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Family & Relationships - 21 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Your yourself be yourself

2007-03-21 09:56:45 · 4 answers · asked by Looney Tunes 1 in Singles & Dating

My wife and I have been married for 4 years and love eachother very much. For the past 4 years I have kept this inside but now I can't anymore and need to know what to do.
When she talks to her guy friends that she has known since she was a kid she tells them that she loves and misses them before she hangs the phone up. Also when writting them emails or what not she tells them that she loves them. Am I just a jealous freak or should she stop doing this. It makes me feel like when she says it to me it doesnt mean anything because she loves 20 other men and says i love you the same way to them as she does me.
Thanks for the help. I would rather do this than to fight with her.

2007-03-21 09:56:39 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

There's this guy at my church and i have a HUGE crush on him. We are both 15. We have known eachother for about 6 months. We have talked several times. He flirts alot with me and vise versa. I have not talked to him in a while and i am going to church tonight, i really want to talk to him but im an soooo shy and he is pretty shy too. What do i say to him? How do i start a conversation with him? Or how do i get him to talk to me?

2007-03-21 09:56:15 · 11 answers · asked by Barrel_Racing_Cowgirl 3 in Singles & Dating

I still really like him and he refuses to talk to me. Wut should i do 2get him2 talk2me?.....SOS

2007-03-21 09:56:00 · 1 answers · asked by Baby girl 1 in Singles & Dating

i need help how am i supposed to get this guy thats totally in love with me off my back .. i hate him so much .. and i tried in every way possible way to tell him that i dont want you in my life .. but he just wont get .. he keeps sending me emails .. and sending msg's to my moms phone and saying that he loves me and cant live without me ... i changed my # .. so i wont have to get any of him calls anymore .... hes been in this other country for 4 months .. but now hes traveling to come and see me ... its driving me crazy .. how can i get him out of my life !

2007-03-21 09:55:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

he stares at me, hit me in the rear with a exercise ball, flirts, wrestles with me, engages pillow fights with just me and acts all cool in front of everyone else but when hes just with me he tells me all his secrets and is soooo sweet does he like me?
see hes my dads friends son and i only see him once every couple months we are not best friends but yet he does all this !
Also whenever we play a sport together he always lets me win and my dad knows the kid more than i do and he says that it suprises him tha he talks to me so much cuz normally he is super quite

2007-03-21 09:54:51 · 2 answers · asked by xohollister_chicxo 1 in Singles & Dating

One of my friend got a arranged marriage, but the boy was not suitable for her in any matter no good looking no education no proper job. but the edcation n job was hidden by boys side. my friend is very smart she just agreed the boy for not demanding dowry , but on the first night it self she lossed her happiness wen she came to know that the boy even did not comlete his SSLC n don have good job, wher she was a DE&CE passed and drawing a good salary. But she sacrified a lot for her hub wen he lost his job n wen he was suffering from diabetes n skin deises. she built house for them bought a car for her hub so that he can do school trips n she looked after the family for 3 year with out her hubs contribution. But ther was no issuefor the couple as her hub was not good in sex. she was working for 12 hours to serve her family. .He din care for her wen she was hospitalized. Now she loves one who is younger to her n he cares for a lot ready to give her a life n no doubt he is a genious.

2007-03-21 09:54:14 · 12 answers · asked by sweety 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm just now realizing that I might actually be in love. But its too late for everything, & him & I can not at all be together. We're both in trouble for keeping our relationship hush hush & we're banned from seeing one another.. there are legal issues involved as well. I am of 18 years of age, but he was 'in-charge' of me(manager teacher type of thing). He's a young guy of 28 & I knew i'd fallen hard for him.. but I'm just now realizing that I think I love him actually. & my heart hurts soo bad. Like physically it hurts & I constantly feel horribly I'll because of how much trouble I've gotten him in. You say a young person liek myself cant love a man of his age.. well I will be the first to tell you it's not a silly school girl crush. I knew he liked me, he said so.. but I thought I was only just attracted to him.. now I come to find I LOVE him. & it hurts soo bad he can never know. We're not allowed to talk or see eachother ever again & his job is on the line because of our

2007-03-21 09:54:14 · 2 answers · asked by Lor 2 in Singles & Dating

Hey guys, Im 22 dating a 19 year old. We met when she was 18 and I was 21. She is a sophomore in college now by the way...im not a perv haha. But we get along so well. She has somehow weasled her way into being my best friend, even though I have good friends already that I have known since gradeschool. Anyways, on a recent trip her mother scared the life out of her. Her parents love me, and in a heated conversation the subject of being my wife was thrown in her face. Now she is totally turning a 180. She had joked about marriage, and admitted to me being the perfect man. However now she is concious of her decision of being in such a good relationship so young. Ive explained to her that her parents feelings are not mine, and Im just happy to be with her, that its only been 8 months, and I am in no hurry myself to get married. She said she knows that, but at the same time she is letting it affect us. What do you think about the situation?

2007-03-21 09:53:58 · 6 answers · asked by drzoidbergmd 1 in Singles & Dating

i like but i dont see us in the furture he turns his face when i talk to him i dont understand him at all what can i do?i need answers!!!!!

2007-03-21 09:53:35 · 11 answers · asked by andrea 1 in Friends

we have been going out for 9 months now and an old friend called up and just wanted to talk and so we walked around and talked and then i went back to his house and one thing led to another and i dont know why i did it but can someone help me find a way to explain to him why i did it

2007-03-21 09:53:18 · 13 answers · asked by Donna C 1 in Singles & Dating

Im a pretty shy girl. Its always bugged me but I think Im getting better at it. Well I have a b/f and he is the complete opposite of that. He's very outgoing and can talk to anyone. Well Ive known him for almost a year and a half and we have been dating for about 8 months. Sometimes he gets annoyed with the fact that Im shy. I dunno, Im just sort or scared that he may ultimatly break up with me because of that. Am I just being paranoid or are there any ways that might help me open up a little more? Please answer

2007-03-21 09:53:13 · 4 answers · asked by Neek 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

my husband and i have been married for 6 months, at first sex was great! but all of a sudden it has taken a sharp decline. He can only last about 2 minutes, i am always initiating sex. and he doesn't try to reciprocate. he just pleases himseld and falls a sleep. i have tryied to talk to him about this, it has been 2 months now, and all he can say is that he is stressed out. i am feel aweful because everytime i try to initiate anything he either laughs or takes care of himself. i threatened to get a boyfriend and he doesn't want that but he won't talk to me to evne try, what si the deal??

2007-03-21 09:52:58 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

okay, so i have liked this girl in school since the beginning of the year. it seemed to me that she liked me because she would come out of nowhere and ask a silly question or a love tap here and there and other stuff. so i asked her out and she said no. she said she already had a boyfriend and i wasn't her type. dang. well then we had little conversation from there. but then we became really good friends again. and the same ol' flirts are happening to me. but during our "non-social" time i asked her best friend out and she said no. now im not too sure if i should go back towards the original girl. i really find it confusing that she says she doesn't like me but flirts with me constantly. i have at a school event i had bought her something she wanted and asked me to buy for her.
so my question is does she like me? and if she does should i try to ask her out again?

i have never seen or heard of this boyfriend she said she has.

plus, im 14 and in 8th grade

2007-03-21 09:52:21 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My wedding anniversary is in early May, right before my husband goes out on deployment. We are trying to find an affordable place to celebrate our anniversary. We live in the MD, VA, DC area.

2007-03-21 09:52:20 · 13 answers · asked by Mek 3 in Marriage & Divorce

do you prefer gangster guys or preppy guys? and what type of girl are you? because i really get turned down by gangster girls because they seem to be so aggressive they seem like they would cheat on you for another guy. i'm kinda a little gangster and i mostly wear ecko untld with those 59fifty caps but sometimes i wear lacoste, seven, and lucky brand jeans too and i like girls that are preppy, wearing hollister and abercrombie.

and i wanna know what you gangster girls are actually like, i had my sisters friends girlfriend who was trying to like you know get me when she already got a boyfriend, and dang shes pretty fine but i can't do that 'cuz it's my sisters friends girlfriend and shes already taken, and shes 2-3 years older than me. and it was really scary, i never wanted to go out with a gangster girl again. just wanna know what preppy girls are like, what gangster girls are like, if you ain't gangster or preppy, list what you are and what your personality is.

it would sure help

2007-03-21 09:52:08 · 4 answers · asked by LD 3 in Singles & Dating

we are 14-15 years old and girls. we dont like the stupid baby ones like prank calls and i already no about most of the truth or dare website. also no running outside naked or in your underwear cuz that just gets old. thanx

2007-03-21 09:51:45 · 6 answers · asked by xoxo23 2 in Singles & Dating

I like this guy ALOT!My friend asked him if he liked me ,he has a gf,and he said he couldn't say b/c it would cause problems with him and his gf.What does it mean?

2007-03-21 09:51:39 · 20 answers · asked by loved by teddy 2 in Singles & Dating

Like to Capital Grill....

2007-03-21 09:51:29 · 29 answers · asked by jenny 2 in Weddings

I know this isn't reall the type of thing to ask on the internet, but I'm just looking for some advice. Ok, so I have this friend, Lacey, and she is really making me dread going to school. She is SUPER SMART. She always is telling people how she got the highest grade in algebra, but when she tells one of my other friends when I'm around, I feel like she is putting me down as well, because I'm not what you would call "smart". She got a new dog, and a blue iPod nano and rubbed it in my face. I mean, she is supposed to be my best friend!!! Is that how BFF's treat each other? She thinks me and everything I like is gay because I have a different clothe's style. I shop at Hollister and prep stores. I don't know where she shops at, but my cousins think its a Hollister wanna be shop. But anyway, she flirts with people who like me, and guys who are like my best friend, or at least thats how it looks. I don't know why she is treating me like this, I'm not ugly. What do you think I should do?????

2007-03-21 09:51:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

(im an animal lover, this sounds weird but i will die for one of my animals, no lie) (so answer this with your heart not something mean) First ill start with the sad part:
My kitten that meant the WORLD to me, died, She died b/c she jumped in the drier machine and my mom didnt see her so she closed it and turned it on, that was when my life turned weird and depressing, this is how::: my parents got a divorce::: i figured out my dad had it with someone::: my life changed forever after that. I fear everything all the time about my animals NOW!! ----The Mean part: When i tell ppl they CRACK up laughing, and i feel like commiting murder, and i about cry. Im feeling terrible now, all the sudden this has hit me and im so terribly sad. this happened less then 6 months ago. help.

2007-03-21 09:50:45 · 18 answers · asked by Animal-obsesser 2 in Family

My in-laws have had another marital blow up. Today I've been reflecting on my horrible relationship with my meth-addicted mother-in-law (also addicted to precscriptions, about anything she can get her hands on) and her accusations of me "tearing" her son away and "stealing" him from her and the rest of the family, and how I "stole" her grandkids (we have only 1 child, by the way. I'm apparently responsible for the others, too) and how much happier I am now that I don't have to talk to her and how much better my husband and I get along since she has not been involved in our lives after the revealing of her meth addiction. Anyone else gained an overall sense of well-being after having cut off communication with an in-law? Just curious. People's rants about their in-laws are usually pretty entertaining.

2007-03-21 09:50:13 · 5 answers · asked by Lady in Red 4 in Marriage & Divorce

Hanging out at a cafe, I see this guy every once in a while, we say hello and give warm smiles. I've noticed him looking at me, sometimes giving double-takes when I walk in and take a seat.

I was working on my laptop and from the corner of my eye, he comes around and peeks over to see what I'm doing.

Do you think that's a sign of flirting? If not, was he ever flirting? The guy is probably in his early 30's or so.

Thanks for your input.

2007-03-21 09:49:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

The only guys that ever like me are the total freaks how to you get a guy to like you that is semi normal?

2007-03-21 09:49:57 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I met this girl online and we have been talking for almost 1.5 months now. She is fantastic and I really like her. The problem is that we set up a date a couple times but she had to cancel for really good reasons, she had to go out of state for personal reasons. She has been now out of state since then (been 3 weeks) and we still talk alot on phone and online. She also flirts a little too much. Saying things like she wants to kiss me, how she wants me as a bf, etc. I am wondering if she is maybe just screwing around with my mind or if she is just very open like that? anyone have this happen to you? I know the answer is to meet her but it seems like she is taking forever to come back.
I have seen many pics of her and I know her myspace. She seems real. She only canceled second one for being outta state, first one she had a good reason. I have asked when she is coming back and didn't get a straight answer. Should I keep pushing this? I don't wanna piss her off or sound desperate.

2007-03-21 09:49:54 · 1 answers · asked by styler 2 in Singles & Dating

Me and my Boy friend have been dating a little over a year now........and every time we get into an argument he accuses me of cheating. What should I do?

2007-03-21 09:49:37 · 8 answers · asked by Love Angel 1 in Singles & Dating

this is for girls mainly

in a relationship do you like to be used by a guy?
like do you like ur partner to arrange everything, to dictate wat u do n wen u go out

i seem to love being in relationships like this. does anyone agree?


2007-03-21 09:49:07 · 32 answers · asked by pixiexxpixiexpixie 2 in Singles & Dating

I realy dont look all that bad, im fat. but i am funny, and strong, and inteligent, but my spelling sucks. I could win a fight if need be but i would rather try to avoid one, i do not like to hurt people. now really, there has to be some girl that would like to go out with a strong funny nice guy, all i ask is that you look past the fat and see a man, a man looking for love. but always finding nothing but disapoinment. thats my life, but i look on the bright side of things always. all i am looking for is love, are you?

2007-03-21 09:48:58 · 8 answers · asked by Nice guy 2 in Singles & Dating

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