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Marriage & Divorce - 29 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

What are the chances of getting back with your husband/wife?
How did it happen?
Who made the first move?
Are you happy now that you're back together?
Has anything changed?


2007-10-29 02:31:27 · 16 answers · asked by Sesoid 4

I went on a 2nd date with 25 y/o guy (I'm 25 too) on Sat night. At end of date, he asked me if he should call or email. And i said emailing is impersonal. But he still said, I will email you. He is not shy but very outgoing. He only calls to confirm dates. He emailed me last night "You know it's weird to e-mail people instead of calling, but thanks for a great time on sat and letting me make it up to you."

I plan to reply "Thanks for a great time too."
Should I mention anything about the emailing instead of calling like "That's fine, I assume emailing is what you're more comfortable with?" or should I leave that out?

Also, we went bowling, which came out to over 60 dollars... should I tell him i feel bad about that and that I should've chipped in? Or should i leave that out?

Oh yea, i'm also not sure if his intentions with me is just sex or if he is really interested in me. He voluntarily revealed that he is a virgin to me (which i find it hard to believe).

2007-10-29 02:31:21 · 14 answers · asked by angelgirly111 1

Shes 23. His mom says she loves him unconditionally since birth but says that woman will break her sons heart. She claims she saw her entertaining two of her male friends when she was supposed to be working at the office late at night. Her son is faithful naive and hardworking. No kids yet but he wants six.. he says he will support all of his family.

2007-10-29 02:16:31 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend of 5 years (we have a daughter, a family, live 2gether, etc.) had cheated on me once. He came clean to me about it and I didn't have to find out about it otherwise.

He is a great guy, and a great dad, and I have realized he has made a mistake. I can forgive the infedilty but I have a problem with the lying.

The thing is after everything we';ve been talking and we've been trhough, we had sex for the first time in a few days, and it did not feel the same. It was good, but why didn't it feel the same.

I am willing to work this out, how do I get past this? Why did it feel different? Will it ever feel like it was again? It's almos tlike I thought about him with her, and at the same time I wanted to get past it. I don't know what to do?

I didn't think sex would fix anything but at the same time, I wanted it, so that's why I did it. I had no idea it would feel different.

2007-10-29 02:05:24 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

and we just found out. You'd think she was poor, she's 89. I guess my mom is going to talk to her about it...do you think ill get any?

2007-10-29 01:27:10 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

to find her.i know her name i know her origin and her face and ger age.how can i speak with her.she is greek and her name is marina.she comes from rhodes amd she stay in california.i try already in my space and on facebook but anything.where else should i try?i am on despair now.how can i speak with her.tell if you know a site on net that you find people with these information

2007-10-29 01:21:48 · 2 answers · asked by kvemperor 1

So here it is every year at y job I put on two shows at the elementary school and the high school they are dance shows that require a lot of time and preparation. I also work with special needs very hyper and defiant but these shows mean a lot to them and has changed the lives of many of them it gives them self-confidence and something to look forward to. Last year a kid told me if it wasn't for the show he would not of passed his classes. The only reason he worked so hard is he didn't want to loose his spot and if he failed he would get kicked out the show. I am now four weeks pregnant and I am due in July. These shows take place in June my husband came up to me this morning and pleaded with me not to do them he says it's to much stress I have never had a baby and I don't know how my body is going to act and I need to relax. While I agree my job as a dance drama teacher is give a show and I really don't want to disappoint the kids and staff. I have thought of all types of ways to do the show but at the end of the day no matter who helps me most of the responsibility is mine. Last year they also got rid of my assistant. What should I do?

2007-10-29 01:20:50 · 4 answers · asked by juv 1

He broke up with me 2 months ago. I have a lot of yard furniture, lawn mower, etc.at his house and it's 3 hours away. I cannot load it alone and he won't tell me when I can come to get it and says he's keeping part of it as a "storage fee." A friend offered to go with me, but I really don't want a scene. What would you do?

2007-10-29 01:08:08 · 16 answers · asked by Ally S 3

My fiance and I are both Catholic (received all necessary sacarments), raised in a Catholic family and went to Catholic highschools. We currently attend a Catholic church and are looking to get married in it, but we live together and are wondering if it's going to a problem when we sit down and talk to the priest. We know they will ask us to live apart during marriage prep, but the fact of the matter is that we couldn't afford to rent out another place. We wouldn't want to move out either but would be willing to do so if absolutely necessary. How should we respond to the priest when he asks us to live apart...is this going to create a problem with us getting married in the church?

2007-10-29 00:52:51 · 14 answers · asked by bsteale83 1

We are in 60's and have a young kid. We feel overwhelmed at times with taking care of this young girl. How do you married people maintain intimacy (not just sex either but flow of feelings) when sooo busy with homelife and errands?

2007-10-29 00:07:10 · 11 answers · asked by alexgirl 2

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