bond was so special. But I met another wonderful man by chance, he worked very hard to earn my trust, and today we are married with a baby. No, it'll probably never be like that original relationship, but it can be as good in a different way. The person will never be lost in your heart. NEVER!!! But there's still room there for another person.
2006-12-30 01:06:56
answer #4
answered by Jilli Bean 5
no. but you'll have to give yourself some time to recover from your loss.
i know it hurts, and it will for a long time. but alot of that pain will be from the experience of rejection, not necessarily all from the loss of this person.
take some time out to do what makes you feel good about yourself and fulfilled in other ways than receiving love and acceptance from someone.
you will find love again, but there will probably always be a pang in your heart when you are reminded of you first big love.
i wish you happiness and strength in this painful stage - you will get through it.
2006-12-30 01:11:31
answer #5
answered by noodle 3
well, hun,, 1st hiya i'm Sue.x I was with my husband 15 yrs, we split up. I deep down still loved him so much. It's easier now,. alot but it's been 4 yrs. Hes with someone else and i can honestly say, i want to live with my kids and cannot really be bothered with a man in my life. I've been out with some really sweet, gentle, kind men. I can't have him so i think i will be alone for a long time yet. My friends think i'm mad because i just don't want to be with anyone!!!!! you'll be fine.xx i promise! give it
Take care.x
2006-12-30 01:11:16
answer #6
answered by Sue V 1
It is entirely possible that you found your soulmate and you lost her and you feel as though as life is not complete without her. The thing is--you will never find anyone to be equal to her or to fill your heart as she did--there is no one there that will ever be to you what she was/is. But-perhaps someday you will meet someone who you may think is special for themselves in their own way and won't compare them to her like this. It will take you a very long time to come through this and to find your closure--but you will --it will just take you alot of time my friend--God Bless You.
2006-12-30 01:12:36
answer #7
answered by smeezleme 5
It is possible. I lost the person I love 2 yrs ago. He had a change of heart. I am still single now. It's not that I chose this but it is just that I hadn't fall yet to another guy.
2006-12-30 01:06:04
answer #8
answered by pretty me 2
Possibly. There are some people out there that never find someone after they lose their lover.
2006-12-30 01:17:07
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Of course it is. It's possible to lead a happy single life under any circumstances. My heart is at its fullest without men.
2006-12-30 12:22:45
answer #10
answered by Anonymous