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Family - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

I love my mom, and I want a good relationship with her, but it seems like everything she says annoys me, why is that, and how can I make it not annoy me so that we can have a good relationship?

2006-07-28 14:42:31 · 17 answers · asked by Austin S 2

Ok...I am divorced and my ex has nothing to do with our 10 yr old daughter....he has a new family, and I guess she doesn't fit into it. She is still very close to his parents and sees them all the time. I work full time, I am keeping her fed , and clothed and in a nice home...she wants for nothing....when I'm not at work, I'm with her, or driving her around taking her to her friends.. in short, she is spoiled...Now,,,I do have her in councelling....as am I ...in the mean time....she treats me like crap....she doesn't pick up after herself, I can't get her to brush her teeth, hair,,,I have to fight with her to get a shower...she talks back to me, and sometimes swears at me...in short,,,if she was not related to me, and just a kid on the street, I would wonder who was raising her, if anyone. I do work full time, family helps to look after her while i work...I also have some health issues that are getting worse because of this...I love my daughter, but don't like who she is...help

2006-07-28 14:13:34 · 32 answers · asked by smt1967 2

My older sister has been in prison for 2 years now. She will be released on August 1st. She was a drug addict and was stealing to support her habit. She has stole money along with DVD's, video games, and other things from us on 3 different occassions. The 1st time she stole we did not press charges as she entered drug rehab voluntarily. The 2nd time we pressed charges and she was in county jail for 7 months. She got out and she swore she was reformed and we allowed her back into our lives. She was on probation for her last crime when she stole our check book and cleaned out our bank account. We again pressed charges bringing about the current 2 year prison term. My husband and I have been taking care of her three children. She is coming home on the 1st and my husband says that he wants nothing to do with her. I don't want to forsake my sister because she had a problem, but at the same time I want to support my husbands decision. Does anyone have any advice?

2006-07-28 14:13:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm thinking about doing it... but I'm only 13

2006-07-28 14:11:50 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom is freaking pissed at me, like she yelled at the top of her lungs at me...see im not very good at teaching people how to do things because if they dont get it right the first time i start acting too smart and get pissed at them cuz they cant get it through their heads. So my mom asked me how delete stuff on the dvr and i taught her how to do it many times but she asks me every now and then cuz she forgets and i tell her how to do it but im kinda mean when i do it, but anyways i told her how and she asked if there was an easier way to do it and i said no and she said "yea because i can remember u told me one time that u just have to click on how many u want and then press delete" and i said well if u knew that then y are u asking me and thats where she got ticked off and started yellin at me and now im like wat do i do???

2006-07-28 13:57:17 · 12 answers · asked by KRAYZIEBONE 2

2006-07-28 13:50:18 · 7 answers · asked by e3elmore 1

what do all these characters have in common besides all likeing to have fun with children? Why is it that all these characters have some place to take the children to have fun with them?
Peter Pan>Wonderland, He takes them away from their family and never wants them to return.. there is no bed, just a great big giant pile sleeping together..sounds like an orgy to me..
Micheal Jackson>Wonderland Estate, he takes their family there and never wants them to leave.. and lets the children sleep in his bed.
Santa Claus>North Pole, He comes down the chimmey to bring presents to all the children.. He sneaks in and out really fast.. Could it be the new "Liquid G" date rap Drug. he goes so fast that you don't even know he came. you get to sit on his lap and take pictures.. sounds like a trophy thing for him..
Easter Bunny> The nearby forest, He plays a game I bet you can't find my eggs.. he gives you presnts and like Santa you get a photo for free?
All interantional Children loving ADULT MEN!!!

2006-07-28 13:47:26 · 6 answers · asked by confused1979 1

Moved away from city to small town, been doing good and then had money and transportation and could not resist the urge to buy and do drugs

2006-07-28 13:24:18 · 4 answers · asked by kllykenz 1

i'm hoping this will, in more than 1 way.

2006-07-28 13:08:11 · 11 answers · asked by I'm_gonna_bite_you 1

Would you expect your grown up children to pay rent when they have a job and still lives at home? How much is reasonable?

2006-07-28 12:58:52 · 56 answers · asked by cheyenne 4

I am a mum to a 14 y/o boy and one of my neighbours is severely abusive towards him and his friends. She says nothing to me or the other mums, just concentrates her abuse to the boys. Tonight my son came in in tears because she had called him an f****** little c***, now, I am extremely angry so I haven't knocked at her door to speak to her about it yet. To be honest I don't really know what to do. Do I report her to the police? I live in a housing association accomodation so do I report her to that? I'd be grateful for any advice you can give me. Thanks in advance.

2006-07-28 12:57:35 · 30 answers · asked by lynnski1224 2

When I say excluded, his parents no longer claim him as a son, and they have four grown boys. This man took everyone's money in the family, used everyone to gain in business ventures, then after becoming a millionaire, just wrote everyone off. The most recent event that caused this was his treatment of my husband. We moved across the country for a business for him. Once here, the brother-in-law profited while cutting my husband out of the money along with his own father. The person most hurt by this is my husband and he wants to call him. I can't get him to do it, but he needs to so we can close that nasty chapter in our lives. He thinks by never speaking to him again is better than calling him and telling him how much he hurt everyone. He may not get sympathy from his brother, but that is not what it is about. It is about him getting closure on this raw deal. Any ideas for convincing my husband to do this? He has held out 4 years now.

2006-07-28 12:54:33 · 13 answers · asked by Smooch The Pooch 7

My mother and I got into a struggle one day when she tried to force me into the car with her to go somewhere.I wanted to see my dad but she wouldn't let me.We fought for a long time and during that time,she bent my thumb backwards trying to get my to let go of the door and I called her a few dirty names because of what she said to me,She hit me in the back of the head about 3 times with her hand and grabbed me by pressure points on my neck.The next day she had bruises from where i kicked her trying to get away.Who was right? And Is this abuse?

2006-07-28 12:51:54 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

im a 14 yr old girl and i want my parents to think i am a little kid still, cuz they are rly strict (like they worry abt me dating and crap) i dont want them to think i am a teenager cuz they would worry about me more. anyways, i want it to seem convincing that im still a child and i want to kno how to dress like a little kid and like hide my figure.

2006-07-28 12:51:01 · 5 answers · asked by hello 1

I would Like to know who she is and where she live

2006-07-28 12:49:21 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a four year old boy and he often whines like a little girl. It is so annoying! I give him time-outs and sometimes spank him for misbehavior, but it seems to solve the problem for two minutes lol.
Any suggestions on what I should do?

2006-07-28 12:47:07 · 6 answers · asked by lex774u 3

Try bored.com its so cool!!!!Practical jokes,poems prayers,kids games,something for everyone.Try it see what you think.Good luck God bless:O)

2006-07-28 12:45:51 · 19 answers · asked by melissa_froggies 4

2006-07-28 12:43:41 · 16 answers · asked by @Mikey@Patino@ 1

I like different and exoctic name ...so a few choices for my children
Girl: Aja` ne pronounced A-ja-nay...the J is soft
Boy: Tajino pronounced Ta-g-no

2006-07-28 12:36:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

for some reason he thinks i want to spend time with him, i really dont like him at all.

2006-07-28 12:35:29 · 11 answers · asked by xXx 3

someone has to have some kind of advice i got to get out of here or i need someone to help me get through the next 17 months... u just don't understand

2006-07-28 12:26:20 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am going to totally ignore my mother. I am 24 years old and dont live at home, so it isnt rude since I dont live with her. But, here latley she treats me awful and says the most horrible things to me. She tells me everyday that I see her that she cant stand me and wishes I would totally get out of her life. So that is exactly what I am doing. I am so tired, and it gets me so depressed all the things she says. It hurts, I would love to have a mom to shop with go to lunch with and all that girlie stuff. But all I can do is ignore her, and when I have a baby change the pattern. Any suggestion or books to read anything that might bring inspiration to this very horrible situtation?

2006-07-28 12:24:19 · 29 answers · asked by mandy_42003 2

so does that mean im a larger percentage irish?

2006-07-28 12:13:38 · 14 answers · asked by mk 2

Does baby have pricetag?

2006-07-28 12:13:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-28 12:13:00 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jez the barman says his whole family are pitching in to give their rich old aunt a birthday surprise. A snowboarding holiday. She is 80 and I'm wondering if its a good idea?

2006-07-28 12:11:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 16 year old son cusses when he thinks I can't hear him. But he is doing it in front of my 9 & 10 year olds.I am not a saint. I am sure a bad word or two has been said by me. But I don't do it in front of my children at home. I just can't get him to stop! And I am sure it goes on alot, when I am not home. Any advice out there?

2006-07-28 12:08:45 · 24 answers · asked by Teslajuliet 4

My son came back from the pub and mentioned the word spit roast in a sexual way. Can someone please tell me what it means. As a father I'm not happy with my son saying these words around my teenage daughter.

2006-07-28 12:08:32 · 18 answers · asked by nickyboyzuk 1

im always the oldest the only break from little kids is at school im the oldest child oldest grand child. and all of my moms freinds kids are five and below plz help me im desperate.

2006-07-28 12:04:47 · 4 answers · asked by hkacfp_3_000 1

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